athenaOne Dental (for FQHCs) — Application Features

athenaOne Dental is only available for FQHCs on athenaOne.


athenaOne Dental application features allow users to manage patient information, patient charts, and appointment scheduling.


This section addresses the following modules:

  • Patient Information

  • Scheduling

  • Clinical

  • Administrative

  • Dental Chart



Patient Information Module

The patient information module provides a space where users can locate and access patients’ profiles within the system. The following sections will explain how to find a patient, add a patient, and edit patient information.

New Patients

New patients should be created in athenaOne. See athenaOne documentation and consult your practice administrator for additional details.


Important: If the organization creates an account in athenaOne and an account in athenaOne Dental that becomes merged or deleted, users receive an error message containing a hyperlink taking them to the correct patient ID.


To verify that you need to create a new patient

  1. Click Find patient.
  2. Search for the patient. Refer to Patient Lookup for more details.
    Toolbar with yellow highlight box around the Find patient button.
  3. When the patient is not found,access athenaOne to create a new patient account.
    Find a patient screen with a yellow highlight box around the Add Patient button.


Patient Lookup

To use the Find patient feature:

  1. Click Find patient on the header page.
    Header menu options with a yellow highlight box around the Find Patient button.
  2. Search for patients using the search text box inside the Find a patient window. Search by:

    • Patient last name (at least three characters)
    • Patient first name (at least three characters preceded by a comma)
    • Patient-chosen name (at least three characters)
    • Patient ID number (preceded by a colon)
    • Patient DOB (mm/dd/yyyy or mmddyyyy formatting)

    Find a patient search screen

  3. Select the patient from the drop-down menu list to open the patient’s profile.

    Tip: For recently accessed patients, click Find Patient, and select from the Recent Patients list.
    Recent Patients menu list with a yellow highlight box around several recent patients.

  1. Once a patient has been selected, the patient’s name will appear in the athenaOne Dental Header next to Find Patient.

    Important: The Patient Lookup is accessible anywhere in the Dental application.

    Header options showing the selected patient name with a yellow highlight around it.

Patient Preview

The Patient Preview provides a high-level summary of key patient demographic information.


To access the Patient Preview:

  1. Click the patient’s name.
    Patient Preview with a yellow highlight box around it.
  1. Click anywhere outside the demographic information window to close the Patient Preview.


To close the patient, click X next to the patient’s name.

Toolbar with a yellow highlight box by the X after the patient name.

Editing Patient Information

The Edit Patient feature allows users to edit a selected Patient Profile as desired.


To edit the patient profile:
  1. Locate the patient using the Find Patient feature.

  2. Click the patient’s name to view the Patient Preview.
    Header with a yellow highlight box around the patient name.

  1. Click Edit Patient to open the Patient Profile window.
    Patient profile window with yellow highlight box around Edit Patient.

  1. The Patient Profile window opens. Edit the patient information if needed.

  2. Click Save patient data or Close to exit.



  • The Communication and Appointments tabs are only visible after creating a patient profile.

  • If the patient has an Alert, the icon displays next to the patient’s information. Refer to Alerts for more details.
    Patient Profile with a yellow highlight box around the patient alert icon.

  • If users click Close or X without saving the Patient Profile changes, users will receive a warning message prompting them.

  • If two users attempt to update the same patient and one user clicks the Save Patient Data button, a message displays for the other use, prompting them to “refresh” their page to see the changes.


Patient Info Tab

In the Patient Info tab, the user can enter and edit basic details about the patient, including personal information, preferred phone numbers, demographics, and UDS reporting information.


Enter the patient demographics into the following fields:

  1. Name – First and Last (Required)

  2. Chosen Name (preferred name)

  3. Date of Birth (Required)

  4. Legal Sex (Required)

  5. Residential Address (Required)

  6. Phone Numbers (Required) - Click the phone icon to open the window and enter the phone numbers. A ten-digit home phone is required to complete this section.

    Note: A warning message displays if the home number is missing.

  7. Basic Details — Select Yes, No, or Patient Declined radio buttons or use the drop-down menus when applicable.
  8. Upload documents if desired (see Documents Section).
  9. Click Save Patient Data to save or Close to discard.


Tip: By default, the Mailing Address is the same as the residential address is checked. If the mailing address is different, uncheck thebox to enter the mailing address.


Important: If needed, race and ethnicity MUSTbe entered into athenaOne Dental to crossover to athenaOne.


The School-based health center patient, Veteran Status, Agricultural Worker, and Homeless Status are not marked as required fields; however, they are required for the Check In process for UDS reporting purposes.


Non-United States addresses

athenaOne Dental does allow for addresses outside of the United States. Canadian residential and mailing addresses may be entered in the address fields.

Patient profile with montreal QC address


Use the following Province or Territory Codes in the State field.

Table listing the territory and abbreviations for Canada.

Enter the Zip code according to postal regulations.

Important: The Zip code field may contain letters and numbers. It may also contain spaces.

Documents Section

Upload documents to the patient’s profile relevant to their dental care.

Important: The accepted document file types are:

  • TXT

  • XML

  • PDF

  • PNG

  • JPEG

To upload a document

  1. Click Choose Files.

Documents with a yellow highlight box around the Choose Files button.

  1. Navigate to the file's location (your computer or shared drive).

  1. Select the file and click Open .

File location window with yellow numbers corresponding to the number steps to open a file.

  1. Enter a new file name if desired (by default, it will be the uploaded file’s name), Document Type, and Expiration Date.

  2. Repeat the upload and editing process for any additional files.

  3. Click Save Files to upload file(s).

Documents section with yellow numbers and highlight boxes around the Choose Files, File Name, document type, expiration date, and Save Files button.

Tip: Select the Remove icon to the left of uploaded documents to remove a file.



Documents previously loaded will display under uploaded documents. Documents display in chronological date order with the most recent at the top.


To reverse the date order, click the Upload Date arrow and the display shows oldest date on top.

Uploaded documents with a list of documents in chronological date order.

Contacts Tab

The Contacts tab allows a user to add and edit any contact information given by the patient.


Add Contacts

To add a contact:

  1. Click the + icon next to Contact.

Contact section with a yellow highlight around the plus sign.


Tip: The guarantor is the person financially responsible for all patient balances due.

  1. The Add Patient Contact window opens. Enter the First Name and Last Name (Required).

Add Patient Contact window with yellow highlights around the first name and last name fields.

  1. Enter any additional information regarding the patient’s contact.
  2. Click Save or Cancel to discard it.


Edit or Deactivate Contacts

To Edit an existing patient contact:

  1. Click the three dots located on the contact’s right side.

Contacts edit section with a yellow highlight box around the three more options dots.

  1. Click Edit, and the Edit Patient Contact window opens.

  2. Edit the contact information as needed and click Save.


Edit Patient contact window with a yellow highlight box around Save.

  1. Click Save patient data or Close to exit.

Save patient data button


To Deactivate or Activate an existing patient contact

  1. Click the three dots located on the right side of the contact.

Contact section with a yellow highlight box around the more options three dots.

  1. Click Deactivate.

    Important: Deactivated contacts appear gray and may be re-activated by selecting the three dots to the right of the contact.

Contacts edit section with a yellow highlight box around the three more options dots.

Payers Tab

The Payers tab allows a user to indicate that a patient has been given information on privacy notices, the release of billing information, the assignment of benefits, and add/edit patient insurance information.


Notice of Privacy Practices and Signature on File

In this section, use the checkboxes to indicate whether the following notices were distributed and add dates where applicable. Select a signature source to indicate that the patient has been informed of the privacy notices.

Important Note: You must first check the box before entering the dates.


  1. Privacy Notice

    • EntertheGivendateorusetheCalendaricontoselectadate.

  2. Release of BillingInformation

    • Enter the Effective date or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

    • Enter the Expiration date or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

  3. Assignment of Benefits

    • Enter the Effective date or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

    • Enter the Expiration date or use the Calendar icon to select a date.

  4. Signature Source

    • Use the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate Signature Source.

Notice of Privacy Practices and Signature on File section completed.

Quick Tip: By default, when the user checks a checkbox, the corresponding expiration dates automatically populate 364 days from the current date. The user may modify the expiration date if needed.


The Insurance section allows users to add or edit patients’ insurance information.


Adding Insurance

To add insurance:

  1. Click on the + icon next to Insurance.

Insurance with a yellow highlight box around the plus sign.

  1. Search for and select the insurance carrier.

  2. Complete the following patient insurance information:
    • Member ID (Required)
    • Group Number (Optional)
    • Effective Date (Required)
    • Expiration Date (Optional)
  3. Under the Policy Holder section, indicate whether the policyholder is a Patient or Other Contact.

Add Insurance window with yellow numbers at the specific edit text boxes.

  1. If Other Contact, complete the required Policy Holder Information.

Policy Holder information with Other Contact checked with a yellow number 5 indicating for step 5.

  1. Click Save Insurance to save the details or Discard Insurance to delete.


Important: The information entered in this section must match the information on the patient’s

insurance card or the insurance carrier’s portal.



To edit Insurance(s):

  1. Click the three dots on the right side of any existing insurance carrier. Three options are available in the drop-down menu.
    • Edit: This option allows the user to change insurance carrier details. Click Editto open the Edit Insurance window to make changes.

    • Activate/Deactivate: This option allows the user to activate or deactivate the insurance carrier.

    • Edit Eligibility: This option allows users to add and edit the patients’ insurance eligibility benefits.

Insurance screen with yellow number showing the location of the three more options menu.

  1. Click Edit Eligibility to open the Edit Eligibility window.



The Edit Eligibility window allows you to enter insurance benefits for the patient.


Important Note:

  • Insurance eligibility must be verified before patient check-in, and make sure to validate the information in Edit Eligibility before every appointment. This must be done for the treatment plan and patient ledger to reflect the appropriate amounts for the insurance and patient payment responsibilities. This will ensure that all the required (*) fields have been completed.

  • If the insurance effective date is missing, invalid, or expired, a warning message will appear in the Edit Eligibility and Appointment Checkout Payers section.


To use Edit Eligibility:

  1. Fill out the following fields:
    • Required (*) fields containing a red asterisk must be completed for the correct insurance and patient balances to reflect in the Patient Ledger and Treatment Plan.
    • Additional information as provided by the insurance carrier.

Edit Eligibility Window with yellow highlight boxes around the required fields.

  1. Click Save Eligibility or Discard Eligibility to exit.



Upload any insurance-relevant documentation (i.e., insurance card, proof of insurance, eligibility verification), a notice of privacy, or signature on file in this section.

ImportantNote: The accepted document file types are .txt, .xml, .pdf, .png, or .jpeg.


Refer to the Documents Section for more information on uploading documents.

Documents section with yellow highlight box around the Choose Files button.


Household Income Tab

The Household Income tab allows the user to gather and document income information for the patient in compliance with government reporting standards.

The Household Income tab with a blue underline


Income Level Reference

The Income Level Reference contains a read-only view of the values captured in the ‘Financial’ section of the Patient Profile within athenaOne. This card displays the Family Size, Income, Income Percentage, and if the patient declines to provide this information.



  • The values from this card are for UDS Table4reporting.
  • If the data in the card needs updating, edit it in the patient’s athenaOne Profile.
  • The Family Size, Income, and Percentage of poverty for the Dental Sliding Fee are separate and unrelated.

Household income tab with yellow highlight around the Income Level Reference card.

The Income Level Reference card also appears in the Appointment Check In window.

Appointment Check In window with yellow highlight box around the Household Income section and the Income level Reference card.


Entering Household Income

  1. In the Designate one of the following , click the drop-down menu to select the appropriate option.

    • Patient Requests & provides proper documentation for sliding fee scale discount.
    • Patient declined to provide income information.
      Important: If the Patient declined to provide income information, there is nothing further to complete.

Designate one of the following menu selections with a yellow highlight box around the down arrow menu.

  1. Click the Use Income Reference button to complete the Family Size, Income, and % of Poverty (Recommended).

    Important: The values automatically populate from the Income Level Reference Card.

Household income with yellow highlight box around the Use Income Reference button.

  1. Otherwise, complete the following fields:

    • Enter the Family size (Required).
    • Enter the Income and Pay Period (Required).

Household Income Tab with yellow highlight boxaround the Family Size, Income, and Pay Period.

  • % of Poverty - The % ofpoverty is calculated using the family size and annual income provided by the patient and applied to the sliding fee policy. (Read-only)

    Important: If the patient is Sliding Fee eligible, the Sliding Fee fields will be visible.

  • Annual Income - The annual income calculates from the dollar amount entered in the Income field and the pay period’s frequency. (Read Only)

Household income with yellow highlight box around the % of Poverty and Annual Income fields.

  1. Review the following for the Sliding Fee:

    • Sliding Fee Program (Read-only)

    • Sliding Fee Plan (Read-only

Sliding Fee section with yellow highlight boxes around the Sliding Fee Program and Sliding Fee Plan.

  1. Review or Edit the Sliding Fee Effective Date. The default is today’s date

  2. Review or Edit the Sliding Fee Expiration Date. The default is 12months unless the sliding fee policy states otherwise.



Upload any patient financial documents in this section.


Important: The accepted document file types are .txt, .xml, .pdf, .png, or .jpeg.


Refer to the Documents Section for more information on uploading documents.

Documents section with yellow highlight box around the Choose Files button.


Saving the Patient Profile

Before exiting the Add Patient window, click Save patient data to save patient information.

Important: If you do not click Save Patient data before exiting, you will lose the patient data.

the blue Save patient data button and the close button


Appointments Tab

The Appointments tab lets users view the patient’s Upcoming Appointments, Unscheduled TX Plan Procedures, and Appointment History.


Patient Profile with a yellow highlight box around the Appointments tab.


Upcoming Appointments

This section displays all upcoming appointment information in a sorted, categorized table.

  • Users can view appointment details by clicking the DATE hyperlink.
    Tip: Hovering over the Date hyperlink displays the Procedures and the Reason for Encounter.

Upcoming Appointments with yellow highlight box around the hyperlink.

  • Cancel an appointment by clicking the Cancel Appointment button next to the appointment. Trash can icon

  • Users can view the cancellation reason, note, and when it was canceled by hovering over the ‘Canceled’ Disposition.

Upcoming Appointments shows a canceled appointment reason with the cursor hovering over the Canceled and a yellow highlight box around it.


Refer to Appointment Overview for more details.


Unscheduled TX Plan Procedures

This section lets users view unscheduled procedures in the patient’s chart.

Important Note: Procedures will only appear here if they are part of a signed treatment plan and have Pending


Unscheduled Tx Plan Procedures with a yellow highlight box around it.


Appointment History

This section displays all the patient’s previous appointments on a sorted, categorized table.

Appointment History section showing lit of past appointments.

Communication Tab

Patient Profile window with Communication tab underlined. The Communication tab allows users to log any communication regarding patient demographics, insurance, finance, or other pertinent patient-related information.


Important Note: It is recommended that users enter a date and time with each communication logged. To add a communication record:

  1. In the Patient Profile window, click Communication.

  2. Click + Add Communication.

Add communications window with a yellow highlight box around the Add Communication.

  1. Add a Subject line (Required).

  2. Enter the notes in the customizable text field.

Add communications with a yellow highlight box around the Subject and Enter Notes.

  1. Submit the record by selecting Add to Log.


Updating athenaOne Patient Registration

The following data must be entered into the patient’s athenaOne Registration. (It is not available for entry in athenaOne Dental.)

  • Insurance
  • Custom Fields
  • Household Income Financial Section
  • Preferred Pharmacy
    Refer to the athenaOne Functionalities section and consult your practice administrator for additional details regarding athenaOne Registration.


Scheduling Module

Scheduling in athenaOne Dental allows users to schedule appointments, view, edit, and change the status of existing appointments.


To access Scheduling:

  1. Click the Calendar icon in the top right corner of the athenaOne Dental Header.

Header with yellow highlight box around the calendar icon.

  1. The Scheduling home page automatically opens.



The main Schedule display shows in 15-minute time increments horizontally and lists the operatory columns vertically.


Important Notes about the Schedule:

  1. Date: The top of the Schedule shows the viewing calendar date.
    • Only one date is viewable at a time.
  2. Time Blocks: The separate rows represent 15-minute time increments spanning the day.
  3. Location of Care: The Schedule only displays one location of care at a time.
    • The Location of Care displays with business hours set for that day.
    • The default location of care in the Schedule is based on alphabetical order.
    • Select a different location of care from the drop-down menu.
  4. Operatories: Each separate column represents a different operatory for the location of care viewed— schedule appointments for specific operatories by clicking inside the columns.
  5. Appointments: Existing appointments for the location of care being viewed appear in the given time slot it was scheduled.


the main Schedule display with yellow numbers corresponding to the five important notes


The sidebar of the Scheduling window shows the Patient Tracker and the Schedule Quickview components, which display specific information regarding the viewed appointments.


Important Note about the sidebar window: This information is read-only and will change as the user schedules new appointments and existing appointments are updated.

Patient Tracker

The Patient Tracker gives a count of patients scheduled for the day marked as (at least) arrived for their appointments for the selected location. The goal of the Patient Tracker is to give the PSR a sense of where patients are physically in the clinic and in the workflow.

Patient Tracker status tracking list

Important Note: The Patient Tracker only keeps track of the statuses for appointments on the day listed; the calculation shown will change when you change the date.

Refer to Patient Tracker for more information on Patient Tracker status.


Schedule Quickview

The Schedule Quickview displays for the PSR the providers working at the location and their business hours, giving them a quick idea of which providers are available for appointments on the day viewed.

Schedule Overview example

Schedule Settings

The Schedule Settings provides the user with additional settings, like the location of care, the date, and disable/enable viewing patient information.

Changing the Location of Care

The Schedule will only display one location of care at a time.


To change the Schedule view:

  1. Click the Location of Care drop-down menu arrow.
  2. Click the desired location to view.

Calendar with a yellow highlight box around the location.


Changing the Operatory

The Schedule can display different Operatory views based on the Tags associated with the Operatory. The Operatory dropdown will only show operatories relevant to the Location of Care and the appointment day. See Create Operatory for additional Tags information.


To change the Operatory view:
  1. Click the Operatory drop-down menu.
  2. Click the checkbox of the desired Operatory or specific view.


Select Operatory Views with a yellow highlight box around the drop-down menu and a yellow arrow pointing downward to selection checkboxes.


Changing the Date

There are two ways the user can change the date inside the Schedule.

  1. Use the scheduling calendar.

  2. Use the buttons on the toolbar at the top of the Schedule.


The following selection options are also available:

  • Right and Left Arrows: Skip one day forward or backward.
  • Today: Change the day to today’s date.
  • 3M: Skip to the day three months from today’s date.
  • 6M: Skip to the day six months from today’s date.

Calendar day changing icons with yellow highlight boxes around them.

Disable/Enable HIPAA View

The Disable/Enable HIPAA feature allows users and management to ensure patient privacy by hiding patient information from the schedule when necessary.


To turn on or off the visibility of patient information, click Disable/Enable HIPAA View at the top right corner of the Scheduling window.

Disable HIPPA view button with a yellow highlight box around it.

For perspective on what the HIPAA view does, please see the two comparisons below:


Appointment schedule showing selected time slots with Ready for Checkout patient tracking status.


Patient Alerts

The Scheduling Module displays Patient Alert icons. The alert icon appears after the patient’s name within the appointment time slot. Users create alerts for patient problems or patient pre-medication requirements. This provides quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements.

Refer to Alerts for more information.

Schedule showing a patient with an Alert and the cursor hovering over it.

Click the alert icon to display the premedication details (Read Only).

Alert details showing a Patient and Pre-medication Alert message.

Creating a New Appointment

When creating an appointment for patients, there are several steps to complete before scheduling appointments.

Before you attempt to make a new appointment in Scheduling:

  • Select the location of care.

  • Select the intended date for the appointment.
  • Find the patient.


Refer to Patient Lookup for more information.


To create a new appointment:

  1. Click on an available time slot inside the Schedule. Time slots allow for both 10 and 15-minute increments.

    Quick tip: To auto-populate the Start and End Time fields, use the left mouse button to drag the pointer from the start time to the end time on the available operatory.

Schedule with a yellow highlight box around the available time slot.

  1. The Schedule Appointment Window opens. Fill out the necessary appointment information.

Important: Users can create one appointment per day for each patient in the Scheduling Module. Refer to Appendix A-7 for details on how to enter a patient’s multiple provider encounters on the same day.


In the Schedule Appointment window:

  1. Confirm the Start Date as well as the Start and End Times (Required).

Schedule appointment with yellow highlight boxes around the date and start and end times.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Treating Provider (Required) and change the Operatory.
    (if needed).
    Appointment scheduling with yellow highlight boxes around the selection drop-down arrows.
    Important Note: If the hygienist associated with the appointment can attest, the Treating Provider selected can be the hygienist.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select Hygienist (if needed).
    Important Note: If the Treating Provider is a Hygienist, the Hygienist field will be grey and unusable.

  2. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Reason for Encounter (Required).

Reason for Encounter with a yellow highlight box around the drop down menu arrow with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Review and select Treatment Plan Phases (If available).

    • Select the radio button next to the treatment plan phase(s) to associate with an appointment.
    • Deselect to unassociate.

Treatment Plan Phases section with a yellow highlight box around the radio button.

  1. Enter any appointment Notes into the textbox.

Schedule Appointment window with yellow highlight box around the Notes textbox.

  1. Click Save or Discard Changes to discard.


Blocking Operatory Times

The Scheduling module allows users to block a time and date for a specific operatory location due to closings, educational block times, or other related events.


To create an Operatory block:

  1. If applicable, close the patient you currently have open. (Refer to Close selected Patient.)

  2. Select the time slot inside the Schedule that represents the beginning of the block.

A schedule time slot with a white arrow pointing to it and a yellow highlight box around the slot.

  1. The Block Operatory window opens. Verify that the Date is correct for the blocked appointment.

  2. Confirm or update Start and End times (Required).

Block Operatory window with yellow highlight boxes around Start and End times and the drop down menu arrow as well as the Save button.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Block Type, the reason for blocking the operatory. (ex., Lunch or Continuing Education)

Block Type field with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow showing the menu list with a yellow arrow pointing towards the options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select a Provider, RDA, or Hygienist to associate (Optional).

Block Type field with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow showing the menu list with a yellow arrow pointing towards the options.

  1. Enter a brief reason for the block time in the Notes field.

  2. Click Save or Discard Changes to exit.


To remove an Operatory block:

  1. Click the block Operatory time slot.

Schedule with yellow highlight box around a Block Operatory time.

  1. Click the Cancel Block button.


Block Operatory window with yellow highlight box around Cancel Block button.

  1. Click OK to confirm the Block removal.

Cancellation confirmation window with yellow highlight box around the blue OK button.


Editing Appointments

There are two ways users can edit an appointment:

  1. Right-click on the patient appointment and select Edit Appointment from the Quick Actions menu. The Appointment Overview window opens.

Patient Appointment showing right click menu with a yellow highlight box around edit appointment.

  1. On the Schedule, click the patient appointment, and the Appointment Overview window appears.


Appointment Schedule with a selected appointment time and a yellow highlight arrow pointing to the Appointment Overview.


Important Notes regarding appointment changes/edits:

  • Changes to the Date or Start Time will result in a cancellation and rescheduling in athenaOne.
  • Appointment edits that will update athenaOne include the Location of Care, the End Time, and the

    Treating Provider (athenaOne Rendering Provider).

  • Changes not sent to athenaOne include Operatory (unless associated with a different Location of Care),

    Confirmation Status, and the Reason For Encounter.

  • The appointment date cannot be edited once the encounter starts.

  • The Billing Provider field and Attesting Provider field in the Appointment Overview Panel become read-only once the “Start Encounter” button selection is made.


Appointment Overview

The Appointment Overview window contains three tabs: the Appointment Tab, the Contact Tab, and the Payer Tab.


Important Notes:

  • Only the Appointment tab will have information that the user can edit.

Appointment Overview with a yellow highlight box around the Appointment, Contact Info, and Payer tabs.


  • The Patient Alert icon displays after the patient’s name. Users can create alerts for patient problems or patient pre-medication requirements, providing quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements. Refer to Alerts for more information.



The Appointment Overview Print button lets users print a Route Slip for the patient. Refer to Patient Route Slip for additional information.


  1. From the Appointment Tab, click Print.

  2. Click Route Slip from the menu list.

Appointment Tab with a yellow highlight box around the Print button and a yellow arrow pointing down towards the print options.

  1. The selected report opens in the Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for additional information.

  2. Click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with the Print option showing

  1. Click X to close the Preview window.


The Appointment Tab

The Appointment tab allows the user to edit all appointment information originally recorded when scheduling the appointment.


Appointment tab  The Appointment Tab image with yellow numbers indicating the locations of the Patient Tracker, Appointment Details, Treatment Plan Phases, and Appointment Notes.


The Contact Info Tab

The Contact Info tab allows the user to view the patient’s contact information, including contact name, phone number(s), and email address.

Contact Info tab with yellow highlight box around it.


The Payer Tab

In the Payer tab of the Appointment Overview window, the user can view Notice of Privacy and Signature on File, Insurance benefits, and Sliding Fee information.

Payer tab showing example information and a yellow highlight box around the Payer tab.


Save or Cancel Appointment

To save an appointment, click Save in the appointment window or Discard Changes to exit without saving.

Appointment window with yellow highlight around the Save and Discard changes button.

To cancel the appointment, click Cancel Appointment to open the Cancel Appointment window.

Appointment window with yellow highlight around the Cancel Appointment button.

In the Cancel Appointment window:

  1. Use the drop-down arrow menu to select the Reason for Cancellation.
  2. Add any notes for the cancellation in the Note field.
  3. Click Cancel Appointment.

Cancel appointment window with yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow, Note, and Cancel Appointment button.

Important Notes:

  • athenaOne Dental canceled appointments will update in athenaOne.

  • The cancel appointment reason and note will display in the Patient Profile when hovering over ‘Canceled.’
    Refer to Edit Patient Information for more details.
  • A canceled appointment displays in the Clinical Huddle when the Active Only toggle is off. Users can hover over the canceled appointment to see the Cancellation Reason and Note. Refer to Clinical Huddle for more information.

Appointment Quick Actions

The user accesses the Appointment Quick Actions by right-clicking on the appointment in the Schedule.

Appointment Quick Actions menu with a yellow highlight box around it.


Confirmation Status

The Confirmation Status allows the user to indicate if the appointment is confirmed and how it is confirmed with the patient. Users will update before the patient arrives in the office.


To update the Confirmation Status of the appointment:

  1. Right-click on the appointment.
  2. Select Confirmation Status and use the menu to select the appropriate confirmation status.

Confirmation status menu with a yellow highlight around it and a yellow arrow pointing to the additional menu selections.

Important Note: The Confirmation Status in dental will not update within athenaOne.


Patient Tracker

The Patient Tracker allows the user to indicate the patient’s location throughout their appointment.

Important Note: For dental appointments, users are required to update the Patient Tracker within athenaOne Dental. Do not use the athenaOne Patient Tracker to track dental appointments, i.e., Arrived, Checked In, etc.


Patient Tracker Statuses


This status Indicates that the patient has arrived at the dental practice for their appointment.


This status indicates that the front desk is actively checking in the patient. Once the Check-In process is complete (clicking 'finish check-in' on the Check-In Panel), the Patient Tracker status will automatically change to 'Ready-In Lobby.' Note: If the Check-In process is not completed and the panel is exited, the patient tracker status will still be 'Check-In.

Ready-In LobbyThis status is assigned to the patient once the Check-In process completes. This status enables all the clinical patient tracker statuses.


This clinical status indicates the clinicians are performing the patient's intake.


This clinical status indicates that the patient is in the exam process.
X-RayThis clinical status indicates the patient is having X-rays done.


This clinical status indicates the patient is getting a Prophy (dental prophylaxis) treatment.
In TreatmentThis clinical status indicates the patient is in the middle of the treatment process.
Ready for CheckoutThis status enables after one of the clinical statuses is selected. Once the patient is ready to be checked out, the Patient Tracker Status changes to 'Ready for Checkout.'

With Checkout

This status indicates that the Appointment Checkout Panel has launched, as the Patient Tracker Status automatically changes to 'With Checkout.'
Note: If you do not 'Finish Checkout,'thepatienttrackerstatuswillstayas'WithCheckout'.

Checked Out

This status indicates that all outstanding tasks in the Appointment Checkout Panel are met, and the user clicks ‘Finish Checkout.’ This status automatically changes.


To update the Patient Tracker in Scheduling:

  1. Right-click the patient’s appointment time.

  2. Click Patient Tracker from Appointment Quick Actions.
  3. Use the menu list and click the location option to indicate where the patient is in the workflow.

Patient Tracker with a yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing to the patient tracking menu.


Important Notes about the Patient Tracker Feature:

  1. This feature is only available for the current day of the appointment. The user can only change the Patient Tracker status once that appointment day starts.
  2. It is required that the user changes the statuses in order of the continuing phases of the appointment.
  3. Arrived - You must change the Patient Tracker status to Arrived before changing to Check In.
  4. Check In and Ready for checkout will open a different window in scheduling.
    Refer to Appointment Check In and Appointment Check Out for more details.
  5. Ready In Lobby automatically assigns once the Check In process completes.

  6. Checked Out status automatically assigns when the patient is checked out.


Edit Appointment

Right-click on the appointment and select the Edit Appointment option. This opens the Appointment Overview window, where the user can edit the appointment information.

Quick Actions Edit Appointment option

Refer to Appointment Overview for more details on editing appointments inside the Appointment Overview window.

Edit Patient Profile

Right-click on the appointment and select Edit Patient Profile. The patient’s profile associated with the appointment opens, and the user can now edit the patient’s information.

Quick Actions Edit Patient Profile option

Refer to Editing Patient Information for more details on this process.



The Quick Actions Print option allows users to print a Patient Route Slip and a Walkout Statement.

Yellow highlight around the Print option

Route Slip

The Patient Route Slip allows users to print a high-level overview of the patient for the provider.

Important Note: Users can print the Patient Route Slip from the Quick Actions Print menu or the Appointment Overview Print button.


To print:

  1. Right-click on the appointment to access the Quick Actions menu.

  2. Click Print and then select Route Slip.

Quick Actions menu with yellow highlight box around the Print menu option and a yellow arrow pointing towards the Route Slip option.

  1. See the Route Slip open in the Preview window.
    Refer to Report Preview Features for additional information.

Example patient Route Slip

  1. Click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with the Print option showing

  1. Click the X to close the Preview window.


Walkout Statement

The Walkout Statement allows users to provide the patient with a copy of all services completed today, any

payments made for today’s visit, and their next scheduled appointment.


Important Note: Users can print the Walkout Statement from two areas in the system:


To print Walkout Statement:

  1. Right-click the appointment and access the Quick Actions menu.
  2. Click Print
  3. Click to select the Walkout Statement.

Quick Actions menu with a yellow highlight box around Print with a yellow arrow pointing towards Walkout Statement.

  1. The Walkout Statement opens in the Preview window.
    Refer to Report Preview Features for additional information.

Example Walkout Statement


  1. Click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with the Print option showing

  1. Click the X to close the Preview window.


Cancel Appointment

Right-click on the appointment and select Cancel Appointment. This opens the Cancel Appointment window. Complete the required fields and click Save. Refer to Save or Cancel Appointment for more details.

Quick Actions Cancel Appointment option


Appointment Check In

The Appointment Check in status for the Patient Tracker feature allows users to check in patients for appointments as well as review and update profile information.

Important Note: Before attempting to Check In a patient, the status MUST be first set to Arrived.


To check a patient in:

  1. Right-click on the appointment.
  2. Click Patient Tracker from the Appointment Quick Actions menu.
  3. In Patient Tracker, click Check In.

Patient Tracker menu with yellow highlight box around Patient Tracker and a yellow arrow pointing to Check in.

  1. The Appointment Check In window opens.
    Note: If the patient has an Alert, the alert icon appears after the patient’s name. Users can create alerts for patient problems or patient pre-medication requirements. This provides quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements.

Refer to Alerts for more information.

Patient Alert icon in the Appointment Checkin window with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Verify and update all required information with the patient before checking them in, i.e., Basic details, Insurance eligibility, etc.

Appointment Check-In window with yellow highlight boxes around the informational warning icons.

Important Note - All information with an exclamation point in this window must be updated. Hover over the exclamation point to display the warning message.

Informational messages with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Review the Income Level Reference card information.

Household income section with a yellow highlight box around the Income Level Reference Card.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow menu to Designate one of the following:

    • Patient Requests & provides proper documentation for sliding fee scale discount.

    • Patient declined to provide income information.
      Important: If the Patient declined to provide income information, there is nothing further to complete.

Designate one of the following menu selections with a yellow highlight box around the down arrow menu.

  1. Click the Use Income Reference button (Recommended). Otherwise, complete the Household Income fields.
    Refer to
    Household Income Tab for more details.
  2. Click Finish Check In to save or Return to Schedule to exit without checking in the patient.

Finish Check In button and the Return to Schedule button

Important Notes regarding the completion of the Check In process:

  • The status of the appointment automatically changes to Ready-In Lobby. This also updates in the Clinical Huddle indicating to clinical that they can start the encounter.
  • The appointment turns green, indicating that the patient has been Checked In.

  • Clinical staff can begin the encounter once the appointment tracker status is Ready-In Lobby.

Patient appointment slot with green background and Ready-In Lobby status.


Appointment Check Out

The Appointment Check Out feature allows users to check out patients, post payments for procedures completed during the appointment, post pre-payments for upcoming procedures, and verify patient profile information.

Important Note: Before a patient can be Checked Out, change the encounter status to Ready for Checkout

inside the Dental Chart. Refer to Encounter Tracker for more details.


To check a patient out:

  1. Locate the patient’s appointment in the Schedule.
  2. Select the Ready for Checkout status hyperlink.

Appointment time slot for example patient with a Ready for Check out status

Important Notes: This link is accessible by hovering over the appointment block.

  1. The Appointment Check Out window opens. Complete the following processes in the Appointment Check Out panel.

Appointment Checkout window


Note: If the patient has a Patient Alert or Pre-medication Alert, the alert icon appears after the patient’s name, providing quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements.

Patient Alert icon in the Appointment Checkin window with a yellow highlight box around it.

Refer to Alerts for more information.


Procedures Completed Today

The Procedures Completed Today displays all procedures completed during the appointment. The user also has the option to post payments for any procedures completed during their appointment.

Procedures Completed Today with a yellow highlight box around the procedure list.

Important Note: For the system to display procedures as ‘completed,’ they must be recorded in the associated encounter and their status set to Complete inside Charting before check-out.


Enter Payment

To post a payment for the procedure(s):

  1. Select the radio button next to the procedure(s) to enter a payment.
  2. Click the Enter Payment button.

Appointment Check Out window with yellow highlight box around the Enter Payment button.

Refer to Enter Payments for more details on the Enter Payment window.


Print Receipt

The Appointment Check Out window allows users to print a patient receipt as a part of the check-out process.

The receipt lists today’s payments and prepayments.


To print:

  1. Click the Print Receipt button.

Checkout window with yellow highlight box around the Print Receipt.

  1. The Receipt opens in the Preview window.
    Refer to Report Preview Features for additional information.

A printed patient receipt for a sample patient

  1. Click the File tab and select Print.

File Print option with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the X to close the Preview window.


Patient Total

The Patient Total hyperlink allows users to view and revert any pre-payments posted if necessary.


To access pre-payments:

  1. Click the Patient Total hyperlink.
  2. See the Patient Totals window opens.

Patient Total  Patient Total hyperlink image with a callout providing details of the Totals window with the Payments and Transactions


Treatment Plan Phases

The Treatment Plan Phases section allows users to view and post pre-payments for procedures/treatments and schedule new appointments based on upcoming procedures.

Treatment Plan Phases with Phase 1 radio button selected

Important Note: Treatment plan phases will only appear here if they are inside a signed treatment plan.


Enter PrePayment

To enter a pre-payment for a scheduled procedure:

  1. Click the radio button(s) next to the phase(s).
  2. Click Enter PrePayment.

Treatment Plan Phases with a yellow highlight box around the radio button with a yellow arrow going from it to the Enter PrePayment button.

  1. Complete the prepayment process inside the Enter Payments window. Refer to Enter Payments for more details.


Schedule Next Appointment

The Schedule Next Appointment button automatically redirects the user to Scheduling to make the appointment.

To schedule the next appointment:

  1. From the Treatment Plan Phases section, click Schedule Next Appointment.
  2. Follow the Scheduling steps. Refer to Schedule Appointment for more information.

Schedule Next appointment button with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Note: The Schedule Next Appointment only appears if a selected phase has a return date scheduled at least one day after the current date. Refer to Choosing a Return Date for more information.


Patient Total

The Patient Total hyperlink opens a new window that allows users to view any pre-payments posted for procedures and treatments. The user can revert pre-payments made within the Patient Total window if necessary.

Patient Total hyperlink with a yellow highlight box around it.


Missing Information

Users should verify and update all profile information in the Check Out window before completing the checkout process. All information with an exclamation point must be updated inside the Appointment Checkout window.

Notice of Privacy Practices and Signature on File section with yellow highlight boxes around the Information warning icons.

Important Notes: A warning message appears when hovering over the exclamation point.


Print Walkout Statement

The Appointment Checkout process allows users to print a Walkout Statement for the patient.


To print:

  1. Click the Print Walkout Statement from the bottom of the Appointment Checkout window.

Print Walkout Statement button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Walkout Statement opens in the Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for additional information.

  2. Click the File tab and select Print.

File Print option with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the X to close the Preview window.


Note: The following image is an example of a Walkout Statement.

A picture containing text, screenshot, number, font  Description automatically generated


Finish Check-Out

The Finish Checkout button completes the checkout process and finishes the patient’s appointment process.

Appointment Checkout window with yellow highlight box around the Finish Checkout button.

On the schedule, the patient’s appointment slot color becomes grey and indicates the status of Checked Out.

Patient appointment time slot showing grey with Check Out status with yellow highlight boxes around each.


Clinical Module

The Clinical module provides a space where the user views and creates the necessary clinical information for the visit encounters.

The following sections describe how users access the Clinical Dashboard, create encounters, and attest clinical documentation inside Clinical.

Clinical Dashboard

To access the Clinical Dashboard:

  1. In the top-right of the athenaOne Dental page, click Home.
  2. Select Clinical from the menu list.

Home icon drop down menu with a yellow highlight box around Clinical.

Important Note: Both admin and clinical role users experience a drop-down menu instead of being automatically directed to the clinical dashboard.


Clinical Huddle

When an appointment is scheduled, an associated appointment automatically appears in the Clinical Huddle.


  • All appointments within the viewing date appear by appointment location and then time.
  • By default, the current date displays when entering the Clinical Dashboard.
  • Users can filter appointments based on the scheduled date, associated providers, and locations.
  • Each appointment displays the following: Patient Information, Appointment Information (Patient Tracker Status), Clinical Note/Encounter Status, Patient Alerts, Procedures (Associated with the Encounter), and Notes (Notes taken during the appointment scheduling process).

Clinical Huddle page

  • A canceled appointment displays in the Clinical Huddle when the Active Only toggle is off. Users can hover over the canceled appointment to see the Cancellation Reason and Note.

Clinical Huddle page with yellow highlight box around the off Active Only Toggle and yellow highlight boxes around curser hovering over a canceled appointment showing the Cancellation reason and note.


Note: If the patient has an Alert, the alert icon appears after the patient’s name, providing quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements.

Refer to Alerts for more information.

Patient appointment listed on the Clinical Huddle with a yellow highlight box around the Alert Icon.


Click the alert icon to display the alert details (Read Only).

details of a patient alert and premedication alert


Encounter/Clinical Note Status

Once an encounter/clinical note creates for an appointment, the Clinical Huddle appointment appears with one of the following encounter statuses:


Encounter Status list

  1. Start Encounter

    • After the Check-In process, the Patient Tracker status automatically updates to Ready In Lobby; the clinical user can start the encounter.
    • Click this status to create the encounter. Refer to Creating an Encounter for more details.
  1. In Progress

    • The user creates the encounter for the appointment, but the clinical note is incomplete.
  1. Ready for Attestation

    • The user enters all encounter data and adds it to the clinical note.
    • The clinical support staff (RDH, RDA, DDS/Resident) signed the note.
    • Click this status, and it redirects you to Charting to attest the clinical documentation.
  1. Attested

    • The Treating or Attending Provider attested the clinical note.
  1. Amend Required

    • The billing staff returned the attested note to the Treating or Attending Provider for an amendment.
  1. Completed

    • The clinical note is attested/re-attested.
    • The appointment tracker status is Checked Out.
    • Billing has marked the encounter as Ready to Bill.
    • Users cannot modify/amend completed encounters.
  1. Conversion Imported

    • The encounter imported during the conversion process.


Appointment Filters

The Appointment Filters determine what encounters display in the Clinical Huddle based on a specific date, location, and/or provider.


Active Appointments

The Active Only toggle allows users to switch between active patient appointments vs. ALL appointments. The All-appointments view includes canceled appointments. Note: The “Active Only” view is the default view.

The active only toggle in the on position showing a yellow highlight box around it.

Changing the Date

To change the appointment date:

  1. Click one of the following buttons.
    • Date Selection: Button takes you to that specific date.

Date selection filter with a yellow highlight box around Wed 12/28

  • Skip to the Current Date: The icon filters to the current (today’s) date.

Go to today icon with a yellow highlight box around it.

  • Date by Calendar: The icon allows calendar date selection.

Calendar icon with yellow highlight box around it.

  • Back or forward one week: Arrows change back or forward one week.

Appointment filter icons with yellow highlight boxes around the right and left arrow icons.


Filter by Provider or Location of Care

To filter by Provider or Location of Care:

  1. Click the drop-down menu for All Providers or All Locations.

All Providers and All locations drop-down menu filters with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Click the checkbox(es) for desired provider(s) or location(s).


Search patient

The Search Patient filter lets users quickly locate a patient on an appointment day.


To use the search text box, enter one of the options below and hit the Enter key.

  • Patient last name, first name

  • Patient date of birth (DOB)

  • Patient ID number (preceded by a colon)

Creating An Encounter

Once an appointment has the Ready In Lobby status, the user will navigate to the Clinical Dashboard to create the encounter.



  • Users can only select Start Encounter once the Check In process completes. When Check In completes, the Patient Tracker status automatically updates to Ready In Lobby. Refer to Patient Tracker for more details.

  • The Billing Provider field and Attesting Provider field in the Appointment Overview Panel become read-only once the “Start Encounter” button selection is made.

  • Users cannot change the appointment date once the encounter starts.


To create an encounter from Clinical Huddle:

  1. Locate the appointment.

  2. Click Start Encounter to open the encounter inside the Dental Chart.

Clinical Huddle patient example with Start Encounter option


Completing An Encounter

The process to complete an encounter requires that the encounter is attested by the treating provider, reviewed in the Administrative dashboard, and sent to billing.

Refer to Attesting Clinical Notes for more information on attestation and Ready to Review for additional details.


Clinical Beacon

The Clinical Beacon contains encounters that are Ready to Attest and encounters with Amendments. The boxes in the upper left-hand corner of the Clinical Dashboard show the number of encounters that require action by a treating provider or attesting hygienist to support timely clinical documentation and billing processes.

Important: The indicators in the Clinical Beacon will only display for users logged in as Treating Providers and attesting Hygienists.


Ready to Attest

The Ready to Attest indicator displays the number of encounters the provider has Signed.
Refer to Sign Clinical Notes for more details.


To access and attest Clinical Notes from the attestation:

  1. Click Ready to Attest from the Clinical Dashboard.

Ready to Attest button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Attestation window opens, showing the encounters to attest. Click the Patient name hyperlink.

Ready for Attestation window with a yellow highlight box around the patient name hyperlink.

  1. The user re-directs to Charting. Review and attest all clinical documentation in the Clinical Note. Refer to Clinical Attestation for more details.



The Amendments indicator displays the number of encounters requiring amendments.


ImportantNote: Amendments only appear here if noted for amendment inside Ready to Review on the Administrative dashboard.


To make Amendments to encounters:

  1. Click the Amendments button.

Amendments button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Amendments window opens. Click the Patient name hyperlink to amend the encounter.

Amendments window with a yellow highlight box around the patient name.

  1. The Charting window opens with the selected patient encounter.

  2. Hover over the Encounter Status, Amend Required, and view the amendment Reason and Note.


Encounter status Amend Required showing the Reason and Note with yellow highlight box around them.

  1. Access the individual areas of the encounter from Charting, and make the appropriate changes/amendments.

Important Note: You can create one appointment per day for each patient in the Scheduling Module; likewise, you can create only one Encounter per patient per day. Refer to Appendix A-7 for details on how to enter a patient’s multiple provider encounters on the same day.

Dental Chart

When a user creates a new patient profile in athenaOne Dental, an associated Dental Chart is made for the patient. Located on the top left side of the page, users can view, and record information gathered during patient appointments (encounters) inside the Dental Chart.


To view and update the Dental Chart information:

  1. From the Dental Chart menu, click the desired section to view/edit.
  2. The sections available to navigate are:
    • Audit Log
    • Overview
    • Charting
    • Perio
    • Treatment Plans
    • Ledger

Dental chart menu list with a yellow highlight box around it.


To expand/hide the Dental Chart Menu, click the arrows at the top of the menu.

Dental Menu chart navigation arrows with a yellow highlight box around them.

Important Notes about the Dental Chart:

  1. In the Dental Chart, users document the patient appointment information inside an encounter.
  1. Role permissions determine access to the areas of the Dental Chart.


Dental Chart Information

The Patient Banner and Encounter Tracker are at the top of the Dental Chart window.


Patient Banner

Visible in every section of the Dental Chart, the Patient Banner contains basic details about the patient.

Patient Banner example

Note: If the patient has an Alert, the icon displays next to the patient’s information. Refer to Patient Alerts for more details.

Patient Banner with an Alerts message icon

Click the alert icon to display the premedication requirements details (Read Only).

Alerts Read Only information box


Encounter Tracker

The Encounter Tracker will appear at the top of the Dental Chart window if the patient has one or more In- Progress encounters.

The user can perform the following in the Encounter Tracker:

  • Open and exit In-Progress Encounters,
  • Change the Reason for Encounter(s),
  • View the Encounter status,
  • Change the Patient Tracker Status.

Encounter Tracker with yellow highlight box around the Status, Reason for Encounter, In Progress and Close Encounter.

Important Note: To display all the tools in the Encounter Tracker, users must be inside an In-Progress encounter.


Opening In-Progress Encounters

  1. From the Encounter Tracker, click the Go to encounter drop-down menu.

  2. Select from a list of In-Progress (incomplete) encounters for the patient.

Encounter Tracker with yellow highlight box around the Go to Encounter drop-down menu.



Exiting In-Progress Encounters

To exit an In-Progress encounter, click Close Encounter.

Close Encounter with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Note: The Go to Encounter drop-down menu displays once an encounter closes and can open In- Progress encounters.


Resuming Encounters

The Dental Chart allows users to resume working inside the encounter upon return. To continue working on an In-Progress encounter, click Resume Encounter.

Resume Encounter with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Note: The Resume Encounter appears when the patient has only one In Progress encounter.


Encounter Status

The Encounter Status displays the status of the encounter’s clinical note.

Encounter Status with a yellow highlight box around In-Progress.

Quick Tip: If the encounter status is Amend Required, the user can view the reason for the amendment by hovering over the encounter status.


Encounter Status showing the Amend Required reasons and note with yellow highlight boxes around them.


Reason For Encounter

The Reason For Encounter is a chart note requirement. Users can attach or change the Reason for Encounter by selecting from a menu list.


To change the encounter reason:

  1. Click the Reason For Encounter drop-down arrow to display the menu list.
  2. Choose and click the applicable encounter reason to update the entry.

Reason for Encounter with a yellow highlight box around the drop-down menu.


Patient Tracker

As a patient goes through their appointment, users must update the Patient Tracker status to reflect what stage of the encounter the patient is in.

Important Notes about the Patient Tracker statuses:

  • Once the Check In process is complete, the Patient Tracker Status automatically changes to Ready In Lobby. Then, the clinical user can click Start Encounter from the Clinical Huddle.
  • In different areas of the Dental application, users can update the status manually, i.e., In Treatment or Ready for Checkout.


Refer to Patient Tracker Statuses for a defined list.


To change the Patient Tracker status:

  1. Click the Status drop-down menu arrow. Status menu drop down list with a yellow highlight box around it.

  2. Use the menu list to select the appropriate status.

Patient Tracker status menu list with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Change the Patient Tracker status to reflect the different stages of the appointment.

Patient Tracker with yellow highlight box around the Ready for Checkout status.

Important Note: Only change the Patient Tracker statuses in the order that the appointment progresses.


Audit Log

The Audit Log section allows users to review field changes made to the patient’s records by tracking the actions. All tracked patient profile changes display in the log in descending order and organized by date, time, and user.

Audit log image for patient example Penny Riley


[Patient] Overview

The Patient Overview section allows for the entry of the intake documentation. The clinical user enters and reviews the patient’s Alerts, Problems, Allergies, Medications, Vitals, Dental Encounter History, Questionnaires, Vaccines, and Clinical Documents.


To access [Patient] Overview:

  1. Click the Overview button from the Dental Chart Menu.

Dental chart menu with a yellow highlight box around Overview.

  1. The Overview page opens.

Patient Overview Window with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Notes about Overview:

  1. Except for the Problems and Medications sections, users can only update the Overview sections in an In-Progress encounter.
  2. Some sections require users to indicate that they were reviewed by placing a check in the appropriate ‘list reviewed’ checkboxes.

  3. Edits in the following Overview sections push to the patient’s athenaOne chart in real-time:
    • Problems,

    • Allergies, Medications, and

    • Vitals.


Overview Navigation Menu

The Overview Navigation Menu allows for quick access to the different sections. Located on the left side of the page, users can click the desired section name to access it.

Overview Navigational Menu with a yellow highlight box around it.

Note: The user can also navigate by manually scrolling down the window to each section.



The Alert section allows clinical users to create Patient Alerts and Pre-medication Alerts for patients with problems requiring premedication before dental treatments. Completing this section for a patient will automatically trigger an Alert icon to display.


Important Notes:

  1. Certain patient problems will automatically trigger the creation of a Pre-medication Alert.
    Patient Problems are associated with medical diagnosis codes. Refer to the below table for diagnosis codes that automatically create a Pre-medication Alert.

Diagnosis Code Series*

Code Series Description


Congenital malformations of great veins


Congenital malformations of great arteries


Other congenital malformations of the heart


Congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves


Congenital malformations of pulmonary and tricuspid valves


Congenital malformations of cardiac septa


Congenital malformation of cardiac chambers and connections


Acute and subacute endocarditis


Presence of other functional implants (i.e., artificial joints)


Presence of cardiac and vascular implants and grafts, including Z86.79


Organ transplant recipient, including Z48.288

*=The X represents the series of applicable number/letter values for the diagnoses codes within that


  1. Patient Problems that do not automatically trigger the creation of a Pre-medication Alert can be added manually.

  2. Users can add multiple patient problems that will be a part of a single Alert.


Alert Icon

The Alert icon displays when a patient has a Patient Alert or a Pre-medication Alert. The icon is visible on all clinical and scheduling pages providing quick identification of patient problems or medication requirements.

Patient Alert Icon, a red triangle with a white background
Patient Alert Icon, a red triangle with a white background

The Alert icon displays in the following areas:

  • the Patient Banner on all Clinical pages

  • the Schedule View

  • the Schedule Appointment Overview Panel

  • the Check In/Check Out panels

  • the Clinical Huddle

  • Ready to Review in the Visit Summary


Click the alert icon to display the Patient or Pre-medication requirement details (Read Only).

details of a patient alert and premedication alert

Add Patient Alerts

Use Patient Alerts to notify office staff of any patient problems or pertinent information to consider as they treat the patient, like needing an interpreter, allergies, or dental treatment anxiety.


To add a Patient alert:

  1. Click the + next to Alerts and click Patient.

Alerts with a yellow highlight box around the plus sign and a yellow arrow pointing down towards the menu options.

  1. Enter a brief Description.

Add Patient Alert with yellow highlight box around the Description.

  1. Enter Notes regarding the problem or issue.

    Important Note: Users must enter a Note if the Description field is left blank.

Alert Notes text box

  1. Click Save or Cancel to close.


Add Pre-medication Alerts

Use to indicate any patient problems requiring premedication before a dental treatment(s).


To add a Pre-medication Alert:

  1. Click the + next to Alerts and click Pre-medication.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Associated Problem (Optional).

Add Premedication Alert window with yellow highlight box around the drop-down menu arrow.

  1. Enter the premedication instructions in the Notes.

    Important Note: Users must enter a Note if the Associated Problem is left blank.

Add Pre Medication Alert window with yellow highlight box around the Notes textbox.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to close.


Edit Alerts

To edit an Alert:

  1. Navigate to the patient’s Dental Chart and click Overview.

  2. In the Alerts section, click the entry Date hyperlink for the alert.

Alerts section with a yellow highlight box around the date hyperlink.

  1. The edit Alert window opens.

    • Patient Alert: Edit the Description or update the Notes text.
    • Pre-medication Alert: Edit the Associated Problem or update the Notes text.

Edit Patient alert window with yellow highlight boxes around the Description, Notes, and Save button.
Edit Pre Medication window with yellow highlight boxes around the Associated Problem, Notes, and Save button.


  1. Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to exit.


Delete Alerts

To remove an Alert:

  1. Navigate to the patient’s Dental Chart and click Overview.
  2. In the Alerts section, click the entry Date hyperlink for the alert.

Alerts section with a yellow highlight box around the date hyperlink.

  1. The Edit Patient Alert or Edit Pre-Medication Alert window opens. Click the Delete checkbox.

Edit Patient Alert window with a yellow highlight box around the Delete checkbox.
Edit Pre-medication alert window with a yellow highlight box around the delete checkbox.

  1. Click Save to remove the alert or Cancel to exit.



The Problems section allows users to review existing problems and add new problems to the patient’s chart.


Important Notes:

  • All problems submitted inside athenaOne Dental send to athenaOne as a Problems Note.
  • Problems can be associated with a Pre-medication Alert. Refer to Pre-medication Alerts for more details.


Add a Problem

To add or remove problems:

  1. Click + next to Patient Reported Problems.

Patient reported problems plus sign with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Patient Reported Problems window opens, containing a collection of known patient ailments or problems to review with the patient.

  2. Use the toggles to add or remove problems.

Patient reported problems window with a yellow highlight box around an example toggle in the on position.

  1. Enter any relevant notes into the Notes textbox.

The notes textbox and Complete button with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Click Complete to save or Close to exit.


Problems List Reviewed

Click the Problems List Reviewed checkbox after reviewing the problems list with the patient.

Problems list reviewed checkbox with a yellow highlight around the checkbox.



The Allergies section allows users to review existing allergies and add new allergies to the patient’s chart.

Allergy section with criticality new feature displaying.


Add an Allergy

To add an allergy to the patient’s chart:

  1. Click + next to Allergies.

Allergies section with yellow highlight box around the plus sign to add new.

  1. The Add Allergies window opens. Enter the allergen to search for in the textbox.

Add Allergies section with a yellow highlight box around the Search allergies field.

  1. From the drop-down search list, click to select the patient’s allergen.

  2. If available, enter the Onset Date as a two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year.

Onset date field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select Criticality of allergy.

Criticality drop down menu with yellow highlight box around the arrow and a yellow arrow pointing down to the options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu or type to enter the patient’s allergic reaction. If needed, click the Add Reaction button to add multiple reactions.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate Severity level.

Reactions section with yellow highlight box around the Reaction and Severity fields.

Quick Tip: To clear the chosen allergy, click Remove Allergy, and to delete a reaction, use the trash can icon.

  1. Click Save to add or Cancel to exit.


Allergy History

Allergies removed from athenaOne will display in athenaOne Dental as historical. To view allergy history, click the Show History toggle.

show history toggle and hide history toggle images.


Review Allergies and NKDA

During an In-Progress encounter and after reviewing with the patient, click the checkbox(es) for the Allergy list reviewed and, if applicable, NKDA (No Known Drug Allergy).

Allergy list reviewed and NKDA checkboxes as checked with a yellow highlight box around them.



The Medications section allows users to review the patient’s prescribed medication history and add any medications they take to their chart. Users can add medications outside of an encounter if needed.

Note: Prescriptions added in athenaOne or Dental display in the Medications list.


Add Medications

To add a medication:

  1. Click + next to Medications.

medications plus sign with  a yellow highlight box around it

  1. The Add reported medication window opens. Type the name of the desired medication into the search text box.

Add reported medications section with a yellow highlight box around the Search medications textbox.

  1. From the Search list, select the desired medication.

  2. Enter any notes regarding medication dosage into the Sig text box.

  3. Enter the medication’s Start Date or use the calendar icon to select the dates.
    Note: The Stop Date is for ending medication usage and is not required for adding one.

Add medications window with yellow highlight boxes around the Sig, Start, and End Dates.

Quick Tip: Click the Remove Medication button to clear the chosen medication and start over. Important Note: Users can add multiple medications at one time. Once users enter a medication’s Sig and Start Date, return to the Search textbox (step 2), and add the next medication (steps 3 – 5).

  1. Click Save to add or Cancel to discard.


Review Medications

After reviewing with the patient, click the checkbox for Medication list reviewed. If the patient takes no medications, click the No medications reported.


To view Medication history, click the Show history toggle.

Image of the Medication list reviewed and No medications reported blue checkboxes.




The Vitals section allows the user to record the patient’s vital signs. Any vitals recorded within the patient’s

previous athenaOne visit will also display in this section.


Important Note: Depending on your organization’s policies, users may disregard or complete the different sections in the Vitals window.


To skip a section:

  1. Click the checkbox for Not Performed.
  2. If needed, use the drop-down search menu to select a reason.

Vitals window with a yellow highlight box around a checked Not Performed section option and a Select reason drop down menu.


Add Vitals

To add vitals to the patient’s chart:

  1. Click + next to Vitals.

Vitals section with a yellow highlight box around the plus sign.

  1. Complete the Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Pulse, Temperature, Respiratory Rate, and O2 Saturation sections (see below) as directed.

  2. Click Save to add the new Vitals or Close to discard.


Blood Pressure

  1. Click + to add a blood pressure reading.
    Note: You can input multiple blood pressure readings.

Blood pressure section with yellow highlight box around the plus sign

  1. Enter the numeric values for Systolic and Diastolic.

  2. Use the drop-down menu arrows to select the BP Position, BP Site, and Cuff size.

  3. Click the trash icon to delete any blood pressure readings.

Blood pressure section with a yellow highlight box around the trash can.


Height and Weight

  1. Enter the patient’s Height numeric values in the Feet and Inches boxes.

  2. Use the drop-down arrow to select the appropriate Height Option.

Height section with yellow highlight boxes around the feet and inches boxes as well as a yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow menu with a yellow arrow pointing the menu options.

  1. Enter the Weight numeric value in the pounds box.

  2. Use the down arrow menu to select the correct Weight Option.

Weight vitals section with yellow highlight boxes around the pounds field and the drop-down arrow menu with a yellow arrow pointing down to the menu options.


Pulse and Temperature

To add Pulse results:

  1. Enter the Pulse results in the beats-per-minute (bpm) box.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to open the pulse findings list and select the appropriate result:
    • Regular
    • Irregular
    • regularly irregular
    • irregularly irregular
    • None

Pulse  Vitals window showing Pulse and Temperature sections with yellow highlight boxes around the bpm, Fahrenheit, and drop-down arrows.

To add Temperature results:

  1. Type the Temperature numeric results in the Fahrenheit (F) box.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to open the temperature locations list and select the appropriate result:
    • Oral
    • Ear
    • Axillary
    • Rectal
    • Temporal artery
    • None

 Temperature Vitals window showing Pulse and Temperature sections with yellow highlight boxes around the bpm, Fahrenheit, and drop-down arrows.

Respiratory Rate and O2 Saturation

  1. Enter the Respiratory Rate numeric value and O2 Saturation percentage in the result boxes.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to open the menu list and select the appropriate item:
    • Room Air at Rest
    • Oxygen
    • Breathing Treatment
    • Room air with Oxygen
    • RoomAirwithExercise
    • AmbulatingwithOxygen
    • AmbulatingonRoom Air
    • CPAP

Vitals window showing the Respiratory rate and O2 Saturation sections with yellow highlight boxes around the rate result box, O2 percentage box, and the drop-down arrow.


Editing Vitals

In an In Progress encounter, users can edit the vitals already recorded for that encounter by clicking the Date hyperlink.

Vitals section with a yellow highlight box around the date hyperlink.


Dental Encounter History

The Dental Encounter History displays the Encounter Date, Treating Provider, Hygienist, Reason for Encounter, and Status for each patient’s past encounters.


Once a procedure code is set to Complete, the treating provider's or hygienist's name displays in Dental Encounter History.

Dental Encounter History image showing an example encounter.



The Questionnaires section stores the various assessment information relating to the patient, including their dental history. In this section, clinical users complete and view previous questionnaires.

Note: If an assessment is due, a red warning icon appears next to Questionnaires. Red circle warning icon with a yellow highlight box around it. Hover over the icon to see which assessment is due.


To add a questionnaire:

  1. Click + next to Questionnaires.

Questionnaires section with yellow box around the plus sign.

  1. Select the desired questionnaire to complete.

    • Caries Risk Assessment
    • Dental History

Questionnaires section with yellow highlight box around two example questionnaires.

  1. The questionnaire opens in a new window. Complete the necessary form content and click Complete.
  2. The completed form adds to the Questionnaires list. Users can access it by selecting the Form name hyperlink.

Questionnaires section with yellow highlight box around the blue Form hyperlink.


Caries Risk Assessment

The Caries Risk Assessment is a questionnaire typically completed with the patient or patient’s caretaker during the prophy portion of the appointment. The form has two versions based on the patient’s age: < six years old, ≥ six years old.

The caries risk score calculates automatically as the questions are answered on the form, and it automatically adds the correct procedure code to the patient’s tooth ledger.


To complete:

  1. Select the Caries Risk Assessment from the Questionnaire menu to open it.
  2. Click the radio buttons to complete the applicable patient information.

Caries Risk Assessment with yellow highlight boxes around the patient information and Complete button.

  1. Enter any Patient Instructions as applicable.

  2. Click Complete to save or Close to discard it.


Dental History

The Dental History Questionnaire allows the user to record the patient’s answers about their dental history. To complete:

  1. Select Dental History from the Questionnaire menu list to open it.
  2. Click the radio buttons, use the text boxes, and enter the date fields to complete the applicable patient information.

Dental History Questionnaire with yellow highlight boxes around the Dental information and the Complete button.

  1. Click Complete to save or Close to discard it.



The Vaccines section allows clinical staff to view and review the immunizations in athenaOne.


Review Vaccines

Click the Mark as Reviewed checkbox after reviewing vaccines with the patient.

Vaccines section with a yellow highlight box around the Mark as reviewed checkbox.


Important Note: Each time a user checks the Mark as Reviewed checkbox, the associated time, date, and user displays in the Vaccines section indicating the last date vaccines were reviewed.


Vaccines with a yellow highlight box around the date and time stamp of reviewed items.



The Documents section allows users to upload and review clinical documents relevant to the patient’s dental care.

Important Note: The accepted document file types are .txt, .xml, .pdf, .png, or .jpeg.


Refer to the Documents Section for more information on uploading documents.

Documents section with yellow highlight box around the Choose Files button.



The Charting section lets users document existing issues, completed procedures, and procedure Treatment plans for a patient. Charting also allows users to review past procedures.

To access, click Charting from the Dental Chart menu.

Dental chart menu with yellow highlight box around Charting.

There are two main sections in Charting:

  • Odontogram: The Odontogram visually represents the teeth and their charted issues, procedures and conditions.
  • Charting Panel: The user views and updates procedures and conditions as well as prepares patient and clinical notes.

Charting option with yellow highlight box around it and yellow arrows pointing downwards to the odontogram and the tooth ledger.


The Odontogram displays the teeth dentition view based on the patient’s age when it is first accessed. The numbers and letters in the center identify the specific teeth. athenaOne Dental uses the following logic to determine the view for each patient:


Patient Age

Dentition Type

Maxillary/Upper Arch

Mandibular/Lower Arch

< 7 years


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J

K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T

7 years - 11

years and 364 days


3, A, B, C, 7, 8, 9, 10, H, I, J, 14

19, K, L, M, 23, 24, 25, 26, R, S, T, 30

12 years


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,

15, 16

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,

31, 32


Users make selections to identify conditions in teeth and specify teeth that need treatment using the Odontogram.

Note: Charted Conditions will be removed from the Odontogram when the status is updated to “Resolved.”


athenaOne Dental’s Charting Odontogram uses different colors for the different teeth pending procedures and conditions.

  • Treatment Plan procedures display in red.
  • Completed procedures display in blue.
  • Existing/Existing Other procedures display in green.
  • Referred procedures display in orange.
  • Conditions display in black.

Odontogram image displaying teeth with multiple conditions and needed procedures.

Click on the teeth to manually select and deselect.


Important Notes:

  • If you select multiple teeth and add a condition or a procedure, it will be added to all the selected teeth.
  • The image for all crown procedures reflects all portions of the teeth surfaces down to the root on the Odontogram.

    The Primary teeth or baby teeth in the Odontogram display proportional to size. Primary teeth show with alphabet letter representation. (See below)

Odontogram showing primary teeth


Procedure Types

Procedure Types determine the procedure category on the tooth ledger and how images render on the Odontogram. athenaOne Dental has four Procedure Types:

  • Existing: This option allows users to identify the treatments the patient had completed before becoming a patient at your clinic. For example, when a patient comes in for a new patient visit, the provider will chart all the treatments they see existing in the patient's mouth--such as crowns, composites, etc.--as Existing procedures.

  • Existing Other: This option identifies other existing treatments - completed by an outside provider. It has two uses:

    1. Use for the same purpose as Existing (Optional).

    2. Use for treatments previously referred to a different provider and completed by an outside provider (Preferred Use). For example, a procedure (CDT), like wisdom teeth extraction, that your provider refers to an oral surgeon. The patient returns to your office with the referred procedure completed, and your provider uses Existing Other to document completion.

  • Treatment Plan: This option identifies any treatment that needs to be completed or a treatment that was already completed at your practice.

  • Treatment > Pending (Treatment Plan).

  • Treatment > Completed Treatment Procedures.

    • Referred: This option identifies treatments that will be referred out to another provider for completion by a provider not at your practice.

  • Referred > Pending referred out.

  • Referred > Completed procedures referred to an outside provider to be completed by that provider.


Important Note: By updating the procedure record in the Tooth Ledger, users can change the type of the procedure. Refer to the Tooth Ledger for more details.


To use Procedure Types:

  1. Click the desired procedure type from the Odontogram vertical menu:

Procedure Types showing Existing, Existing Other, Treatment Plan, and Referred.
Procedure Types

  1. Click to select the applicable tooth or teeth affected.

Odontogram with a procedure type selected showing a yellow highlight box around it as well as a yellow arrow pointing to the teeth affected.

  1. The image of the selected tooth updates to the corresponding procedure or treatment color.


Important Note: Any procedures added to the Odontogram are also added to the tooth ledger with the selected procedure type.

Quick Navigation Pane

The Quick Navigation Pane is a vertical list of shortcut buttons that lets a user chart in the Odontogram quickly. The shortcuts appear gray until the user selects one or more teeth in the Odontogram.

Shortcut buttons  The vertical menu list of the shortcut buttons.


Add Conditions

The Add Condition shortcut button allows the user to add conditions to teeth.


To add a Condition:

  1. Select a tooth or teeth from the Odontogram.
  2. Click the Add Condition button.

condition shortcut  Condition shortcut button with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Select the condition name from the drop-down arrow menu.

Add condition window with a yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow.

  1. Select the teeth surfaces for the condition, if applicable.

Select Surfaces image showing the condition options of LV, BV, select all and deselect all.

  1. The condition, tooth #, and surfaces (if selected) will display under Results.

  2. Click Save to add the condition or Cancel to exit.

Add Condition window with yellow highlight box around the down-arrow menu and the Save button.


Surface-Specific Conditions

Use the surface selector to identify conditions where one or more surfaces have an issue.

Select Surfaces image showing the condition options of LV, BV, select all and deselect all.

To add Surface Conditions:

  1. Click one of the following:
    • LⅤ: Select individual class surfaces.
    • FⅤ: Select individual class surfaces (only displays for anterior teeth).
    • BⅤ: Select individual class surfaces (only displays for posterior teeth).
    • Select All: Select all surfaces.
    • Deselect All: Deselect all selected surfaces.
  2. Click the surfaces to select individually:
    • B/F: Buccal/Facial
    • D: Distal
    • O/I: Occlusal/Incisal
    • M: Mesial
    • L: Lingual


Drifted Conditions

Drifted Conditions cause teeth to move inside the mouth. Use the diagram to indicate the direction the teeth drifted.

Icon indicating the 4 directional drifted conditions.

  • Up arrow: Tooth moved forward 1 mm.
  • Right arrow: Tooth moved to the right 1 mm.
  • Left arrow: Tooth moved to the left 1 mm.
  • Down arrow: Tooth moved backward 1 mm.


Partially Erupted Conditions

Partially Erupted tooth/teeth conditions can be charted, and the Odontogram will display a visual representation.


To add a Partially Erupted Condition:

  1. Navigate to the Add condition window. Refer to Add Conditions for more details.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow menu to select Partially Erupted.

Add Condition Window with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to partially erupted option.

  1. Complete the Select Teeth and remaining fields.
  2. Click Save.
  3. The Odontogram shows the Partially Erupted Condition with the letters PE underneath the selected tooth/teeth.

Odontogram tooth image showing the PE letters underneath the tooth.


Rotational Conditions

Rotational Conditions cause teeth to turn and rotate.

Use the diagram to indicate the direction that the teeth rotated. The current functionality may change.

Rotational Conditions with yellow numbered items corresponding to the teeth degree movement.


  1. Rotate the Occlusal counterclockwise by 1 degree.
  2. Rotate the Occlusal clockwise by 1 degree.
  3. Rotate the Mesial tip by 1 degree.
  4. Rotate the Facial Tip by 1 degree.


Refer to Edit Conditions for information on reviewing and editing.


Change Tooth Dentition

The Change Tooth Dentition buttons allow users to change the view of the Odontogram from primary to permanent teeth when needed.

Note: These buttons enable based on the tooth/teeth selection. For example, if a permanent tooth is selected,

only the ‘Switch to Primary’ button is enabled.

The double up arrow and double down arrow dentition icons with yellow highlight box around it.

Switch to Permanent: Click the up arrow to change the dentition of the chosen teeth to permanent.

Switch to Primary: Click the down arrow to change the dentition of the chosen teeth to primary.


Remove Tooth

The Remove Tooth (x) button allows users to indicate that a tooth is missing.

The remove button with a yellow highlight box around it.

To Remove a tooth:

  1. Select the tooth from the Odontogram.
  2. Click the Remove Tooth button to remove the tooth from the Odontogram.
  3. The Odontogram displays the tooth and root missing.

Odontogram showing missing tooth with a yellow box where the tooth would be.


Adding Sealants

The Add Sealant (S) button allows users to add sealants to selected teeth.

Sealant icon with a yellow highlight box around it.


To add a Sealant:

  1. Select the tooth from the Odontogram.
  2. Click the Add Sealant button to add the sealant to the chosen tooth.
  3. The Odontogram displays the tooth with the letter S.

Odontogram with tooth showing Sealant


Add a Watch

The Add Watch (W) shortcut button allows users to add a watch to specific teeth.

The Watch tooth icon with a yellow highlight box around it.

To add a Watch:

  1. Select the tooth from the Odontogram.
  2. Click the Add Watch button located on the toolbar.
  3. The Add condition window opens. Enter a condition Note in the textbox.

Add Condition window with yellow highlight box around the Note textbox.

  1. Click Save.

  2. The Odontogram displays the tooth with a W below it.

Odontogram tooth with a W beneath it


Quick Actions

The Quick Actions tab is the first tab on the Charting page. Quick Actions allow users to complete the following tasks quickly:

  • Chart Posterior/Anterior Composites

  • Complete a Soft Tissue Exam

  • Queue up Prescriptions

Quick Actions tab with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Note: The quick actions are not customizable.


Adding a Posterior Composite

The Posterior Composite section inside Quick Actions allows users to add composites to posterior teeth. The procedure automatically logs as treatment pending.

Important Note: You MUST select a posterior tooth for this quick action to work.


To add a posterior composite:

  1. Select a posterior tooth.
  2. Select one of the surfaces or surface combinations:
    • MO: Mesial/Occlusal
    • DO: Distal/Occlusal
    • O: Occlusal
    • MOD: Mesial/Occlusal/Distal
    • MODL: Mesial/Occlusal/Distal/Lingual
    • MODB: Mesial/Occlusal/Distal/Buccal
    • ML: Mesial/Lingual
    • OB: Occlusal/Buccal
    • B: Buccal

Posterior Composite section with a yellow highlight box around it.


Adding an Anterior Composite

The Anterior Composite section inside Quick Actions allows users to add composites to anterior teeth quickly. The procedure automatically logs as treatment pending.

Important Note: You MUST select an anterior tooth for this quick action to work.


To add an anterior composite:

  1. Select the anterior tooth.
  2. Select one of the surfaces or surface combinations:
    • DL: Distal/Lingual
    • MDL: Mesial/Distal/Lingual
    • ML: Mesial/Lingual
    • I: Incisal
    • F: Facial
    • L: Lingual

Anterior Composite section with a yellow highlight box around it.


Completing a Soft Tissue Exam

The Soft Tissue Exam allows users to document the findings from the exam performed by providers to test for abnormalities in the soft tissue.


To complete a Soft Tissue Exam:

  1. From the Quick Actions tab, click Soft Tissue Exam.

Quick Actions tab with a yellow highlight box around the Soft Tissue Exam button.

  1. The Soft Tissue Exam form opens in a panel within the same window. The form contains four sections: the Soft Tissue Exam, Other, PSR Upper Arch, and PSR Lower Arch.

    The sections contain the following buttons:

    • All WNL: Automatically enters Within Normal Limits for the Soft Tissue Exam categories .
    • Previous: Automatically inputs results for this section from the most recent previous exam.
    • Clear: Click this button to clear results.

The heading area buttons of the Soft Tissue Exam screen with a yellow highlight box around All WNL, Previous, and Clear buttons.


Soft Tissue Exam

The Soft Tissue Exam section allows users to indicate whether the results for each category are within normal limits.


To add exam result findings:

  1. Click the appropriate result button: Within Normal Limits or Abnormal.
  2. The selected result button turns blue.

Soft Tissue Exam screen with yellow highlight boxes around Lymph notes and Notes.

  1. If users select Abnormal, a Notes text box will appear beside the category. Use it to enter notes about Abnormal exam results.



The Other section allows users to indicate other exam findings.


To add the findings:

  1. Click the text fields and enter Overbite, Overjet, To Left, or To Right results.
  2. Click the checkboxes to input other related exam findings.

Other section with yellow highlight boxes around the Occlusion checkbox and To Left and To Right boxes.


PSR Upper Arch

The PSR Upper Arch section allows the user to chart the three areas of the PSR upper arch: Upper Right, Upper Center, and Upper Left.


To add results:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow for each result box to open the numbers list.
  2. Select the correct number value, 0 to 6.

PSR Upper Arch with yellow highlight boxes around the down arrows.


PSR Lower Arch

The PSR Lower Arch section allows the user to chart the three areas of the PSR lower arch: Lower Right, Lower Center, and Lower Left.


To add results:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow for each result box to open the numbers list.
  2. Select the correct number value, 0 to 6.

PSR lower arch section with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down arrows.


Adding a Prescription

The Add Prescription feature provides the option to add a prescription to the patient’s chart.

Important Note: You must be inside an In-Progress encounter to add a prescription, and a procedure must be in Charting with an assigned diagnosis to associate with the prescription.


To add a Prescription:

  1. Click the +Rx button.
  2. The Add Prescription Panel opens in a panel within the same window .

Quick Actions tab with a yellow highlight box around the +RX button.

Overview Information

The Overview section contains the patient’s Problems, Allergies, and Medications lists, which display underneath the patient’s basic details.

Add Prescription window with a yellow highlight box around the Problems and medications.


To expand and view the Problems, Allergies, or Medications, click the arrow to the left of each section title.

Prescription Search

To locate a medication to prescribe:

  1. Enter the medication name in the prescription search box.
  2. A drop-down menu appears with a list of possible medication options.
  3. Click the desired medication from the list and complete the prescription instructions.

Add Prescription window with yellow highlight box around the prescription search options.


Prescription Instructions

The Prescription Instructions section allows users to enter the details of the prescribed medication, including the provider’s instructions.


To add the Prescription Instructions:

  1. Click into the text boxes to complete the Unstructured SIG information.
    • Unstructured Sig the amount, frequency, days, and additional Instructions (if applicable).

Unstructured Sig with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the quantity information for Refills and check DAW, if necessary, to dispense the medication as written.

Quantity section with yellow highlight box around the refills and DAW checkbox.

  1. Verify and complete the Send to pharmacy information.

    • Verify that the pharmacy is the patient’s default pharmacy, entered into the patient’s registration Quickview in athenaOne.
    • Use the Internal Note field to indicate patient pharmacy changes.

Sent to section with yellow highlight box around pharmacy and note sections.

  1. Click the Associated Diagnosis to associate a diagnosis with the prescription.

Associated diagnosis with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter a Note to Pharmacy (if applicable).

  2. Enter a Note to Patient (if applicable).

Add Prescription window with yellow highlight box around the Notes sections and the Send to Que button.

  1. Click Send to Queue to send out the order for the prescription or Cancel to exit.

    Important Notes:

    • Once a prescription is sent to the queue in athenaOne Dental, the prescription is sent to the encounter as an order in athenaOne.

    • If no diagnosis code exists on the encounter and a user clicks the “Send to queue” button, a warning message states that the diagnosis code is required.

Add Prescription panel with a yellow highlight box around the Associated Diagnosis is required warning message.



The Procedures tab allows the user to locate and add procedures to the patient’s Odontogram and Tooth Ledger. There are two ways to locate and add procedures: a Quick Actions setting or using the Procedure List. To access Procedures:

  1. From the Dental Chart menu, click Charting.

  1. Click the Procedures tab next to the Quick Actions tab.

The Procedures tab with a yellow highlight box around it.


Quick Actions

The Procedures Quick Actions option allows for quick entry of charting procedures.


To use procedures Quick Action:

  1. Click a procedure button or use a drop-down arrow to open the menu list for the desired procedure code section or group, i.e., Exam, Prophy, X-ray, etc.

    Quick Tip: Users can customize the Quick Action Buttons in Charting Settings. Refer to Quick Actions for more details.
    Procedures tab with yellow highlight box around the prophy dropdown arrow and a yellow arrow pointing down to the menu list.

  2. Select the desired procedure/group from the list.


Procedure List

The Procedure List option allows users to browse and search for procedures by code or description.


To add procedures using Procedure List:

  1. Click the Procedure List button at the bottom of the Procedures tab.

The procedure list button with a yellow highlight box around it

  1. The Procedure Browser window opens. There are two ways to browse to locate the needed procedure:

    • Use the vertical category list to browse procedures by category.

Procedure Browser with yellow highlight box around the category list.

  • Use the search text box and type in the procedure code or description.

Procedure browser with yellow highlight box around the Search text box.

  1. Click to select the desired procedure(s). This opens the Add Procedures panel.


Add Procedures

The Add Procedures panel allows the user to chart the important details regarding the procedure(s). Depending on the selected procedure, the sections consist of Procedure Details, Select Teeth, Procedures to Add, Surface Selector(s), and Results.


Procedure Details

Click the following text boxes or fields to complete the procedure details.

  1. Type: Use the drop-down arrow menu and select the correct procedure Type.
  2. Pre-Auth Status: Currently inactive fields.
  3. Provider: Use the drop-down arrow menu and select the Provider. (Required for all Treatment types except Existing and Existing Other)
  4. Onset Date: Enter if using Existing or Existing Other procedure types (Optional).
  5. Selected Teeth: Displays if the procedure requires a tooth/teeth to be selected.

Procedure details section with numbered items in yellow to identify completion boxes.


Select Areas

The Select Areas section allows users to select specific arch areas and associate the diagnosis(es) for specific procedures.

For example: occlusal guard procedure codes D9942, D9943, D9944, D9945, and D9946


  1. From Add Procedures, complete the Procedure Details.

  2. Use the quick selection buttons to choose the Select areas:
    • UA Upper Arch
    • LA Lower Arch

Add procedures window with yellow highlight around the select areas buttons.

  1. To clear entries, click the Deselect All button.

  2. Click to select the diagnosis code(s) for each Stage or search to add a diagnosis code.
    Refer to Adding Diagnosis codes for more information.

Select areas with a yellow highlight box around UA Stage diagnosis selections. Select areas with a yellow highlight box around LA Stage diagnosis selections.


Select Teeth

To add or change a tooth:

  1. Click the tooth (or teeth) number(s) in the tooth selector.
  2. Use one of the quick selection tools to select the tooth location.
    • UR - Right side of the upper jaw.
    • UL - Left side of the upper jaw.
    • LL - Left side of the lower jaw.
    • LR - Right side of the lower jaw.
    • UA - Upper jaw.
    • LA - Lower jaw.

      Important Note: These options are for all teeth.

Select Teeth section with yellow highlight box around Deselect all.

  1. Or to clear entries, click the Deselect All button.


Select Supernumerary Teeth

Supernumerary teeth logic goes by the following:

  • >32 Permanent Teeth
  • >20 Primary Teeth


To chart Supernumerary procedure:

  1. Navigate to Charting from the Dental Chart menu.
  2. Use an extraction procedure Quick Action button or the Procedure List button to add/select the extraction procedure.
    Refer to
    Quick Actions and Procedure List for additional details.
  1. The Add procedures window opens. Complete the Procedure Details section. Refer to Procedure Details for more information.

Add Procedures window with yellow highlight box around the Procedure Details section.

  1. Next, use the drop-down arrow menu to select the teeth chart:Tooth selector display menu with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow.
    • Chart: displays Permanent/Primary teeth depending on patient age (default view).
    • Supernumerary: displays the Permanent extra teeth by adding 50 to the closest standard tooth number. Example: tooth adjacent to tooth 9 entered as tooth 59
    • Primary Supernumerary: displays the extra Primary teeth by adding an “S” to the closest standard tooth letter. Example: tooth adjacent to tooth A entered as AS

Select Teeth section with yellow highlight box around the Supernumerary selection showing the corresponding teeth. Select teeth section with yellow highlight box around Primary Supernumerary selection.

  1. Click to select the diagnosis code(s) or search to add a diagnosis code.
    Refer to Adding Diagnosis codes for more information.

Add Procedures window with yellow highlight boxes around the diagnosis code section and the Notes.

  1. Enter any procedure Notes.
  2. Click Save or Cancel to exit.

Add procedure window showing results section with yellow highlight box around the Save button.

Important Notes: Supernumerary teeth views are only available for extraction procedure codes.


Procedures to Add

The Procedures to Add section displays each tooth selected for the procedure separately, identified by tooth number.

Procedures to Add section


Tooth Details

The Tooth Details section allows users to:

  • Identify the tooth surfaces affected by the indicated procedure.

  • Assign one or more diagnoses to be associated with the procedures.

Tooth chart with yellow highlight boxes around the tooth 12 and 21.
Tooth Chart with yellow highlight box around Collapse All.
Quick Tip: Select Collapse All or Expand All to hide/expand all surface selectors.


Surface-Specific Procedures

If the procedure you add requires that you identify specific surfaces of a tooth to be treated, a tooth selector will appear in the individual tooth details section.

Refer to the Surface-Specific Conditions for more details.


Adding Diagnoses

The Procedures to Add section allows users to add a diagnosis to the performed procedure(s).


In the Procedures to Add section, at least two auto-suggested diagnoses will appear with one auto-selected. Users may choose to use the auto-selected diagnosis, select one of the other suggested diagnoses, or search for and select a different diagnosis.

Procedures to add with yellow highlight box around the diagnosis selection boxes.


Important Note: A selected Diagnosis appears shaded, and a suggested Diagnosis appears unshaded.


To add a diagnosis, use one or a combination of the following:

  1. Use the auto-selected diagnosis code (shaded).
  2. Click to select one of the suggested (unshaded) diagnoses.
  3. Use the Search and add DX drop-down arrow to locate and select the diagnosis.

Procedures to add with yellow highlight box around the diagnosis selection box and drop down arrow search box.


Add procedures screen with a yellow highlight box around Notes.
Enter notes in the textbox for all procedures within the view, if applicable.



The Results section lets the user view information on the procedure being added. For procedures with multiple Stages, the results section reflects these accordingly.

Results section with yellow highlight box around a procedure with multiple stages.
Refer to Appendix 1: Procedure Codes with Stages for a list of codes.


When all items are added to the Add procedures window, click the Save button or Cancel to exit. Refer to Edit Procedures for more information on reviewing and editing.


Notes Hx

The Notes Hx tab displays the clinical notes for the patient and allows the user to print selected clinical notes. Users can also view the historical notes and add additional clinical notes if necessary.

Note Browser

Users can add additional notes at any time in Note Browser. The Note Browser allows users to add Non- Encounter chart notes and Addendums to notes.

Important Note: Users do not have to be inside an Encounter to add additional notes.


To access Note Browser:

  1. Click Notes Hx.
  2. Click the Note Browser button.

Notes Hx tab with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing to the Note Browser button.

  1. The Note Browser opens in a new window.
    Note: Users can open a prior Encounter note from the clinical note history list on the left side of the page.

The Note Browser Window


Text Editor

The Note Browser contains a full-Text Editor allowing users to format the note documentation. The available formatting options are:


  • Bold

  • Italics

  • Underline

  • Bulleted list

  • Right aligned

  • Center aligned

  • Left aligned

  • Header styles

  • Clear Formatting

Note Browser window showing the text editor and the formatting options.


Addendum Note

Users can add an Addendum to an encounter’s clinical note after the note is attested. Users can also add an Addendum to a Non-Encounter chart note.

There is no limit to the number of Addendums users can add to a clinical/encounter note or a Non-encounter Note.


To add an Addendum to the clinical note, the status must be:


  • Active” Attested: Attested clinical notes, but the encounter is not billed.

  • Completed/Billed: Notes associated with a billed encounter and contain a Completed status.


To add an active Attested clinical note Addendum:

  1. From the Clinical Huddle, click the patient’s Attested status.

Clinical Huddle with yellow highlight box around the Attested status.


  1. Click the Charting menu tab.

  2. Click Clinical Notes and then select the +Addendum button.

Charting page with yellow highlight boxes around the Clinical Note tab and +Addendum button.

  1. The Note Browser window opens inside the clinical note.

  2. A text editor opens next to the clinical note. Enter the additional note content and click Sign & Save.

A yellow box around the free text editor with a yellow highlight arrow pointing towards the sign & Save button.

  1. Check the I Agree checkbox.

  2. Click the Save and Sign button.

Sign and Save box with yellow highlight boxes around the I agree checkbox and the Save and Sign button.

Note: The Clinical Note will update with an electronic signature showing who signed it and a date and time stamp.


Clinical note with the signed addendum time and date stamped highlighted in yellow box.

Users can view clinical note Addendums via the Note Browser, the Notes Hx tab, or the Visit Summary panel on the Ready to Review page once the appointment is checked out.

Visit Summary with yellow highlight box around an signed addendum electronic signature.



To add a Completed/Billed clinical note Addendum:

  1. Navigate to the patient’s Charting page.
  2. Find the clinical note in the Notes Hx tab that you need to add to the addendum.
  3. Click the Note Browser button.

Notes Hx tab with a yellow highlight box around the Note Browser button.

  1. The Note Browser window opens.

  2. Click the Encounter hyperlink of the desired clinical note and click Addendum. Note: The Addendum button enables once a clinical note is selected.

Note browser with yellow highlight around selected prior encounter and a yellow arrow pointing towards addendum button.

  1. A text editor opens next to the clinical note. Refer to Text Editor for more information.

  2. Enter the additional note content and click Sign & Save.

A yellow box around the free text editor with a yellow highlight arrow pointing towards the sign & Save button.

  1. Check the I Agree checkbox.

  2. Click the Save and Sign button.

Sign and Save box with yellow highlight boxes around the I agree checkbox and the Save and Sign button.

Note: The Clinical Note will update with an electronic signature showing who signed it and a date and time stamp.

Clinical note with the signed addendum time and date stamped highlighted in yellow box.


Non-Encounter Notes

The Note Browser enables users to add a Non-Encounter note for the patient’s chart. Non-Encounter notes are not associated with an encounter and are added outside of an encounter. There are three types available:

  • Care Coordination Note,

  • Follow-up Note,

  • Patient Communication.
    You can add an Addendum to a Non-Encounter note and use the same process as adding an Addendum to clinical/encounter notes.


Non-encounter notes are visible from the Notes Hx tab or the Note Browser by clicking the “Note Browser” button

on the Notes Hx tab.


To add a Non-Encounter Note:

  1. Click the Note Browser button.
  2. The Note Browser window opens.
  3. Click the Encounter hyperlink of the desired visit.

Note Browser page with a yellow highlight box around the blue encounter visit hyperlink.

  1. Use the drop-down menu and select one of the following Note types:

    • Care Coordination

    • Follow-up

    • Patient Communication

Note Type drop down menu list with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow.

  1. A text editor opens next to the clinical note. Refer to Text Editor for additional information.

  2. Enter the additional note content and click Sign & Save.


Note Browser free text editor with yellow box around the note field and a yellow arrow pointing towards the Sign and Save button.

  1. Check the I Agree checkbox.
  2. Click the Save and Sign button.

Sign and Save box with yellow highlight boxes around the I agree checkbox and the Save and Sign button.

Note: The Clinical Note will update with an electronic signature showing who signed it and a date and time stamp.

Note Browser window showing electronically signed date and time stamp with a yellow highlight box around it.


Incomplete Encounters

A red circle exclamation indicator displays when the note is missing attestation.

Notes Hx tab showing the red exclamation point circle and a yellow highlight box around the missing attestation message.


Printing Clinical Notes

To print Clinical notes:

  1. From the Notes Hx section, click the Print button.

Notes Hx tab with yellow highlight box around the Print button.

  1. The Print Chart Notes window opens. Click the checkbox(es) to select the desired encounter dates.

Print Chart notes window with yellow highlight boxes around selected encounter dates and the print button.

Quick Tip: Click the Select All checkbox to check all the Encounter Notes checkboxes automatically.

  1. Click Print.

  2. The Clinical Note opens in the Preview window.
    Refer to Report Preview Features for additional Preview window information.
  3. Click the File tab and select Print.

Clinical Notes print preview window with a yellow highlight box around the File tab as well as an arrow pointing to print.

  1. Click the X to close the Preview window.

  1. Rays

    The X-Rays tab enables users to launch the imaging software.


To launch the imaging software:

  1. Select the Imaging Source drop-down menu.
  2. Click Launch Imaging.

X-Rays tab with yellow highlight box around it and showing blue launch imaging button.

Charting Panel

The Charting Panel contains the provider documented information regarding the patient’s care for this

encounter. There are three separate sections: the Tooth Ledger, the Clinical Note, and the Patient Notes.


Tooth Ledger

The tooth ledger captures the procedures and conditions charted for the patient.

The Tooth Ledger showing all columns and a yellow highlight box around the Tooth Ledger tab.

The Tooth Ledger default sort is:

  1. By Type (with Treatments listed first and Conditions last),
  2. Status (Pending at the top),
  3. Stage

  4. Date (newest to oldest),
  5. Tooth Number (smallest value to largest value).
    Scroll down the Tooth Ledger to view all entries or click the Maximize, the maximize button with a yellow highlight box around it , button by Patient Notes. The ledger shows treatment planned procedures at the top and Conditions at the bottom.


Quick Tip: Users can manually sort the Tooth Ledger columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the column headers. Users can sort a single column. Click refresh to return to the default sort.


Important Note: The usual and customary rate appears as a Fee for billable treatment planned procedures. No patient-specific fee calculations appear on the tooth ledger.


Tooth Ledger Columns (from left to right):

  • Date:

    • Pending Status This is the date that the procedure was added.
  • Completed Status - This is the date that the procedure was completed.

  • Provider: This is the provider who renders the service.
  • Code: This is the selected procedure code.
  • Description: This is the description of the selected procedure code.
    • Click the hyperlink to edit the procedure, condition, or note.
    • Also, click the hyperlink to add a Pre-Auth Status or Authorization number (if ‘Approved’ status).
  • Tooth(s): This is the selected tooth or teeth number(s).
  • Area(s): This is the surface(s) selected.
  • Type: This is the procedure item’s selected category.
  • Status: This is the current state of the procedure item.
  • Billing Status: The billing status cannot be changed inside Charting.
  • Notes: The procedure notes that were previously entered.
    • Click the hyperlink in the column’s note text to edit the procedure or condition notes.
  • Dx: This is to edit the diagnosis code.
    • Click the hyperlink in the Dx to edit the diagnosis code.

Tooth ledger with yellow highlight boxes around the column headers.

Important:Users cannot update procedures with a Billed status.


Edit Procedures

The Description hyperlink allows users to review and edit a tooth’s procedure.

Note: Billed/Completed procedures cannot be edited from Tooth Ledger.


To edit a Procedure:

  1. Navigate to the Tooth Ledger.

  2. Locate the Procedure to review or edit.

  1. Click the Description hyperlink.

Description hyperlink with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Edit Procedure window opens. Review or edit the Notes or Diagnosis code.

Edit procedure window with a yellow highlight around Notes and Save.

  1. Click Save.


Edit Conditions

The Description hyperlink allows users to review and edit a tooth’s condition.

Note: The Status of the condition must be Active to edit or review.


To edit a Condition:

  1. Navigate to the Tooth Ledger.
  2. Locate the Condition to review or edit.

Tooth ledger with a yellow box around the condition.

  1. Click the Description hyperlink.

The tooth ledger with a yellow highlight box around the description hyperlink.

  1. The Edit Condition window opens. Review or edit the desired surface.

Edit Condition window with a yellow highlight around Save.

  1. Click Save.


Tooth Ledger Top Menu Options

Tooth ledger top menu selection items with a yellow highlight box around them.

Set Complete

The Set Complete option allows users to quickly change the status of a selected procedure from the Tooth Ledger to Completed.


Important Note: Before a procedure can be set to complete, it must have a diagnosis code, and the user must be in an In-Progress encounter.


To use Set Complete:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure(s).
  2. Click Set Complete to change the status to Completed.

Selected procedure radio button with an yellow highlight box around it and an arrow pointing up towards Set Complete.


Set Status

The Set Status option sets the status of a condition or procedure in the Tooth Ledger.


To use Set Status:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure(s) or condition(s).

  2. Click the Set Status drop-down arrow and select the appropriate status from the menu.

Set status menu list with a yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow.

Important Notes:

  • The procedure Type determines the Set Status options. For example, a Condition type will show Active or Resolved statuses.
  • Because they have different status options, users can not select procedures and conditions and then select ‘Set Status.’


Set Pre-Auth

The Set Pre-Auth option sets the pre-auth status of a procedure in the Tooth Ledger.


To use Set Pre-Auth:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure(s).
  2. Click the Set Pre-Auth drop-down arrow and select an option from the menu.

Set Pre-Auth menu list with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow.



The Delete option lets users delete selected procedures/conditions from the Tooth Ledger.


To use Delete:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure(s).

The ledger with a yellow highlight box around the procedure radio button with a yellow arrow pointing up towards the delete trash can.

  1. Then, click the Delete trash can.

  2. Click Continue to confirm the action in the Delete action window or Cancel to exit.

Delete Action window with yellow highlight box around the Continue button.

Important note: Once the Clinical Note is Attested or the Billing Status is Billed, users cannot delete it.



The Dx option allows users to add or change diagnoses for procedures in the Tooth Ledger.


To add or change the Dx:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure(s).

The ledger with a yellow highlight box around the radio button and a yellow arrow pointing towards the DX icon.

  1. Click the Dx icon.

  2. The Assign diagnoses window opens. Review the following sections:
    • Procedure: The selected procedure(s) you are assigning a diagnosis.
    • Diagnosis Suggestions:
      • Anyexistingdiagnosisassignedtotheprocedureappearsasashadeddiagnosisblock. Clickthe diagnosis to remove.
      • Anysuggesteddiagnosesappearasunshadeddiagnosisblocks.Clickthediagnosistoadd.

      • FindDiagnosis:Searchforadiagnosisbycodeordescriptionorscrollthroughthelist.

Assign diagnoses window showing sample procedure and diagnoses to search and select.

  1. Click Save to add the diagnosis or Cancel to exit.


Clinical Note

The Clinical Note tab allows users to enter clinical notes for the open encounter. The user can leverage the Quick Notes buttons(s) to generate the note and manually enter encounter-specific information as needed.


While the Clinical Notes automatically save, users can also manually save as they type. The save in-progress icon (blue spinning icon) does not start spinning until typing stops.

Clinical note tab with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Note: It is highly recommended to enter encounter data before generating the clinical note. Then, use the Add All Quick Note button to ensure the clinical note includes all encounter data.


Quick Notes

Use Quick Notes to generate the clinical note easily and quickly. Quick Notes has two button types based on the current/selected encounter:

  1. Enabled (bolded)– Indicates data entry is present.

  2. Disabled (greyed) Indicates data entry is not present.

Clinical Note section buttons in a vertical list showing items available to add to the note.


Manual Entry

Click one or more of the following to add the details to the note:


  • Add All: Adds all available clinical information.

  • Encounter Reason: The encounter reason.

  • Problems: All the reported patient problems from Patient Overview.

  • Allergies: All the reported patient allergies from Patient Overview.

  • Medications: All the reported patient medications from Patient Overview.

  • Dental History: All dental history records from Dental Encounter History in Patient Overview and displays as:

    Dental History reviewed by: First Name Last Name Dental History reviewed on: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM

  • Caries Risk Assessment: The Caries Risk Assessment results from the Questionnaires in Patient Overview and displays as: Low/Moderate/High

  • Vitals: The current encounter vitals from Patient Overview.

  • Soft Tissue Exam: The results of any soft tissue exams recorded during an encounter.

  • Planned Procedures: Treatment Pending procedures from the Tooth Ledger.

  • Completed Procedures: Treatments Completed during the current encounter.

  • Procedure Templates: Any procedure templates associated with any procedures completed during the current encounter will show in the clinical note. Refer to Charting Settings for setup details.

  • Referred Procedures: Referred procedures charted during the current encounter.

  • Additional Comments: An area for additional comments prepopulated with

    “Explained and discussed conditions, findings, and plan of care.”

  • Rx: Medications prescribed during the current encounter from +Rx.

  • Next Visit: The patient’s next scheduled appointment, if applicable.

  • RDA: The name of the RDA from the current encounter if one was indicated on the appointment.

  • Hygienist: The name of the Hygienist from the current encounter if one was indicated on the appointment.

  • Treating Provider: The name of the Treating Provider from the current encounter.


The Clinical Note tab also allows for manual entry of clinical documentation. Users can click into the Clinical Note text field, where a basic formatting and editing toolbar appears for documentation use. Refer to Text Editor for more information.

Clinical Note tab with a yellow highlight box around the format editor section.


Save Note

The Save Note button is available to save changes to clinical notes manually.

Important Note: Clinical notes will continue to auto-save as they are written. The Save Note button provides users with a manual save option if needed.


Clinical Notes tab showing Save button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  • The Save button displays the last time the note was last saved.

  • The green circle with a checkmark appears next to the button after the save completes.

Clinical Note Save button with yellow highlight box around the Last Saved notation.

Note: If using the Save Note, wait until the last saved indicator appears updated before continuing to enter clinical note information.

  • A warning message will appear if a user attempts to navigate away from the Clinical Note while it is saving.

Clinical Note warning message stating To avoid loss of data, please wait for the clinical note to save before leaving this page. Are you sure you want to leave?


Sign Clinical Notes

A signed Clinical Note indicates that the signing Clinician or Provider confirms that the notes are correct and accurate to the best of their knowledge. Once signed, the clinical note is ready for review by the Attesting pProvider or Hygienist.


To sign a note:

  1. Click the Clinical Note tab.
  2. Enter the Clinical Note documentation. Refer to Clinical Note for more details.
  3. Click the Sign button in the menu bar.

Clinical Note menu bar with a yellow box around the Sign button.

  1. The Clinical Note updates with an electronic stamp indicating the signed by, date, and time.

electronically signed by image

Signing Resident Provider

athenaOne Dental allows Resident Providers to sign clinical notes and associate the note with an Attending or Supervising Provider. The signing Resident will be responsible for the accurate input of only their signed clinical note.


To sign as a Resident:

  1. Use standard workflow process to chart procedure(s) and complete it. Refer to Charting: Procedures for more information.

  2. Click the Clinical Note tab.

  3. Document the note using Quick Notes and/or Procedure Templates Hotkeys or Drop-Down Menus.

  4. Review the note documentation for accuracy.

  5. Click the Sign button.
    The Select Billing Provider modal opens.
    Important: Resident providers cannot attest clinical notes.

  6. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Attending Provider.

  7. Click Continue.

Note: The Clinical Note updates with an electronically signed stamp indicating the signed by, date, time, and the Resident Provider.

Attest Clinical Notes

An attested Clinical Note indicates that the Treating Provider or attesting Hygienist attests that the notes are correct and accurate to the extent of their knowledge. It also finalizes and locks the note so the encounter can be reviewed and sent for billing.


To attest a note:

  1. Click the Clinical Note tab and verify the note signature.
  2. Review the note documentation for accuracy.
  3. Click the Attest button.

Clinical note tab with a yellow highlight box around the Attest button.

Important Note: The Attest button is only available to Treating Providers and attesting Hygienists after the note is signed by the clinical support staff, i.e., Residents, Hygienists, and Assistants.

  1. The Clinical Note updates with an electronic attestation stamp indicating the signed by, date, and time.

Electronic attestation stamp image


Attesting Hygienists

athenaOne® Dental can be set for hygienists to attest clinical notes. The attesting Hygienist will be responsible for verifying the accuracy of the clinical note.



  • The Hygienist must be set properly in Manage Providers for a hygienist to be able to attest clinical notes. Refer to Manage Providers for more details.

  • When creating the patient appointment, select the attesting Hygienist as the Treating Provider.

  • The Clinical Huddle will display the attesting Hygienist in the appointment details.

  • The Ready to Review worklist will display the Attesting and Billing Provider.

  • The Billing Provider selected by the Hygienist during attestation is set as the responsible provider on the visit when the encounter is sent for billing.

  • The attesting Hygienist will see the Clinical Beacon tiles: Ready to Attest and Amendments.


To attest as a Hygienist:

  1. Use standard workflow process to chart procedure(s) and complete it.
    Refer to Charting: Procedures for more information.

  2. Click the Clinical Note tab and document using Quick Notes.

  3. Review the note documentation for accuracy. Click the Attest button.
    Important: In this workflow, the Hygienist performs both the signing and attestation of the clinical note. Therefore, the attesting Hygienist does not need to click the Sign button first. For the attesting Hygienist, the Attest button will electronically sign and attest the note.

  4. The Select Billing Provider modal opens.

  5. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Billing Provider.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. The Clinical Note updates with an electronic signed by and an attestation stamp indicating the signed by, date, time, and the Billing Provider.


Refer to Sign and Attest for more details.


Users can add an Addendum to an encounter’s clinical note at any time after the note is attested.

To add an Addendum, the clinical note status must be:

  • “Active” Attested (Attested clinical notes, but the encounter is not billed.)

  • Completed/Billed (Notes associated with a billed encounter and contain a Completed status.)


Refer to Addendum Note for more information.

Charting page with yellow highlight boxes around the Clinical Note tab and +Addendum button.


Patient Notes

The Patient Notes tab stores informational notes about the patient. Patient notes are not a part of their encounter and are not patient communication driven (those notes belong in the Patient Profile Communication section). Examples include capturing patient anxieties, family member names, or other facts the provider would like to remember about the patient.


Important Note: If the Patient Notes are populated, an alert appears on the tab, and these notes auto-save.

Patient Notes screen with yellow highlight box around Patient Notes tab.

Patient Notes contains a text editor allowing users to customize the notes. Refer to Text Editor for more information.

Text editor buttons with a yellow highlight around it.


The Perio section allows the user to identify and record problems found during the periodontal exams (Ex. Bleeding, Plaque, Mobility).


To chart Perio:

  1. Click Perio from the Dental Chart menu.

  2. The Perio home page opens.

Dental Chart menu with a yellow highlight box around Perio.

Perio Home

The Perio Home page allows users to create new perio exams as well as to view and edit all past perio exams. The page contains Maxillary and Mandibular tables with the Facial and Lingual exam results.


Facial and Lingual Surfaces Important Notes:

  1. Perio Home displays the three most recently added.
  2. With each new exam created inside Perio, a new record appears in each section (Maxillary and Mandibular) of the Facial and Lingual tables.

Create new Perio screen with yellow highlight boxes around Maxillary and Mandibular sections.


In the Facial/Lingual Tables, the following information will display for each perio exam record:

  • Date: The date the perio exam record was created.
  • Probing Depth by Tooth ID: The probe depth recorded for each tooth in the set.

Facial/Lingual table section with yellow highlight boxes around Date and Probing Depths.



It is important to note that the user can only create perio exams inside In-Progress encounters, and an encounter can only have one perio exam.


To add a new Perio exam:

  1. Click + New Exam to create a new Perio exam.

+New Exam button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Once created, the following menu items become accessible:

    • Click the arrow next to Perio. Exam and it returns to the Perio home page.
    • The Exam Date reflects the date of the exam.

Perio create menu items with a yellow highlight box around the arrow.



Facial and Lingual surfaces within each arch are available for charting within the perio exam.

Important Note: The Perio exam will not display teeth that have been charted as missing or extracted on the Odontogram.


Switch from Maxillary/Mandibular Arch

The Perio Chart view defaults to the maxillary arch, but the user may use the up/down arrow to switch between the two arches.

To switch between each arch, click the up/down arrow.

Perio arch arrows with yellow highlight boxes around the up and down arrows.

Facial/Lingual Surfaces

The user documents the exam findings on the facial and lingual surfaces of the Perio exam as shown below:

Completed Perio exam Chart


Tooth ID

Each tooth has a tooth ID in the Facial and Lingual surfaces of the Perio.

Tooth Id table section with a yellow highlight box around it.


Recording Perio Results

To record exam findings :

  1. Locate the tooth surface (facial or lingual).
  2. Click within the desired field to document the findings.
  3. Enter the patient exam findings as described within each section.

Perio exam conditions section showing multiple conditions, gingival margin, and probing depth.



Record the tooth Mobility class by entering either 1, 2, or 3 in the box.

Mobility section with numbers in designated tooth boxes and a yellow highlight box around it.



Record Suppuration by clicking on the ‘S’ button within the row to indicate its presence. When present, the ‘S’ button turns red. To remove the indicator, click on the ‘S’ button again.


Suppuration section with S in red and a yellow highlight box around it.



Record tooth Furcation class by entering either 1, 2, or 3. The Perio Chart displays the Furcation class as illustrated below:

Furcation section showing the three classes and a yellow highlight box around them.



Record the Plaque severity by clicking on the number of indicators depending on grade: Grade One is the lowest, Grade Two is moderate, and Grade Three is Abundant.


To add the Plaque indicator, click the radio button for the appropriate grade.

Plaque bubble chart indicating the Grade severities of one, two, and three.

To remove the Plaque indicator, click the radio button indicator again.



Record the Bleeding upon probing a tooth by clicking the number of indicators depending on grade, as shown below.


Bleeding bubble chart showing in red the grade levels one, two, and three.

To remove an indicator, click the indicator again.


Gingival Margin

To record Gingival Margin/Recession in millimeters:

  1. Click in the first tooth on the Gingival Margin row and enter the value.
  2. The cursor automatically advances to the next location until the user completes charting the entire arch.

    Important Notes:

    • To return to a previous field, use the SHIFT + TAB keyboard combination.
    • The gingival margin for each arch is represented in the chart by the red lines.

Perio Chart with yellow highlight box around the Gingival Margin row with corresponding entries.


Probing Depth

To record Probing Depth in millimeters:

  1. Click in the first tooth on the Probing Depth row and enter the value.
  2. The cursor automatically advances to the next location until the user completes charting for the entire arch.
  3. To chart probing depths 10 15 MMS, click in the desired probing depth field and then select the appropriate value.

    Important Notes:

    • To return to a previous field, use the SHIFT + TAB keyboard combination.
    • The probing depth for each arch is represented in the chart by the blue lines.

Perio exam with yellow highlight box around the Probing Depth and corresponding number entries.


Perio Exam History

The Perio Exam History allows users to view past exams.


To view perio exams created on a specific date:

  1. Click the Exam History drop-down menu.
  2. Select the exam you want to view.

Exam history drop down arrow with a yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.


Editing Perio Exams

Users can only edit Perio Exams associated with an In Progress encounter.


To enter and edit a specific perio exam:

  1. Click the Date hyperlink of the desired perio exam record.

Perio exam table with yellow highlight box around the date hyperlink.

  1. The Perio Exam window opens. Review or edit information as needed.
  2. Click the return arrow to close the Perio Exam.

Perio exam return arrow with a yellow highlight around it.


Printing Perio Exams

The Printing Perio Exams allows users to print a report of the perio chart, and it displays only the probing depth. Note: The report will show blank if there are no recorded or charted probing depths.


To print perio exam(s):

  1. Click the Print Exam(s) button.

Perio Exam with a yellow highlight box around the Print exam button.

  1. Check the desired encounter dates to print.

  2. Click the Print button.

Print Perio Exam date selection with yellow highlight box around the Print button.

  1. The Perio Exam opens in a Preview window.
    Refer to Report Preview Features for more details.

Example Perio Exam report

  1. Click File and select Print.

File Print option with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. When finished, click the X to close the Preview window.


Compare Perio Exams

To compare two exams (improving and worsening conditions):

  1. Click the Compare Exams button.

Compare Exams button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Check the desired probing dates to compare.

  2. Click the Compare button to view the comparison.

Compare Date window with dates checked and a yellow highlight box around Compare

  1. The Perio page now displays the chosen exam dates combined with improving conditions in green numbers and worsening conditions in red numbers (see below).

Facial perio number comparisons with yellow highlight boxes around the red worsening condition and a green improving condition.

Important note: The Compare Perio Exam is only visible once the patient has two or more perio exams in their chart.


Treatment Plans

The Treatment Plans section allows users to create and edit patient treatment plans as outlined by the treating provider. Users can also view patient insurance and billing information.


To access, click Treatment Plans from the Dental Chart Menu.

Dental Chart menu with yellow highlight box around Treatment Plans.


Treatment Plans Home

The Treatment Plans Home page allows users to view past signed and unsigned treatment plans as well as create new ones.


To edit or view any pending treatment plan, click the Name hyperlink.

Treatment Plans Home with a yellow highlight box around the Name hyperlink.

Important Notes:

  • Users can only edit treatment plans with a status of ‘Pending.’
  • Treatment Plans with a status of ‘Signed’ are printable.



Inside the Treatment Plans home page, the user creates new treatment plans based on procedures recorded in Charting.


Important: You must be inside an In-Progress encounter to create a new treatment plan.


To create a new treatment plan:

  1. Click the New Treatment Plan button.

The New Treatment Plan button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. In a new or pending treatment plan, users can:

    • Add, edit, and remove treatment plan phases.
    • Add treatment plan notes and view patient/insurance estimates.
    • Sign and authorize treatment plans.

Edit Treatment Plan window with yellow highlight boxes around New Plan, Notes for patient, and Individual Ins. Benefits as well as Return to Treatment plan button, Sign Treatment Plan button and Discard button.



The Payer Source Banner is at the top of the Treatment Plans window, allowing users to reference the patient’s

current payer source information.

Payer Source Banner with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important Notes regarding the Payer Source Banner:

  • Review the patient’s insurance eligibility carefully before creating a treatment plan, and discuss options with the patient before making any decisions about their care going forward.
  • This information pulls from the Payers tab of the Patient Profile. Refer to Edit Eligibility for more details.

Pending Procedures List

In a newlycreated treatment plan, the Pending Procedures List displays all pending procedures within the patient’s tooth ledger. Use the Pending Procedures List to create and edit treatment plan phases.



  • Procedures marked as Declined in the Tooth Ledger will not appear in the Pending Procedures section.

  • Once procedures are placed in a phase, you may mark the procedures as ‘Declined,’ if desired. This will also mark them as Declined in the tooth ledger.

Treatment Plan screen with a yellow highlight around a patent's Pending Procedure List.



Two ways exist to add a treatment plan phase inside the Treatment Plan window. These are:

  1. Add a new phase with a pending procedure selection.
  2. Add a new phase without a pending procedure selection.


AddingaNewPhasewith ProcedureSelection

To add a treatment plan phase with a procedure selection:

  1. Click the radio button next to the desired procedure(s) in the Pending Procedures List.
  2. Click + New phase with selection.
    Important: If you have yet to make your selection, this button displays as +New Phase with selection.

New Treatment Plan with selected procedure and a yellow highlight boxes around the procedure as well as the +New Phase with selection option.


Adding a new Phase without Selection

To add a new phase without first selecting a procedure:

  1. Click + New phase.

Treatment Plan with yellow highlight box around the +New Phase button.


  1. Once selected, a new phase should appear in the phase section.

  2. Click to select Pending Procedures and use the Move To function to place the selected procedures in the new phase.

Move To

To move procedures between phases or to/from the Pending Procedure List:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure.

  2. Click Move To.

Treatment plan with selected procedures and a yellow highlight box around Move To.

  1. Select the Phase to move the procedure.
    Note: The phase numbers correspond in the order the providers suggest the patient has the pending treatment completed.
    Refer to Treatment Plan Phases for more details.

Move To option with yellow box around the arrow menu with a yellow arrow pointing to Phase selections.



To delete procedures from the Pending Procedures List:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure.
  2. Click Delete.

Treatment plans with yellow highlight box around the Delete option.


Treatment Plan Phases

Treatment Plan Phases allow the clinician to sequence or group procedure(s) based on the patient’s overall

treatment. Users can add, edit, and remove phase(s) from treatment plans.


Important Notes about Treatment Plan Phases:

  • New Phases are automatically numbered in the order created.

  • A maximum of eight phases can be added to any treatment plan.
  • The Treatment Plan page displays subtotals for each Phase.

Phase with a list of procedures with a yellow highlight box around the subtotals columns.

  • A Treatment Plan must have at least one phase to calculate the insurance and patient financial balance estimates.

  • In a Treatment Plan Phase, if all the procedures have a status of Completed or Declined, it will display a status of Completed.

Treatment Plan Phase with yellow highlight boxes around Completed and around the procedure Status column.


Phase Selection Toolbar

The Phase Selection Toolbar is available in every phase of a treatment plan. It allows users to move procedures inside existing phases and set the status of procedures.

Phase toolbar with yellow highlight box around the Move to and Set Status.


Move To

To move procedures between phases or to/from the Pending Procedure List:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure to move to a different phase of treatment.

Selected Procedure with a yellow highlight box around the Radio button.

  1. Click Move To.

  2. Select the Phase or Pending to move the procedure.

Note: When selecting Pending, the user is ‘un-phasing’ that procedure, and it returns to the Pending Procedures list at the top.

Treatment Phase with yellow highlight box around Move To and Pending selections.


Set Status

To change the status of the procedure in the treatment plan phase:

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure(s).

Selected Procedure with a yellow highlight box around the Radio button.

  1. Click Set Status.

  2. Select the appropriate status for the procedure.

Treatment Phase with yellow highlight boxes around the Date radio button and the Set Status menu options.

Quick Tip: To select all procedures in the list, click the radio button next to Date in the list header.


Editing Treatment Plan Phases

Once a Treatment Plan phase is added, users can review and edit each individual phase as necessary.


Return Date

The Return Date feature lets users indicate an estimated return date for the selected phase. Selecting a Return Date option enables the Schedule Next Appointment button on the Appointment Checkout panel to allow for easy return appointment scheduling after the patient signs the treatment plan.


To use this feature:

  1. Locate the phase you wish to assign a return date.
  2. Select the Return Date drop-down menu.
  3. Select a return date range for the selected phase from the drop-down menu.

Return Date menu options with yellow highlight box around it.


Important notes:

  • A Return Date is not required. However, if left blank, the Schedule Next Appointment button at Appointment Checkout is disabled.
  • The treatment plan must be signed to enable the Schedule Next Appointment button at Appointment Checkout.


To remove phases from your treatment plan and return the procedures to the Pending Procedures List:

  1. Locate the phase you wish to remove from the treatment plan.
  2. Click Remove.

Phase 1 treatment phase with a yellow highlight box around the Remove button.


Notes for Patient

The Notes for Patient text box allows users to add relevant information to the patient’s treatment plan and financial options.


To use Notes for Patient:

  1. Click inside the Notes for Patient text box.
  2. Enter the notes.
  3. Click outside the text box to auto-save the note.

Notes for Patient section with a yellow highlight box around the text box.


Estimated Totals

The Estimated Totals table calculates the total procedure fees, estimated insurance amount, and the estimated patient amount for the phased treatment plan items.

Estimated Totals section with yellow highlight box around the Fees, Ins. Est, and Patient Est. columns.


Individual Insurance Benefits

The Individual Insurance (Ins.) Benefits table displays the patient’s insurance information for reference. The Individual Ins. Benefits includes the following:

  • Annual Max
  • Individual Deductible
  • Deductible remaining

Individual Ins. Benefits section with yellow highlight box around the Ins. Info and Amount columns.


Referred, Declined, Preauth Treatments

After placing the Treatment Plan procedures into desired phases, the procedures will display in one of the following categories, if applicable:

  • Referred Treatment
  • Declined Treatment
  • Preauth Treatment

Treatment Plan window showing the Referred Treatment, Declined Treatment, and Preauth Treatment sections all with yellow highlight boxes.


Referred Treatment

The Referred Treatment section displays the ‘Referred’ procedure type codes documented in Charting.

Treatment Plan showing the Referred Treatment section with a yellow highlight box.


Declined Treatment

The Declined Treatment section displays the procedures that a patient declines, and users mark it as ‘Declined’

within the treatment plan.

Treatment Plan showing the Declined Treatment section with a yellow highlight box around it.


Preauth Treatment

The Preauth Treatment section displays the phased procedures requiring prior authorization from the patient’s insurance. Procedures listed from the Tooth Ledger as Pre-Auth ‘Required’ status.

Treatment Plan showing the Preauth Treatment section with a yellow highlight box around it.


Discard, Return, or Sign Treatment Plans

The bottom of the Treatment Plan window allows users to either return to the Treatment Plans home page without completing the Treatment Plan, Sign the Treatment Plan, or Discard the Treatment Plan.

Yellow highlight box around the Treatment Plan, Sign Treatment Plan, Discard buttons

Discard Treatment Plans

To delete a Pending treatment plan, click Discard.

Treatment Plan window with a yellow highlight box around the Discard button.

Important:The user cannot delete treatment plans that have already been signed.


Return to Treatment Plans

The Return to Treatment Plans button allows users to keep any changes to the treatment plan and return to the Treatment Plans Home page. The current Treatment Plan status displays as ‘Pending.’


To return to Treatment Plans Home, click ¬ Treatment Plans.

A yellow highlight box around the return to Treatment Plans button


Sign Treatment Plan

The Sign Treatment Plan button enables the user to obtain the patient’s signature, which authorizes the Treatment Plan.


Note: Treatment Plans must contain at least one phase containing a procedure(s), as empty phases or no phases will prevent a patient from signing.


To sign a treatment plan:

  1. Click Sign treatment plan.

A yellow highlight box around the Sign Treatment Plan button

  1. The Patient Signature Window opens.

Treatment Plan Signature section with a yellow highlight around the Patient Signature box.


Patient Signature Window

  1. Using a pen-based tablet:
    • Instruct the Patient/Legal Guardian to sign the treatment plan.
    • If the Patient/Legal Guardian refuses to sign the treatment plan, check the Patient Refused to Sign checkbox.
  2. Click the Clear Signature button if the Patient/Legal Guardian needs to sign again.
  3. Click the Date control to change the Signature Date, if necessary.
  4. Click the Print button if the Patient/Guardian requests a printed copy of the Treatment Plan.

A yellow highlight box around the Clear Signature, Patient refused to sign checkbox, date field, Save Plan button, and Print button.

Save the Plan

The Save Plan button enables once the Patient/Guardian signs or refuses to sign the Treatment Plan.


To save the signed plan:

  1. Click the Save Plan button.
  2. The button automatically updates to Saved.

Signature section with a yellow highlight box around the  grey Saved button.

Important: Once the plan is saved, it cannot be undone. To create a new treatment plan, return to the Treatment Plans Home page and Create a New Plan.



The Patient Signature window allows users to print the Treatment Plan for the patient.
Refer to Signed Treatment Plans for additional viewing/printing details.


To print from the Patient Signature window:

  1. Click Print.

Patient Signature window with a yellow highlight box around the Print button.

  1. The Treatment Plan opens in a print Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for more details.

  2. Click the File tab and select Print.

Preview window with a yellow highlight box around the File tab and showing Print option.

  1. Click the X to close the Report Preview window.


Return to Treatment Plans Home

The Patient Signature window also contains a Return to Treatment Plans Home button. If a user selects the return button, the Treatment Plan will display a ‘Pending’ status until the Patient/Guardian signs or refuses to sign it.


To return to the Treatment Plan Home page, click Treatment Plans.

Patient Signature window with a yellow highlight box around the return to Treatment Plans button.

Important Note: The Appointment Checkout window only displays phase and procedures from Treatment Plans with a ‘Signed’ status.


Viewing Treatment Plans

The Treatment Plans section allows a user to view a treatment plan previously created. The Treatment Plan Status determines the user’s view after clicking on the Treatment Plan’s hyperlink.

View Treatment Plans with yellow highlight box around the Treatment Plan hyperlink.



The Pending Treatment Plan’s hyperlink allows the user to Edit, Discard, or request the Patient/Guardian sign the treatment plan. Refer to Treatment Plans Home for more information.


To view a Pending Treatment Plan:

  1. Click the Name hyperlink of the desired Treatment Plan.
  2. The Treatment Plan opens in a separate window.

View treatment plans with yellow highlight around a Pending treatment plan.



The Signed Treatment Plan’s hyperlink allows users to view, export, and print the treatment plan.


To view a Signed Treatment Plan:

  1. Click the Name hyperlink of the desired Treatment Plan.

View Treatment Plans with yellow highlight box around the Treatment Plan hyperlink.

  1. The Treatment Plan opens in a separate Preview window.

  2. To adjust the layout view, click the View tab.

Example Treatment Plan report with a yellow highlight box around the View tab.

  1. Select the Print Layout button.

View Tab showing the Print Layout with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the Web layout for a web browser view or click the Page Settings option to adjust between legal/letter size view.

View tab showing Web Layout, Print Layout in grey, and Page settings. All three options contain a yellow highlight box around them.

  1. Once finished, click the X to close the window.


To export the Signed Treatment Plan:

  1. Click the Name hyperlink of the desired Treatment Plan.

View Treatment Plans with yellow highlight box around the Treatment Plan hyperlink.

  1. The Treatment Plan opens in a separate Preview window.

  2. From the Home tab, click Export.

Home tab with yellow highlight box around Export.

  1. From the Export drop-down menu, select the desired file type to export to.

Export drop down menu list

  1. Once the export finishes, click the X to close the Preview window.


To print the Signed Treatment Plan:

  1. Click the Name hyperlink of the desired Treatment Plan.

View Treatment Plans with yellow highlight box around the Treatment Plan hyperlink.

  1. The Treatment Plan opens in a separate Preview window.
  2. From the top menu, click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. If desired, change the page size, i.e., portrait or landscape.
  2. Click the Print button or Cancel to exit.

Printing window with yellow highlight box around the cancel and Print buttons.

  1. Once finished, click the X to close the Preview window.
    Refer to A-4: Sample Patient Treatment Plan for a printed Treatment Plan example.


Print Predetermination Form

Treatment Plans enable users to generate and print a Predetermination Form to send to insurance payers.

Important Notes:

  • The Treatment Plan must be signed.
  • Users select the procedures, provider, and location of care to populate on the form.
  • Users should verify the printed information and manually add any insurance-required documentation.


To generate and print:

  1. Click the Print Predetermination Form icon.

Treatment Plans page with yellow highlight box around the Print Predetermination Form icon.

  1. The Print Predetermination Form window opens.
  2. Use the radio button to select the procedures. Note: Select up to 10 procedures at a time.

Print Predetermination Form window with a yellow highlight box around the radio buttons.

Tip: To select the entire list of procedures, click the radio button in the heading row.

  1. Use the drop-down menus to select the Location of Care and the Provider.

Print Predetermination Form with yellow highlight box around the Location of Care and Provider drop down menus.

  1. Click Print or Cancel to exit.

Predetermination Form window with a yellow highlight box around the Print button.

  1. The ADA Predetermination Form opens in a print Preview window.
    Refer to Report Preview Features for more details.

  2. Click the File tab and select Print.

Preview window with a yellow highlight box around the File tab and showing Print option.

  1. Click the X to close the window.

    Refer to A-6: Sample Predetermination Form for a printed example.


Patient Ledger

The Patient Ledger lets users view a history of completed patient encounters, patient payments, and adjustments. Additionally, the Patient Ledger allows users to post Treatment Plan prepayments, patient payments as Unapplied Credit (UACs), and post adjustments to the patient’s account.

Users can also print a patient invoice/statement.


To access, click Ledger from the Dental Chart Menu.

Dental Chart menu with yellow highlight box around Ledger.


Patient Ledger Home

The Patient Ledger Home contains the Ledger View, the Patient Payments and Adjustments, Treatment Plan and Unapplied Credit (UAC), Payment History, and Adjustment History tabs. It also contains a Print Receipt option.


The Ledger tabs are at the top of the Patient Ledger Home page underneath the Patient Banner.

Patient example ledger view


The Ledger Home also displays a financial glimpse of the patient’s account, showing the Patient Balance, Treatment Plan Prepayments, and Unapplied Credits. This financial information is visible from any of the Ledger tabs.

Patient Balance, TP Prepayments and Unapplied Credits financial section with yellow highlight box around it.


  • Credits display as (negative) dollar amounts, i.e., patient and insurance payments, and debit amounts, i.e., balances or estimates owed, display as a positive amount without a plus sign.

  • Insurance responsible procedures that are completely paid and are now zero balances will update in the Ledger from Responsible Party: Insurance to Responsible Party: Patient.



The Print button on the Ledger Home page allows users to print a for the patient a receipt for time-of- service payments and prepayments for Treatment Plan(s).
Ledger home page with yellow highlight box around the Print Receipt button.


Print a receipt

The Print Receipt feature on the Ledger page allows users to print for the patient a receipt for time-of-service payments and prepayments for Treatment Plan(s).


To print the patient receipt:

  1. From the Ledgerpage, click Print.

  2. Click Receipt from the menu list.

  1. The patient Receipt opens in a Report Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for more details.

A printed patient receipt for a sample patient

  1. Click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with the Print option showing

  1. Adjust page print settings, if necessary, and click Print.

  2. Click the X to close the Preview window.


Print Claim History

The Claim History feature in the Print button allows users to print the history of a patient’s claims. It displays each patient’s full financial story.


To print a patient’s Claim History:

  1. From the Ledger page, click Print.

  2. Click Claim History from the menu list.

  3. The patient Receipt opens in a Report Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for more details.

  4. Click the File tab and select Print.
    File tab with the Print option showing

  5. Adjust page print settings, if necessary, and click Print.

  6. Click the X to close the Preview window.


Ledger View

The Ledger View tab displays the following information for all completed encounters with completed procedures: Encounter number, DOS, Location of Care, Provider, Total Charges, Insurance Paid, Insurance Adjustment, Patient Applied Payments, Patient Adjustment, Insurance Balance, Patient Balance, Total Balance, and Patient Reserve Payments. It also provides the user with a quick search box and a print invoice button to print a patient’s statement.


The Ledger View expands to show specific encounter details: Procedure Code, Fee, Insurance Paid, Insurance Adjustment, Patient Applied Payments, Patient Adjustments, Insurance Balance, Patient Balance, Responsible Party, and Patient Reserve Payments.


Ledger View with a yellow highlight box around the Ledger View tab.

Tip: Hover over the image for a closer look.


Print Invoice

The Print Invoice button lets users print a statement of the patient’s account.

Ledger View with a yellow highlight box around the Print Invoice button.

To print a patient statement:

  1. Click Print Invoice.

  2. The patient statement opens in the Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for more information.
  3. Click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with a yellow highlight box  and also showing the Print menu option.

  1. In the Print Settings window, click Print or Cancel to close.

Print Settings window with a yellow highlight box around the Print button.


  1. Once printed, click X to close the Preview window.
    Refer to A-3: Patient Statement to view a complete patient statement. Below is an example of the first page:

Sample Patient Statement first page



The Search box allows users to quickly locate items with the ability to search by encounter number (Enc. #), Location of Care, Provider, Patient Balance, or date of service (DOS).

Ledger Home with yellow highlight box around the Search field.

Important Note: The Ledger View contents display according to the items Searched. For example, if the search is on a single Encounter, the Ledger View grand totals show the totals for that encounter only. Refer to Encounter View for additional details.


Approval Status

The Approval Status filter allows users to view the items in the ledger based on their approved status. Users can choose to sort by All, Approved, or Unapproved encounters.


Note: Using the Approved option in the Ledger view assists with maintaining statement balances, as statements only display approved encounters.


To filter by Approval Status:

  1. In the Ledger, use the drop-down arrow to open the Approval Status.
  2. Click the desired status:
    • All
    • Approved
    • Unapproved
      Billed Status field with yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.



Encounter View lets users see the procedures’ details and statuses.


To see the Status:

  1. In the Ledger View, hover over the Enc #.

  2. The Approval Status and the Claim Status appear.

Curser hovering over the encounter number showing the Encounter Status and Claim Status with a yellow highlight box around it.

Approval Status

The Approval Status is the encounter’s status within the billing process.

  • Approved: The health center/practice has approved the encounter and set it to “Approve” from the Ready to Review worklist.

  • Attested: The treating provider has attested the clinical note.

  • Corrections Needed: Encounter corrections have been requested.

  • Ready For Attestation: The encounter is awaiting the treating provider’s attestation.

  • Unapproved: The encounter is undergoing completion and is not yet approved for the billing process.


The Claim Filing Status is the status of the encounter’s claim in the billing process. The Claim Filing Statuses are visible on claim worklists, the Claim History Tab of the Patient Ledger, and various reports.

  • Claim Creation (or Pending): Claim received by the billing team. Billing rules are applied, internal scrubbing occurs, and the claim is batched.

  • Filed Electronic: The claim was electronically filed (837) to the clearinghouse (or directly to the payer), but there is no response. This should remain the status for about 48 hours (2 days).

  • Filed Paper: The claim was filed to the payer on a paper claim.

  • Acknowledged: The clearinghouse or payer acknowledged receipt of the claim.

  • Accepted: The clearinghouse and/or payer accepted the claim, and a response was received. The claim is accepted and reported on the 999 file and/or 277 Claim Acknowledgement file.
  • Rejected: The clearinghouse and/or payer rejected the claim, and a response was received. The claim is rejected and reported on the 999 file and/or 277 Claim Acknowledgement. It may have an ICN associated.

  • Payer Adjudicated: An 835 file was received. The payer processed the claim (paid, denied, adjusted/transferred).


To expand the Encounter view:

  1. Next to the Enc#, click the drop-down arrow next to a specific encounter.

Encounter drop down arrow with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The encounter expands listing the codes, fees, payment information, any adjustments, and other financial information.
    Note: The encounter down-arrow now changes to an up-arrow.

Ledger view with yellow highlight boxes around the expand arrow and the expanded procedure list for the encounter.

  1. Click the up-arrow to close the expanded encounter list.


Important Note: The Ledger View contents display according to the items Searched. For example, if the search is on a single Encounter, the Ledger View grand totals display the totals for that encounter only.

Ledger view showing search by a single encounter and a yellow highlight box around the grand total fields.



The Patient Payments and Adjustments tab allows users to post a patient’s payment(s), adjustment(s), and post payment(s) and adjustment(s) for procedures simultaneously.

Patient Payment and Adjustments tab with yellow highlight box around it.

Important Note: A warning message will appear if a user tries to exit a payment or adjustment without saving. Click OK to continue to exit or Cancel to remain in Payments and Adjustments.

Warning message with blue ok button and cancel button.



To enter a payment:

  1. Click + Payment button.

The +Payment button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Select a batch by clicking the Batch search icon (Required). The Manage Batches window appears once selected. Refer to Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.

Payment posting with yellow highlight box around the Batch search field.

Important Note: The Make Overpayment toggle allows users to post a payment that exceeds the patient’s balance. Refer to Make Overpayment for more details.

  1. Entry date automatically populates with the date of the batch.

  2. Enter Today’s payment amount (Required).

Payment Posting with yellow highlight box around the Today's Payment field.

Quick Tip: Users can post an adjustment with this payment. Click the +Make Adjustment and complete the Adjustment Amount and Reason. Refer to Enter Payment and Adjustment for more details.

  1. Enter the Payment Method (Required).

    • Enter Auth for Credit Card payments: Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, and Discover.
      Payment method with yellow boxes around the mastercard radio button and auth # text box.
    • EntertheChecknumberfortheCheck/ACHpayment.
      The Check number radio button and the check/ach number field with a yellow highlight box around it.

    • Enter the Care Credit Auth.
      The Check number radio button and the check/ach number field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Use the Notes textbox to enter a payment note (Optional).
    Note: The textbox allows 150 characters.
    The Check number radio button and the check/ach number field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click + Distribute Payment: to pay the patient balance for all procedures.
    Note: The Distribute Payment option distributes the payment amount to the oldest (or first) patient balance and continues through the patient balance items until the designated amount is fully applied.

  2. Click X Clear Payments: to clear all payments, including the payment amount populated in Today’s payment field.

Enter Payment window with yellow highlight box around distribute payment option and clear payment option.

  1. Use the down/up arrows to expand/close the procedure specifics.

Enter Payment with yellow highlight box around the up and down expansion/collapse arrows.

  1. Click the + icon next to the Payment field at the encounter or procedure level and enter the amount.

    • If you click + at the encounter level, the payment disburses to the different procedures starting with the first procedure with a patient balance and then moving to the next patient balance procedure until the total payment amount is applied.
    • If you click + at the procedure level, the total payment amount is applied to the procedure as long as the patient balance equals or exceeds the payment.

Payment view with yellow highlight boxes around the Encounter level and Procedure Level amounts and plus signs.

Note: The Payment Info section shows any Unallocated Amount still left to apply.

Payment View with yellow highlight box around the Unallocated Amount Payment Info section.

  1. Click Save.

    Note: To Save a payment, users must allocate the full Today’s payment amount.

Payment view with yellow highlight boxes around the unallocated amount and the grey Save button.


Payment view with yellow highlight box around the blue Save button.



The Enter Payment feature contains the ability to allow users to post a payment that exceeds the patient’s


Important:The overpayment must be posted to an individual line-item level.


To post an Overpayment:

  1. Click Patient Payments and Adjustments.
  2. Click the toggle for Make Overpayment.

Payment view with yellow highlight box around the Make Overpayment toggle.

  1. Click to select the Batch (Required) and the Entry date automatically populates with the date of the batch.
  2. Enter Today’s payment (Required).
  3. Enter the Payment Method (Required).
  4. Enter Auth for Credit Card payments or Check for Check/ACH payment.
  5. Use the Notes textbox to enter a payment note (Optional).
    Note: The textbox allows 150 characters.
    The Check number radio button and the check/ach number field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  6. Use the down/up arrow(s) to expand and show the procedure details for each encounter.

Transaction list of procedures with yellow highlight box around the arrows.

  1. Enter the procedure line overpayment Payment Amount.
    Note: The overpayment may be distributed across multiple procedure lines.

  2. Click Save to add the overpayment.

    Note: To Save, users must allocate the full Today’s payment amount.

Payment view with yellow highlight boxes around the unallocated amount and the grey Save button.



The Patient Payment and Adjustments feature allows users to post procedure adjustments with the appropriate reason code.

The +Adjustments button with a yellow highlight box around it.

Important: Certain Fees will display in the Adjustments and Adjustment History. The Fees are:

  • Lab Fees
  • Supply Fees
  • Bounced Check or NSF Fees
  • Other Fees
    Users can remove the fees by reversing the Adjustment if the fee does not apply to a particular visit.


To enter Adjustments:

  1. Click + Adjustment button.

Important: The Make Overadjustment toggle allows users to post an adjustment that exceeds the patient’s balance.
Refer to Make Overadjustment for more details.

  1. Select a batch by clicking the Batch search icon (Required). The Manage Batches window opens once selected. Refer to Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.

Adjustment posting window with yellow highlight box around the Batch search icon.

  1. Entry date automatically populates with the date of the batch.
  2. Enter the total Adjustment Amount (Required).

Adjustment posting window with yellow highlight box around the adjustment amount field.

Tip: Users can post an adjustment with this payment. Click the +Make Payment and complete the Adjustment Amount and Reason.
Refer to Enter Payments and Adjustments for more details.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Adjustment Reason.

Adjustment Reason with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow menu with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the adjustment reason options.

  1. Click +Distribute Adjustment to apply the adjustment to all procedures (optional) or the X Clear Adjustments button to clear all entered adjustment amounts (optional).

Distribute Adjustment and Clear Adjustment options.

  1. Use the down/up arrows for each encounter to expand the window to show the procedure details.

Adjustment posting window with yellow highlight box around the up and down arrows.

  1. Click the + icon next to the Adjustment field at the encounter or procedure level and enter the amount.

    • If you click + at the encounter level, the adjustment disburses to the different procedures starting with the first procedure with a patient balance and then moving to the next patient balance procedure until the total adjustment amount is applied.
    • If you click + at the procedure level, the total adjustment amount is applied to the procedure as long as the patient balance equals or exceeds the amount.

Adjustment view with yellow highlight boxes around the Encounter Level and Procedure Level amount fields and plus signs.

  1. Click Save.
    Note: To Save a payment, users must allocate the full amount.

Adjustment View with yellow highlight boxes around the unallocated amount section and the blue save button.



The Make Overadjustment feature allows users to post an adjustment that exceeds the balance.

Important Note: The over adjustment must be posted to an individual line-item level.


Important Note: Certain Fees will display in the Adjustments and Adjustment History. These fees are:

  • Lab Fees
  • Supply Fees
  • Bounced Check or NSF Fees
  • Other Fees
    Users can remove the fees by reversing the Adjustment if the fee does not apply to a particular visit.


To post an Overadjustment:

  1. Click +Adjustment.
  2. Click the Make OverAdjustment toggle to enable it.

Adjustment toggle with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click to select the Batch (Required) and the Date of Entry automatically populates with the date of the batch.

Adjustment window with yellow highlight box around Batch.

  1. Enter the total Adjustment Amount (Required).

Adjustment window with yellow highlight box around the Adjustment Amount.

Note: The Adjustment Info section shows any Unallocated Amount still left to apply.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Adjustment Reason.

Adjustment Reason with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow menu with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the adjustment reason options.

  1. Click +Distribute Adjustment to apply the adjustment to all procedures (optional) or X Clear Adjustments button to clear all entered adjustment amounts (optional).

Distribute Adjustment and Clear Adjustment options.

  1. Use the down/up arrows for each encounter to expand the window to show the procedure details.

Adjustment posting window with yellow highlight box around the up and down arrows.

  1. Enter the overage amount to adjust at the procedure line level.
    Note: The over adjustment may be distributed across multiple procedure lines.

transaction list with yellow highlight box around two procedure lines Adjustment amounts

  1. Click Save.
    Note: To Save, users must allocate the full amount.

Adjustment view with yellow boxes around the unallocated amount and the greyed out Save button.



The Enter Payments and Adjustments button lets users post payments and adjustments simultaneously.

Payment and Adjustment button with yellow highlight box around it.


To enter a Payment and Adjustment:

  1. Click the +Payment and Adjustment button.
  2. Select a batch by clicking the Batch search icon (Required). The Manage Batches window opens to select the batch. Refer to Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.

Payment and adjustment posting page with a yellow highlight box around the Batch search icon.

Important: The Make Overpayment/Overadjustment toggle allows users to post simultaneously a payment and adjustment that exceeds the patient’s balance.
Refer to Make Overpayment and Make Overadjustment for additional details.

  1. Entry date automatically populates with the date of the batch.

  2. Enter Today’s payment (Required).

    Note: The Payment Info section shows any Unallocated Amount still left to apply.


Payment Information section with yellow highlight box around the Remove Payment and Today's Payment textbox.

Tip: Click the Remove Payment hyperlink to remove a payment amount quickly.

  1. Enter the Payment Method (Required).
    • Enter Auth for Credit Card payments: Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, and Discover.

Payment method with yellow boxes around the mastercard radio button and auth # text box.

  • Enter the Check number for the Check/ACH payment.

The Check number radio button and the check/ach number field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the total Adjustment Amount (Required).

    Note: The Adjustment Info section shows any Unallocated Amount still left to apply.

Adjustment amount with yellow highlight box around it and yellow highlight box around Remove Adjustment.

Tip: Click the Remove Adjustment hyperlink to remove a payment amount quickly.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Adjustment Reason.

Adjustment Reason with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow menu with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the adjustment reason options.

  1. Click + Distribute Payment and/or +Distribute Adjustment to pay and/or adjust all procedure(s) lines.

  2. Click X Clear Payments and/or X Clear Adjustments to clear all payments and adjustments, including the amount populated in Today’s Payment and Adjustment Amount fields.

The distribute Payment, clear payments, distribute adjustment, and Clear adjustments options with a yellow highlight box around them.

  1. Use the down/up arrows to expand/close the procedure specifics.

Payment and adjustment page with yellow highlight box around the up/down arrows.

  1. Click the + icon next to the Payment and/or Adjustment fields at the encounter or procedure level and enter the amount.

    • If you click + at the encounter level, the payment and/or adjustment disburses to the different procedures starting with the first procedure with a patient balance and then moving to the next patient balance procedure until the total payment amount is applied.

    • If you click + at the procedure level, the total payment amount is applied to the procedure as long as the patient balance equals or exceeds the payment.

Payment and Adjustment page with yellow highlight boxes around the payment and adjustment fields including plus signs.

  1. Click Save.

    Note: To Save a payment, users must allocate the full Today’s Payment and Adjustment Amounts.

Payment and adjustment screen with yellow highlight boxes around unallocated payment and adjustment sections and the grey Save button.



The Treatment Plan Credit and UAC tab allows the posting of patient prepayments and unapplied patient payments.

  • The Treatment Plan Credit is the amount of payment(s) the patient has paid for an uncompleted treatment.

  • The Unapplied Credit is the patient payment amount(s) not yet associated with a signed Treatment Plan or payment(s) collected for current/future procedures.

Treatment plan credit and UAC tab with yellow highlight box around it with arrows pointing towards each section.


Important: A warning message will appear if a user tries to exit without saving. Click OK to continue to exit or Cancel to remain in Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC.

Warning message with blue ok button and cancel button.



The Treatment Plan Prepayment section allows users to add patient payments for uncompleted treatment(s). The prepayment applies to a procedure(s); it is not an unapplied credit.

Important Notes:

  • Once a Treatment Plan Phase is complete, the prepayment becomes an actual payment for the procedures.

  • If a Treatment Plan Phase becomes outdated/changed and a new Treatment Plan is created, the prepayment(s) collected on the original plan goes to Unapplied Credit.


To enter a Treatment Plan Prepayment:

  1. From the Ledger menu, click Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC.
  2. Click the down/up arrow next to the desired Treatment Plan to expand or collapse the phases.

Treatment Plan section with yellow highlight box around the up/down arrows.

  1. Click the radio button next to the Treatment Plan Phase(s).
    Note: The Add Treatment Plan Prepayment enables after users check the radio button on the phase.

A checked Treatment phase with a yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing to the Add Treatment Plan Pre-payment button.

  1. Click the Allow Overpayment toggle if the payment is over the estimated patient balance (Optional).
  2. Click the Batch search icon to select a batch (Required). The Manage Batches window opens once selected.
    Refer to
    Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.

Add unapplied credit section with yellow highlight box around the Batch Search icon.

  1. Entry date automatically populates with the date of the batch.
  2. Enter Today’s Payment amount (Required).
  3. Click the radio button to select the Payment Method and enter the Auth or Check #.

Payment Info with yellow highlight boxes around the Today's Payment and Auth # and showing selected radio button for Payment Method.

  1. Enter the Payment amount at the procedure level or click the + icon next to the Payment field to add it to that procedure.

    • If you click +, the total payment amount is applied to the procedure if the patient balance equals or exceeds the payment.

  2. Click Save or Cancel to exit.

    Note: Users must allocate the full Today’s payment amount.


Treatment Plan prepayment with allow overpayment checked and a yellow highlight box around the Save button.

Refer to Enter Payments for more details on payment entry.




The Unapplied Credit (UAC) section allows users to add payments to a patient’s account, distribute the payment, and convert an applied credit balance to a UAC.

  • The payment(s) amount does not apply to a specific procedure.

  • Unapplied Credit is a collection/holding area that will later be available to post to an encounter or procedure.

  • Applied Credit Balances or Overages can be converted to a UAC.

Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC tab with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing to the UAC section.


To enter a UAC:

  1. From the Ledger menu, click Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC.
  2. Click +Add Unapplied Credit.

+Add Unapplied Credit button with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the Batch search icon to select a batch (Required). The Manage Batches window opens once selected.
    Refer to
    Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.

Add unapplied credit section with yellow highlight box around the Batch Search icon.

  1. Entry date automatically populates with the date of the batch.
  2. Enter Today’s Payment amount (Required).
  3. Click the radio button to select the Payment Method and enter the Auth or Check #.

Payment Info section with yellow highlight boxes around the Today's Payment and Auth # fields and is also showing the blue radio button selection for the Payment Method.

  1. Enter Notes about the collection of the payment (Optional).
    Important: While the Notes section is optional, it is strongly recommended that users use it to document why they are creating unapplied credit. For example, the treatment plan is unsigned, or the payment is collected at the patient’s Check-In.

  2. Click Save.

Add Unapplied Credit with yellow highlight box around the Notes text and the Save button.

Distribute an Unapplied Credit (UAC)

The Unapplied Credit allows you to distribute payment amounts to procedures. The Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC tab provides access to the Distribute UACs page.

Add Unapplied Credit with yellow highlight box around the Notes text and the Save button.


  • Users can distribute partial amounts.

  • Users can distribute UACs amounts to patient balances, patient estimates, and Treatment Plans.

Distribute UACs Page

Located and accessed from inside of the Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC tab. It displays the UAC amount(s), Patient Balance, Patient Estimate, and Treatment Plan Remaining financial information.



  • When selected, the blue Patient Balance, Patient Estimate, and Treatment Plan Remaining hyperlinks take you to that section and open the financial details.

  • The Treatment Plan Remaining hyperlinks take you to the current Treatment Plan.

  • The expand arrows provide additional financial details for each section.

  • Use the Clear and Clear All features to remove an entry to start over.


To distribute an UAC:

  1. From the Ledger menu, click Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC.

  2. In the Patient Unapplied Credits (UACs), locate the UAC to distribute.

  3. Click the Distribute button.
    Add Unapplied Credit with yellow highlight box around the Notes text and the Save button.

  4. This opens the Distribute UAC page.

  5. Use the expand arrow to display the encounter details.

  1. Click one of the following to Distribute the payment amount:

    • Blue Plus Sign – The plus sign by the encounter applies the amount to that encounter. The plus sign by the procedure code applies the amount to that CDT.

    • Distribute – applies the amount to the specific encounter.

    • Distribute All – applies the amounts in the following order:

      • The oldest-to-newest patient balances.

      • The patient estimates.

      • The Treatment Plan balances.

  2. Click Save.

Add Unapplied Credit with yellow highlight box around the Notes text and the Save button.


  • Use the Clear option to remove the procedure and/or encounter amount.

  • Use Clear All to remove the entire distribution amount.

  • Use the Allow Overpayment toggle to apply the amount as an overpayment to an encounter.


Convert an Applied Credit Balance (Overages)

The Convert feature allows you to transfer patient credit balances or overage to an Unapplied Credit (UACs). The Applied Credit Balance (Overages) section displays the payment details, such as the Date of Service, procedure Code, Payment Date, Amount, Method of payment, the Identifier, and any Notes.


To convert to an UAC:

  1. From the Ledger menu, click Treatment Plan Prepayment and UAC.

  2. In the Applied Credit Balance (Overages), locate the payment amount to convert.

  3. Click the Overages’ Convert button. The Convert Credit Balance to UAC opens.
    Add Unapplied Credit with yellow highlight box around the Notes text and the Save button.

  4. Click the Batch search icon to select a posting batch (Required). The Manage Batches window appears once selected. Refer to Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.
    Important: Make sure to select a batch with today’s date.
    Add Unapplied Credit with yellow highlight box around the Notes text and the Save button.

  5. Click Confirm.


Note: When you ‘confirm,’ the credit balance on the procedure is converted to an unapplied credit (UAC).


The Payment History tab lets users view posted patient payment(s). Users can filter by the Transaction Date, the Batch Date, the Method (payment method), and Identifier (Auth or Check #) to locate the payment entered.

Payment History tab with a yellow highlight box around it.

The Payment History tab also allows users to reverse a payment posted incorrectly and shows users any previously reversed payments.

Important Note: Users can reverse only the exact amount previously posted. The system cannot reverse partial payment amounts.



Payment History automatically lists the patient’s payments in the Transaction date order. However, users may use one or more filters to locate the desired payment. The payment filters are:

  • Transaction Date: The date associated with the payment.
  • Batch Date: The date associated with the user’s batch.
  • Method: This is the method of payment Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover, Cash, or Check/ACH.
  • Identifier: The Auth # or the Check/ACH # used for the payment.


To Search:

  1. Enter the Transaction Date and/or the Batch Date or click the calendar icon to select the payment date(s) (Optional).

Payment History with yellow highlight box around the Transaction Date and showing list of item for selected date.

  1. Or use the drop-down menu to select the Method (Optional).

Payment History with yellow highlight box around the Payment Method Cash selection.

  1. Or enter the Identifier (Optional).
  2. The system automatically sorts the list of payments based on the filter criteria entered.

Note: To clear the filter list and start a new search, click the X after the Identifier field.

The Clear Filters X icon with a yellow highlight box around it.



The Payment History tab also allows users to reverse a payment posted incorrectly and shows users any previously reversed payments.

Important Note: Users can reverse only the exact amount previously posted. The system cannot reverse partial payment amounts.


Use this feature to reverse:

  • Bounced or Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) checks,

  • Data Entry Error,

  • A payment Refund.


To Reverse a Payment:

  1. Use the search filters and locate the payment to reverse.
  2. Use the down/up arrows to expand the payment to show the procedure information.

Payment History with yellow highlight box around the up/down arrows.

  1. Verify the correct payment line to reverse.

    Important Note: A reversal is not able to be undone.

  1. Click the radio button for the payment and click the Reverse Selected icon.

Payment History page with a selected payment's radio button and a yellow arrow pointing to Reverse Selected icon.

  1. The Payment Reversal window opens.
  2. Click the Batch search icon to select an open batch or create a new one (Required). The Manage Batches window opens. Refer to Manage Batches for more information.
  3. Use the drop-down menu and click the Reversal Reason (Required).

Payment Reversal window with yellow highlight box around the Reversal Reason list.

  1. Enter a reason Note.

Payment Reversal window with yellow highlight box around the Note section.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.

  2. A successful payment reversal message will appear. Click the X to close it.

Successful payment reversal message with yellow highlight box around the X.


To view Reversed Payments:


The Show Reversed Payments toggle lets users view reversed patient payment(s).

Payment History page showing reversal items and payment items and a yellow highlight box around the Show Reversed Payments toggle.


  • The original payment credit now shows with an indicator, “Reversed,” and the debit payment entry indicates “Reversal.”
  • Credit payment lines show a (-) negative amount, and debits show a positive amount with no symbol.



The Adjustment History tab allows users to search by the Encounter Number, Encounter Date, Transaction Date, Batch Date, Amount, and Adjustment Reason.

Adjustment History tab with a yellow highlight box around it showing a patients adjustment history.

The Adjustment History tab also allows users to reverse an adjustment posted incorrectly.

Important Note:

  • Users can reverse only the exact amount previously posted. The system cannot reverse partial adjustment amounts.
  • The adjustment will be reversed to the same Reason Code used on the original adjustment.
  • Users can select multiple items to reverse at the same time.



A user may use one or more filters to locate the desired adjustment. The payment filters are:

  • Encounter Number: The number assigned to the encounter at creation.
  • Encounter Date: The date the encounter is created.
  • Transaction Date: The date associated with the payment entry.
  • Batch Date: The date associated with the user’s batch.
  • Amount: This is the amount of the desired adjustment.
  • Adjustment Reason: This is the adjustment reason associated with the posted adjustment.


To search for an Adjustment:

  1. Enter the Encounter Number and/or the Encounter Date or click the calendar icon to select the date (Optional).

Adjustment History with yellow highlight box around the Encounter number and date fields.

  1. Or enter the Transaction Date and/or the Batch Date or click the calendar icon to select the date(s) (Optional).

Adjustment History with a yellow highlight box around the Transaction Date and Batch Date fields.

  1. Or enter the adjustment Amount.
  2. Or use the drop-down menu to select the Adjustment Reason.

Adjustment Reason drop down menu list with a yellow highlight box around the Select Adjustment Reason.

  1. The system automatically sorts the list of payments based on the filter criteria entered.


Note: To clear the filter list and start a new search, click the X after the Adjustment Reason field.

Clear Filters X button



The Adjustment History tab also allows users to reverse an adjustment posted incorrectly.

Important Note:

  • Users can reverse only the exact amount previously posted. The system cannot reverse partial adjustment amounts.
  • The adjustment will be reversed to the same Reason Code used on the original adjustment.
  • Users can select multiple items to reverse at the same time.


Use this feature to reverse:

  • An incorrectly posted adjustment amount,

  • The sliding fee adjustment(s) if needed.


To Reverse an Adjustment:

  1. Use the search filters and locate the payment to reverse.
  2. Click the radio button of the adjustment(s).
    Note: Users can reverse multiple adjustment entries at one time.

Adjustment History with yellow highlight boxes around the selected radio buttons.

Tip: Use the heading radio button to select all the adjustment radio buttons.

  1. Click Reverse Selected.

    Important:A reversal is not able to be undone.

Adjustment History with yellow highlight box around the Reverse Selected button.

  1. The Adjustment Reversal window opens.

  1. Click the Batch search icon to select an open batch or create a new one (Required). The Manage Batches window opens.
    to Manage Batches for more information on how to use/create batches.

Adjustment Reversal window with yellow highlight box around the Batch field.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.


Administrative Module

The Administrative module enables users to manage patient claims, claim rejections, and patient pre- determination requests. Users can also view and request amendments to recently attested encounters inside the Administrative module before sending them to be billed.

Administrative Overview

The Dashboard allows access to the Before Approval (previously Pre-Claim) Worklists. These are:

  • Predetermination Requests
  • Missing Slips
  • Ready to Review


To access the Administrative Dashboard:

  1. Click the HOME icon.
  2. Click Administrative from the drop-down menu.

Home icon with a yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing down to Administrative.

  1. Once selected, the user is automatically redirected to the Administrative Overview Dashboard.

Administrative Overview Dashboard with a yellow highlight box around the header.

Important: Only users with a Senior Administrative, Junior Administrative, or Billing roles can access the Administrative Dashboard.


Administrative Navigation

The Administrative Dashboard allows users to access different sections by selecting the associated Dashboard buttons or the tabs from the Administrative Navigational Menu.


Dashboard Buttons:

Dashboard icons with a yellow highlight box around the options.


Administrative Navigational Menu:

Administrative Navigational Menu


Worklist Features

The Administrative Module’s Worklists contain features specific to each worklist and have some common features. This section defines the common features.


Clear Filters

The Clear Filters button quickly removes all date and text entries, enabling users to enter new filters and create a new worklist. The Clear Filters button enables (turns blue) once a user enters one filter.

Find Patient

The Find Patient filter lets users search and locate a patient quickly.


To use Find Patient filter:

  1. In the Find Patient textbox, enter one of the options below:
    • Patient last name, first name
    • Patient last name (only)
    • Patient ID number (preceded by a colon)
  2. Click Search.

Recently Viewed

The Recently Viewed feature assists users in locating previously worked or reviewed encounters.

It has two parts:

  1. Indicator bar

    • Appears beside the radio button after an encounter has been viewed.

  1. Drop-down menu button

    • It provides a menu list of up to twenty (20) patient encounters, displaying the encounter date and patient name.

    • Each encounter listed contains a quick reference and navigation to action items.

    • The action items allow you to go to that application feature, such as Patient Profile, Visit Summary, and View/Add Correction Notes.


Predetermination Requests

The Predetermination Requests Worklist is a list of all visits that the procedure is marked with authorization required. Users can filter the list by Date of Service (DOS) or procedure Status. Additionally, users can add an insurance authorization and update the status.

A procedure must meet all the following criteria to appear on the Predetermination Worklist:

  1. Pre-Auth Status of "Required."
  2. Treatment Status of "Pending."
  3. In a Signed Treatment Plan.


To run a Predetermination Request:

  1. Click Predetermination Requests.

The Predetermination Requests button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the (DOS) Range or use the calendar icon to select the dates.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the desired Status.
    • Required: Status indicates that insurance authorization is required. This is the initial system status associated with specific procedures requiring insurance authorization.
    • Submitted: Status indicates that the authorization request to the insurance was submitted.
    • Pending: Status indicates that the authorization is pending insurance.
    • Documentation needed: Status indicates that the insurance company requested additional documentation regarding the procedure.

Predetermination request worklist with yellow highlight boxes around the dos range and status.

  1. The Predetermination Request generates the list of patients to review/work with.
  2. Use the Reset Filters button to clear selections and run a new list.

Predetermination request with a yellow highlight box around the reset filters button.


To update/edit a patient’s insurance Predetermination Requests:

  1. Click the Patient Name hyperlink.

Predetermination request with yellow highlight box around a patient name hyperlink.

  1. The Edit authorization window opens.
  2. Click to update the Status.
    • Submitted: Status indicates that the authorization request to the insurance was submitted.
    • Pending: Status indicates that the authorization is pending insurance.
    • Approved: Status indicates that the procedure was approved with an authorization number given.
    • Denied: Status indicates that the insurance denied authorizing the procedure.
    • Not Required: Status indicates that the insurance has determined that the procedure does not require authorization.

Edit authorization window with yellow highlight box around the Status and Authorization fields.

  1. Enter the Authorization number in the textbox.
  2. Click Save to update or Cancel to exit.


Missing Slips

The Missing Slips Worklist helps manage appointment Check in and Checkout as well as visit encounters that are pending the treating provider’s/hygienist’s signature, attestation, or amendment. Missing Slips lets users see the status of appointments and encounters in real time. It also allows users to perform tasks from an item in the worklist, like canceling an appointment, accessing Appointment Overview, or going to the patient’s ledger.


There are four Missing Slips tabs.

  • Outstanding Check Ins

  • Outstanding Checkouts

  • Awaiting Signature/Attestation

  • Awaiting Amendment


The worklist filters enable users to create a customized encounter list lis. Users can also filter for a single patient account.


Outstanding Check Ins

The Outstanding Check Ins lists patient appointments scheduled today or earlier that have yet to be checked in or canceled. The worklist helps the practice, specifically front office staff, manage scheduled appointments, allowing users to update the appointment information, check in a patient, access the patient profile, or cancel the appointment. It also provides access to the patient’s Ledger to review balances and post patient payments or adjustments.


The worklist has filter options to allow users to isolate and review specific appointments. Outstanding Check Ins display each patient’s Appointment Date/Time, Pt. Tracker Status, Patient Name, Pt. Primary Phone, Location Of Care, Treating Provider, Primary Payer Source, Confirmation Status, and Reason for Encounter.

Outstanding Check Ins example worklist


  • Actions performed in the Outstanding Check Ins worklist for the appointments will be updated in other modules, such as the Scheduling Module or Clinical Huddle.
  • The worklist displays the Pt. Primary Phone and the appointment’s Confirmation Status as quick resources.
  • Hover over a patient’s Reason for Encounter to display the appointment notes.

Reason for Encounter showing the appointment notes with a yellow highlight box around it.


To use Outstanding Check Ins:


  1. From the Administrative Dashboard, click Missing Slips.

Administrative Dashboard's Missing Slips blue button.

  1. Click the Outstanding Check Ins tab.
    Important: The list generates without any filter selection. However, to limit the number of items displayed, enter a DOS Through Date, Location of Care, or Provider.
  2. Enter the (DOS) Through date or use the calendar icon to select the date (Optional).
  3. Use the drop-down arrow to filter the following (Optional):
    • Location Of Care

    • Providers
      Location of Care and Providers filters with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down menu arrows.

  1. (Optional) Or use the Find Patient search box to search and select a single patient (Optional). Refer to the Worklist Features: Find Patient for more details.
  2. Click the Search button.

    Quick Tip: Use the X to clear the filters to start a new search.
  1. The list generates based on the filters.

    • Use the page arrows to go forward to a page or back.

    • Use the Items Per Page to determine the number of items in your list.
      Outstanding Check Ins worklist with several patient examples listed.

More Options Menu

The More Options Menu (three vertical dots or kebab menu) provides users additional appointment-related actions. The menu options are Cancel Appointment and Go to Patient Ledger.


To use the More Options Menu:

  1. Locate a patient’s encounter in the list.

  2. Click the More Options Menu (three vertical dots or kebab menu).
    A screenshot of a medical appointment  Description automatically generated

  3. Click Cancel Appointment to remove the appointment from the schedule if needed.
    • The Cancel Appointment window will open.
    • Use the drop-down menu to select the Reason for Cancellation.
    • Enter the Cancellation Note.
    • Click Cancel Appointment.
      Note:This will delete the appointment from the worklist and the Scheduling Module. Refer to Cancel Appointment for more information.
      Cancel Appointment window with a completed patient example.
  1. Or click Go to Patient Ledger.
    • This opens the patient’s Ledger page in a separate browser tab.
    • From the Ledger page, users can review balances, review prior encounter financials, post payments and adjustments, print an invoice, and access claims history.
    • Close the tab when finished.
      Patient example ledger view


Appointment Date/Time


The Appointment Date and Time column contains a hyperlink that lets users access the patient’s Appointment Overview panel from the worklist. Users can review and update the appointment information, add an appointment note, and review the patient’s contact information and payer(s). Users can also access the Patient profile and patient alerts.


The newest appointment date/time appears at the top of the list, with the oldest date/time at the end of the worklist.


To use the Appointment Date/Time:

  1. Locate a patient’s encounter in the list.
  2. Click the Appt. Date/Time hyperlink.

appointment date/time hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it

  1. The Appointment Overview pane opens. Review the appointment Details, Contact Info, and Payer information as desired.

Appointment Overview Window showing a patient example.

  1. Click the Appt. Notes text box and add a note for this patient’s appointment (Optional).
    Important: If adding a note, make sure to click Save.
  2. Click the Patient’s Alert icon to view any patient or pre-medication alerts (Optional).

Appointment Overview with yellow highlight box around a patient's alert icon.

  1. Click X or Save to close the Appointment Overview.


Patient Tracker Status

The Pt. (Patient) Tracker Status column displays for users the tracking status. For Outstanding Check ins, it shows all appointments with the status of ‘Arrived,’ ‘Check in,’ or ‘None,’ which helps users to determine the next steps for the patient’s appointment.


Refer to PatientTrackerStatuses for more status details.


The Pt. Tracker Status also allows users to change the appointment tracker status and check in a patient.


Arrived or None Statuses

The ‘None’ status lets users know that the patient’s appointment is scheduled and the patient has not arrived.


For ‘Arrived’ or ‘None’ statuses, use the Appointment Date/Time hyperlink to review the appointment details or add an appointment note. The Pt. Tracker Status column also lets users update the appointment status.

For example:

  • Update a ‘None’ status to ‘Arrived’ when the patient shows up for the appointment.
  • Or update the status from ‘Arrive’ to ‘Check In’ when the patient is ready to be checked in.
    Note: The status change to ‘Check in’ will open the Appointment Check in window.


To update the Patient Tracker:

  1. Locate the patient in the worklist.
  2. Right-click the Pt. Tracker Status.
  3. Click the desired status from the menu list.

Pt Tracker Status right clicked with menu list showing and a yellow highlight box around the Status with a  yellow arrow pointing down towards the menu list.

Check in Status

The Check in Status lets the user Check in the patient. The ‘Check in’ hyperlink provides access to the Appointment Check In window to check in the patient.


Tip: Before checking in the patient, use the Patient Profile hyperlink in the worklist to update the patient information. Then, the updated patient information will pull into Check In.


To check in a patient:

  1. Locate the patient in the worklist.

  2. Click the Check in hyperlink.

  3. The Appointment Check In window opens.
    Complete the Check in required fields. Refer to AppointmentCheck In for more details.

Check in hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing to the open Appointment Check In window.

  1. Click Finish Check In to save or Return to list to close.
    The Finish Check In button completes the check in process and will remove the appointment from the Outstanding Check ins worklist.

Appointment removal message highlighted in green.

Patient Profile

The Patient Name’s hyperlink allows users to access the Patient Profile to edit patient information. The Patient column displays the patient’s last name, First-name (Preferred Name), and patient ID (12345).

Patient name hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it.

Refer to Ready to Review’s Patient Profile for more details on this feature.


Outstanding Checkouts

The Outstanding Checkouts lists patient appointments scheduled today or earlier that were checked in but are not checked out. The worklist helps the practice manage the appointments, allowing users to update the appointment information, check out a patient, access the visit summary, or access the patient profile.


The worklist has filter options to allow users to isolate and review specific appointments. The Outstanding Checkouts displays the patient’s Appointment Date/Time, Pt. Tracker Status, Patient Name, Location Of Care,


Treating Provider, Attending Provider, the Primary Payer Source, the Encounter Status, and the Reason for Encounter.

Outstanding Checkouts worklist example with yellow highlight box around the tab


  • The worklist displays the Treating Provider and the Attending Provider to help users determine the responsible provider for the encounter.
  • The worklist displays the Pt. Tracker Status and the Encounter Status, helping to provide a complete picture of the appointment and the encounter.
  • Hover over a patient’s Reason for Encounter to display the appointment notes.

Reason for Encounter showing the appointment notes with a yellow highlight box around it.


To use Outstanding Checkouts:

  1. From the Administrative Dashboard, click Missing Slips.

Administrative Dashboard's Missing Slips blue button.

  1. Click the Outstanding Checkouts tab.
    Important: The list will generate without any filter selection. However, to limit the number of items displayed, enter a DOS Through Date, Tracker Status, Location of Care, or Provider.
  2. Enter the (DOS) Through date or use the calendar icon to select the date (Optional).

  1. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Tracker Status (Optional).

Tracker Status with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards in the list.

  1. Use the drop-down arrow to filter the following (Optional):

    • Location Of Care
    • Providers

Location of Care and Providers filters with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down menu arrows.

  1. Or use the Find Patient search box to search and select a single patient (Optional)
    Refer to the Worklist Features: Find Patient for more details.

A close-up of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

  1. Click the Search button.

Tip: Use the X to clear the filters to start a new search.

  1. The worklist generates based on the filters.
    • Use the page arrows to go forward to a page or back.
    • Use the Items Per Page to determine the number of items in your list.

Outstanding Checkouts worklist example


Appointment Date/Time

The Appointment Date and Time column contains a hyperlink that lets users access the patient’s Appointment Overview panel from the worklist. Here, users can review and update the appointment information, add an appointment note, and review the patient’s contact information and payer(s). Users can also access the Patient profile and patient alerts.

appointment date/time hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it

The newest appointment date/time appears at the top of the list, with the oldest date/time at the end of the worklist.


Refer to Appointment Date/Time for more information on how to use this feature.


Patient Tracker Status

The Pt. (Patient) Tracker Status column displays for users the tracking status. For this worklist, it can show all statuses, or it can be filtered to display a specific status. This status knowledge helps users to determine the next steps for an appointment.


Refer to PatientTrackerStatuses for more status details.


The Pt. Tracker Status also allows users to change the appointment tracker status and check in a patient.


To update the Patient Tracker:

  1. Locate the patient in the worklist.
  2. Right-click the Pt. Tracker Status.
  3. Click the desired status from the menu list.

Pt tracker status with yellow highlight box around right clicked status showing the menu list options.


Ready for checkout and With Checkout Statuses

Ready for checkout and With Checkout statuses lets the user check out the patient. The hyperlink provides access to the Appointment Checkout window to check out the patient.


To check out a patient:

  1. Use Find Patient and locate the patient in the worklist.
    Refer to Worklist Features: Find Patient for more information.
  2. Click the Ready for checkout or With Checkout hyperlink.
  3. The Appointment Check In window opens.

Pt Tracker With checkout selected with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing towards the checkout window.

  1. Complete the required check out fields, collect payments or prepayments, print a receipt, and schedule a return appointment as needed. Refer to Appointment Checkout for more details.
  2. Click Finish Checkout to save or Return to exit checkout.



  • The Finish Checkout button completes the checkout process and will remove it from the Outstanding Checkouts worklist.

Appointment removal message highlighted in green.

  • If the checked-out encounter is also attested, the encounter will go to Ready to Review.
  • If the checked-out encounter is not signed or attested, the encounter displays in Awaiting Signature/Attestation.


Visit Summary

The Visit Summary shows users the financial summary and charted information regarding an encounter. Users can also go to the patient chart from the Visit Summary panel.

Visit summary icon with call out indicating this is the visit summary.

Refer to Ready to Review’s Visit Summary for more details on this feature.


Patient Profile

The Patient Profile hyperlink in the Patient Name column allows users to access and edit patient information. The Patient column displays the patient’s last name, first name (preferred name), and patient ID (12345) as the hyperlink.

Patient name hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it.

Refer to Ready to Review’s Patient Profile for more details on this feature.


Awaiting Signature/Attestation

The Awaiting Signature/Attestation tab displays a list of encounters not signed or attested by the attesting Hygienist, Resident, or Treating Provider. This helps practices manage the completion of the clinical documentation process for the encounter. The worklist has filter options to allow users to isolate and review specific encounters, and it has links to access the Appointment Overview window and open the Patient profile.


Awaiting Signature/Attestation shows the Appointment Date /Time, Patient Name, Location Of Care, Treating/Attesting Provider, Attending Provider, Billing Provider, Reason for Encounter, and the Pt. Tracker Status for each encounter.

Example of the Awaiting Signature/Attestation list


To use Awaiting Signature/Attestation:

  1. From the Administrative Dashboard, click Missing Slips.

Administrative Dashboard's Missing Slips blue button.

  1. Click the Awaiting Signature/Attestation tab.
    Important: Awaiting Signature/Attestation list will generate without filter selection. However, tolimit the number of items displayed, enter a DOS Through Date, Location of Care, or Provider.
  2. Enter the (DOS) Through date or use the calendar icon to select the date (Optional).

A white rectangular object with a yellow and black object

Description automatically generated

  1. Use the drop-down arrow to filter the following (Optional):
    • Location Of Care
    • Provider

Location of Care and Providers filters with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down menu arrows.

  1. Or use the Find Patient search box to search and select a single patient (Optional).
    Refer to the Worklist Features: Find Patient for more details.

A close-up of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

  1. Click the Search button.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Tip: Use the X to clear the filters to start a new search.

  1. The list generates based on the filters.
    • Use the page arrows to go forward to a page or back.
    • Use the Items Per Page to determine the number of items in your list.

Awaiting Signature Attestation list showing patient examples and a yellow highlight box around the tab.


Appointment Date/Time

The Appointment Date and Time column contains a hyperlink that lets users access the patient’s Appointment Overview panel from the worklist. Here users can review and update the appointment information, add an appointment note, and review the patient’s contact information and payer(s). Users can also access the Patient profile and patient alerts.

appointment date/time hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it

Refer to AppointmentDate/Time for more information on how to use this feature.


Patient Profile

The Patient Profile hyperlink in the Patient Name column allows users to access and edit patient information. The Patient column displays the patient’s last name, first name (preferred name), and patient ID (12345) as the hyperlink.

Patient name hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it.

Refer to Ready to Review’s PatientProfile for more details on this feature.


Awaiting Amendment

Previously located in the Ready to Review Worklist, the Awaiting Amendment tab displays a list of encounters awaiting amendments from the provider. The worklist has filter options to allow users to isolate and review specific encounters, and it has links to access the Visit Summary and open the Patient Chart.

Awaiting Amendment worklist example


To use the Awaiting Amendment:

  1. From the Administrative Overview, click Missing Slips.

Administrative Dashboard's Missing Slips blue button.

  1. Click the Awaiting Amendment tab. Important Note: Awaiting Amendment list will generate without any filter selection. However, to limit the number of items displayed, enter a DOS Through Date, Location of Care, Provider, or Primary Payer Source.
  2. Enter the (DOS) Through date or use the calendar icon to select the date (Optional).

A white rectangular object with a yellow stripe

Description automatically generated

  1. Use the drop-down arrow to filter the following (Optional):
    • Location of Care
    • Providers
    • Primary Payer Source

  1. Or use the Find Patient search box to search and select a single patient (Optional). Refer to the Worklist Features: Find Patient for more details.

A close-up of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

  1. Click the Search button.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
Tip: Use the X to clear the filters to start a new search.

  1. The list is generated based on the filters.
    • Use the page arrows to go forward to a page or back.
    • Use the Items Per Page to determine the number of items in your list.

Awaiting Amendment worklist with yellow highlight box around it.


Expand Encounter Procedures


The Expand Procedure arrows enable users to view additional procedure details for a specific encounter, including the Authorization number, Procedure and Diagnosis code(s), Completing Provider, Tooth, surface Area, Fee(s), Insurance Estimate, and Patient Estimate.


To expand the procedure list:

  1. Click the down arrow next to the radio button.
    Awaiting Amendment tab with yellow highlight box around the expand arrows.

  2. The list expands, showing the procedures section below the patient encounter.
  3. Click the up arrow to close it.


Patient Profile

The Patient Profile hyperlink in the Patient column allows users to access and edit patient information. The Patient column displays the patient’s last name, first name (preferred name), and patient ID (12345) as the hyperlink.

Patient name hyperlink with yellow highlight box around it.

Refer to Ready to Review’s Patient Profile for more details on this feature.


Visit Summary

The Visit Summary shows users the financial summary and charted information regarding an encounter. Users can also go to the patient chart from the Visit Summary panel.

Visit summary icon with call out indicating this is the visit summary.

Refer to Ready to Review’s Visit Summary for more details on this feature.



Ready to Review

The Ready to Review Worklist allows users to review fully attested and ‘Checked Out’ encounters, update the Patient Profile, update the payer source for an encounter, and send items to bill. Users can place encounters on Administrative Hold and use the On Hold tab to view and maintain them.


Users can filter the tab's contents by Date of Service (DOS), Location of Care, provider, and primary insurance payer. The Ready to Review can also filter for a single patient account.


The worklists provide the following details on a patient visit encounter:

  • Date

  • Patient

  • Attesting Provider

  • Location of Care

  • Primary Payer Source

  • Primary Insurance ID

  • Secondary Payer Source

  • Secondary Insurance ID

  • Hold

  • Billing Note


There are two worklist tabs:

  • Ready to Review

  • On Hold



  • Ready to Review will generate without any filter selection. However, to limit the number of items displayed, enter a DOS Through Date, Location of Care, Provider, or Primary Payer Source.

  • The default sort order is by encounter date, with the oldest date at the top.

  • Ready to Review provides both the Billing Provider and the Attesting Provider for each encounter to assist users with determining who is the responsible provider for claim billing.


Using Ready to Review

  1. From the Administrative dashboard, click Ready to Review.

Ready to Review button with a yellow highlight box around it.

Note: The Ready to Review button contains the Total Encounter Balance amount providing a monitoring tool regarding the accounts receivables awaiting approval.


  1. Enter the (DOS) Through date or use the calendar icon to select the date.

DOS Through field with yellow boxes around the enter date and calendar icon.

  1. Use the drop-down arrow menu selector to filter the following:

    • Location of Care

    • Provider

    • Primary Payer Source

Ready to Review selection options with yellow highlight boxes around LOC, Providers, and Primary Payer Source.

  1. Or use the Find Patient search box to search and select a single patient (optional).

Find a Patient field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the Search button, and the Ready to Review generates the list of patients to review/work.
    Quick Tip: Use the X to clear the filters to start a new search.

Ready for Review generated worklist with a yellow highlight box around the Reset Filters button.

Tip: Hover over the image for a closer look.

  1. The list generates based on the filters.

    • Use the page arrows to go forward to a page or back.
    • Use the Items Per Page to determine the number of items in your list.


Expand Encounter Procedures

The Expand Procedure arrows enable users to view additional procedure details for a specific encounter, including the Authorization number, Procedure and Diagnosis code(s), Completing Provider, Tooth, surface Area, Fee(s), Insurance Estimate, and Patient Estimate.


To view the expanded procedure list:

  1. Click the down arrow next to the radio button.

Expand procedures down/up arrow with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow highlight box around the expand procedures section.

  1. The list expands, showing the procedures section below the patient encounter.
  2. Click the up arrow to close it.


Visit Summary

The Visit Summary shows users all documented financial and charting information regarding an encounter and allows users to tag an encounter as requiring an amendment if necessary.


To view the Visit Summary:

  1. Click the Visit Summary symbol next to the encounter date.

Ready to Review worklist with a yellow highlight box around the visit summary.

  1. The Visit Summary window opens. The user accesses/views information regarding an encounter, including Go to the patient chart, adding an Amendment, viewing Financial data, and the Chart Note.

Visit Summary window showing patient example.


Note: If the patient has a Patient Alert or Pre-medication Alert, the alert icon appears after the patient’s name, providing quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements.
Refer to Alerts for more information.

Patient Alert icon with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click Save to return the Clinical Note to the Treating Provider for an Amendment or Cancel to close.


Go to patient chart

The Go to patient chart button directs users to the Charting section of the patient encounter. Click Go to patient chart to access Charting.

Visit Summary window with a yellow highlight box around the Go to patient chart button.

Refer to the Dental Charting section for additional Charting information.



The Amendment section allows users to enter the reason and note documentation for an encounter amendment.


To add Amendment reason:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow menu and select the Reason for Amendment.

Reason for Amendment with a yellow highlight box around the drop-down menu.

  1. Use the Amendment Note textbox to enter additional notes.

Amendment Note textbox with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. At the bottom of the Visit Summary, click Save.


Important: Adding a Reason for Amendment to an encounter will change the encounter status to Amend Required. The encounter then drops from Ready to Review and must be re-signed and re-attested in Charting before it displays back in Ready to Review.



The Visit Summary Financial section displays all financial information associated with the patient and relevant to the encounter.

Visit Summary Financial section with a yellow highlight box around it.

Chart Note

The Chart Note section displays all Clinical Notes documented during the encounter.
Refer to Clinical Note for additional chart note information.

Chart Note section of the Visit Summary


Patient Profile

The Patient Profile hyperlink in the Patient column allows users to access and edit patient information. The Patient column displays the patient’s Last-name, First-name (Preferred Name) as the hyperlink.


To access the Patient Profile:

  1. Click the Patient name hyperlink.

Ready to Review with a yellow highlight box around the patient name hyperlink.

  1. The Patient Profile window opens. Review and edit any patient information as necessary.

Patient profile window with yellow highlight boxes around Patient profile and Save patient data button.

  1. Click Save patient data or Close to exit.



The Hold feature allows users to place the encounter on an Administrative hold. Refer to On Hold for additional worklist information.

Ready to Review window with yellow highlight boxes around the Hold column.

To place an item on Hold:

  1. Click Add under the patient’s Hold column.

Hold column with a yellow highlight box around Add.

  1. Enter the Reason for hold (Required).
  2. In the textbox, provide a summary to explain why it is on hold.

Administrative hold add box with yellow highlight boxes around the Reason for hold textbox and Confirm button.

  1. Click Confirm to place on hold or Cancel to exit hold.


Billing Note

The Billing Note allows users to add a note for the office billing department. Example Billing Note: Denture repair no charge/do not file.


To use Billing Note:

  1. Click Add under the patient’s Billing Note column.

Billing Note column with a yellow box around Add.

Important: If a note already exists, the hyperlink contains the first four words of the saved note.

  1. Enter in the textbox any important details regarding the Encounter.

Billing note add window with yellow highlight box around the note textbox.

  1. Click Confirm to add the note or Cancel to discard.



Approve, formerly Ready to Bill, allows users to send reviewed and completed encounters to billing. Users select specific encounters from the list and update them using the Approve button.


To send an encounter to billing:

  1. Click Ready to Bill to send the encounter(s) to billing.
    Tip: To select all encounters in the list, click the radio button in the column header.

Worklist with a yellow highlight box around two radio buttons and a yellow arrow pointing towards the Ready to Bill button.

  1. Once you click Ready to bill, the encounters will automatically disappear from the list.


Important: Once users set encounters Ready to Bill, the following actions occur:

  • The encounter is sent to the RCM team for claims batching and transmission.
  • Clinical Note text is sent to the athenaOne Encounter Summary.


Using On Hold

On Hold allows users to review and maintain encounters placed on Administrative Hold in the Ready to Review worklist.


Worklists with yellow highlight box around the On Hold tab and the On Hold column in the worklist.


Common reasons to place the encounter on hold:

  1. Pending Demographic/payor/sliding fee eligibility updates.
  2. Pending Pre-Authorization number entry.
  3. Encounter needs recalculating:
    • Refresh procedure codes or surfaces.
    • Updating procedure fees, insurance, or patient responsibility.


To view On Hold items:

Important: The On Hold list will generate without any filter selection. However, to limit the number of items displayed, enter a DOS Through Date, Location of Care, Provider, or Primary Payer Source.

  1. From Ready to Review, click the On Hold tab.

Ready to Review Worklist with yellow highlight box around the On Hold tab showing two items on hold.

  1. Enter the (DOS) Through date or use the calendar icon to select the date (Optional).

DOS Through field with yellow boxes around the enter date and calendar icon.

  1. Use the drop-down arrow menu selector to filter the following (Optional):

    • The Location of Care

    • A specific Provider

    • The Primary Payer Source

Ready to Review selection options with yellow highlight boxes around LOC, Providers, and Primary Payer Source.

  1. Or use the Find Patient search box to search and select a single patient (optional).


Find a Patient field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The On Hold list appears based on the filter criteria.


Expand Encounter Procedures

The Expand Procedure arrows enable users to view additional procedure details for a specific encounter, including the Authorization number, Procedure and Diagnosis code(s), Completing Provider, Tooth, surface Area, Fee(s), Insurance Estimate, and Patient Estimate.


To view the expanded procedure list:

  1. Click the down arrow next to the radio button.

Expand procedures down/up arrow with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow highlight box around the expand procedures section.

  1. The list expands, showing the procedures section below the patient encounter.
  2. Click the up arrow to close it.


Visit Summary

The Visit Summary shows users all documented financial and charting information regarding an encounter and allows users to tag an encounter as requiring an amendment if necessary. Refer to Ready to Review’s Visit Summary for more details.


To view the Visit Summary:

  1. Click the Visit Summary symbol next to the encounter date.

Ready to Review worklist with a yellow highlight box around the visit summary.

  1. The Visit Summary window opens. Users can access/view information regarding an encounter, including Go to the patient chart, adding an Amendment, viewing Financial data, and the Chart Note.

Visit Summary window showing patient example.

Note: If the patient has a Patient Alert or Pre-medication Alert, the alert icon appears after the patient’s name, providing quick identification of patients needing assistance or having specific requirements.
Refer to Alerts for more information.

Patient Alert icon with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click Save to return the Clinical Note to the Treating Provider for an Amendment or Cancel to close.


Recalculate the Encounter

The Recalculate feature allows users to recalculate the encounter with any updated or added information. Run the Recalculate after reviewing the Visit Summary and Expanding Procedures sections to ensure the patient information, insurance eligibility, and visit coding is accurate.


To Recalculate the held encounter:

  1. In the On Hold tab, locate the visit encounter.
  2. Click the Recalculate encounter icon.

On Hold tab with an expanded encounter and a yellow highlight box around the Recalculate encounter icon.

Important Note: If there is an issue with the visit coding (diagnosis or CDT), users will want to return the encounter to the provider for amendment and re-attestation.


Reporting Module

The athenaOne Dental Reporting Module enables administrative staff control of their financial records as it provides quick access to daily batch and balance reports, clinical measures, financial summaries, as well as charges and payment analysis.

The Reporting Module is a part of athenaOne Dental and not a separate product. Billing, Junior Administrative, and Senior Administrative role users can easily view, print, and export the report data.

Several reports in the module use the Reporting Groups feature, enabling users to group data according to organizational needs. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


To access the Reporting Module:

  1. Click the Reporting Module icon in the top right corner of the athenaOne Dental Header.

Menu bar with yellow highlight box around the Reporting module icon.

  1. The Reporting Module home page opens with a list of available reports to run.


Refer to the A-2: Reporting Utilization Table for additional use information.


Report Preview Features

The Report Preview window allows users to change the report view, navigate different pages, adjust print settings, or export the report data.


To access the Report Preview:

  1. Click the View Report button on any report filter page.

View report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report Preview opens in a separate window.

A sample report preview window


To change a report view:

  1. Click the View tab.

A report Preview window with a yellow highlight box around the View tab.

  1. Select the desired Layout view.
    • Web Layout: The report image appears as it would look in a web browser.
    • Print Layout: The report image appears as if printed on paper.
      Note: The reporting default view is Web Layout.

View tab with a yellow highlight box around the Web layout and Print layout options.

  1. When finished with the report Preview, click the X to close.


To use page navigation:

For reports with multiple columns and pages, the page navigation arrows reside underneath the Preview menu tabs.

Page navigation arrows with a yellow highlight box around them.

  • Single right arrow: Click to move to the next page.
  • Double right arrow: Click to move to the last page.
  • Single left arrow: Click to move to the previous page.
  • Double left arrow: Click to move to the first page.
    Important: The arrows enable users to change the view to/from the next or previous page.


To print a report:

  1. Click the File tab and select Print.

File Print option with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Print Settings window opens. Use the drop-down arrow menu to change the Page Size if needed.
  2. Use the radio buttons to change the Page Orientation from Portrait to Landscape if needed. Quick Tip: Print Settings also creates a printer-friendly PDF version of the report. To view the PDF version, click the Preview button.

Print settings with yellow boxes around the drop down menu list,the radio button choices and print button.

  1. Click Print.

  2. When finished, click the X to close.
    Important: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To export a report:

  1. Click the Home tab.
  2. Click the Export drop-down arrow.

Home tab with a yellow highlight around the Export drop down menu.

  1. Select the desired export file format.

Export drop down menu list of format types.
Tip: Use the .csv export option for multipage reports to export into one. Use the Excel export option for multipage reports to open with a tab for each page in Excel.

  1. The report exports and is ready to download. Once complete, a notification box appears, indicating a successful export.

export notification with a yellow highlight box around it

  1. Next, open the file data in the desired program, i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
  2. Click the X to close the report Preview window.


Adjustment Reports

The Adjustment Reports provide information regarding the posted adjustment types and their amounts. In addition, these reports can provide insight into why charges are being adjusted.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


Adjustment Details Report

The Adjustment Details Report assists with validating adjustments posted on patients’ procedures. It provides specific adjustment details, including quantifying and financial information. The report filters by the adjustment source, type, treating providers, location of care, and carrier for a particular date range, and it allows for two- column groupings. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.


The report will enable users to verify that adjustments are applied to the correct adjustment types and can be run as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Adjustment Details from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu list with yellow highlight box around Adjustment Details report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).
  2. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Adjustment Source (Required).

Adjustment Details report selection options with yellow highlight boxes around the date fields and the Adjustment Source drop down arrow.

  1. Use the drop-down menu list to complete the following selections:
    • Adjustment Types: Click the checkbox(es) to select from the practice-specific adjustment types.
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).
    • Group Column 1: Click Location of Care, Treating Provider, Carrier, Adjustment Type, or CDT code.
    • Group Column 2: Click Location of Care, Treating Provider, Carrier, Adjustment Type, or CDT code.

Adjustment Details report criteria selection options with a yellow highlight box around them.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example of the Adjustment Details report

Adjustment Summary Report

The Adjustment Summary Report provides an overview of the adjustment types used for charges and payments. The report provides totals for each adjustment type and a total of all adjustments posted for the specified date range. In addition, the report has two report grouping options to facilitate a preferred view of the data. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.

Run the Adjustment Summary Report monthly or as needed.


Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Adjustment Summary from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with yellow highlight box around the Adjustment Summary report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).
  2. Use the drop-down menu list and select the Adjustment Source (Required).

Adjustment Details report selection options with yellow highlight boxes around the date fields and the Adjustment Source drop down arrow.

  1. Use the drop-down menu list to complete the following selections:
    • Adjustment Types: Click the checkbox(es) to select from the practice-specific adjustment types.
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).
    • Group Column 1: Click Location of Care, Treating Provider, Carrier, Adjustment Type, or CDT code.
    • Group Column 2: Click Location of Care, Treating Provider, Carrier, Adjustment Type, or CDT code.

Adjustment Details report criteria selection options with a yellow highlight box around them.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Adjustment Summary Report


Appointments No Encounters Report

The Appointments – No Encounters Report helps with the management of encounters. The report provides a list of appointments that do not have any encounters associated with them. The report filters by the locations of Care, treating providers, hygienists, and patient tracker status. It lists the patient’s associated primary insurance and includes any appointment notes.

Additionally, the report can be run for a date range and allows filtering by report groups. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information. Run the report daily, weekly, or as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Appointments No Encounters from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu list with yellow highlight box around the Appointments-No Encounter Report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Date selection fields with yellow highlight boxes around the Start and End date.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the following (Optional):
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Hygienists: Click the checkbox(es) to select the specific hygienist.
    • Patient Tracker Status: Click the checkbox(es) to select the specific patient tracker status.

Appointment - no encounters report filter options with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down arrows for the location of care, treatment providers, hygienists, and patient tracker status.

  1. Use the drop-down menu list to complete the following selections (Optional):

    • Group Column 1: Click Location of Care, Operatory, Treating Provider, Hygienist, Appointment Reason, Appointment Status, and Tracker Status.

    • Group Column 2: Click Location of Care, Operatory, Treating Provider, Hygienist, Appointment Reason, Appointment Status, and Tracker Status.

Report Group filters with yellow highlight boxes around the drop down arrows and  showing the menu selection options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Appointment No Encounter Report with yellow callout boxes indicating the filter selection options and the additional column data.


Batch Report

The Batch Report assists with the management of the user posting batches. The report helps balance patient payments entered daily, and it shows by the batch and payment method. The report can be run for a date range and batch status: All, Open, or Closed. Run the report daily, weekly, or as needed to maintain batch posting accuracy.

As a best practice, close user batches daily; use the report to help ensure they are. Refer to Manage Batches for additional batch maintenance help.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Batch Report from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Batch Report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).
  2. Click the drop-down menu to select the Transaction Type (Required).

Batch report filter selections with yellow highlight boxes around the date fields and the drop down arrow menu.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

    Refer to A-5: Sample Batch Report for a full-page printed report example.

A page of the Batch Report with a yellow callout stating example page with two arrows pointing toward batch details and report totals.


Billing Status Analysis Report

The Billing Status Report provides information on the encounter’s Insurance billing status and associated details. It includes a list of ticket counts and outstanding amounts. Additionally, the report assists the organization with managing encounters. The report filters by Treating Provider and Billing Status.

Run the report as needed.


Important Notes:

  • The report generates encounters linked with the patient’s insurance carrier at the time of the visit.

  • The report generates using the DOS (date of service) with a day delay. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


Billing Status Options


Indicates that the visit has successfully ‘passed’ the clearinghouse/payer edits and is at the point of waiting for payment if using a supported clearinghouse.
Bad Debt:Indicates the visit balance was adjusted off according to practice policy for non-payment and/or submitted to a collection agency for payment collection.
Balance Forward:This indicates that the visit creation used the Balance Forward component from a prior system.

Claim Created:

Indicates that the visit successfully passed first and second edits and is ‘batched’ in a file to submit electronically to a supported clearinghouse.
Collection:Indicates the visit is delinquent or is older than current. This status can be manually assigned to a visit or used according to the Collection parameters set in Administration.
Filed:This indicates that the visit was filed as a paper claim or sent electronically. It also indicates a visit was refiled. The filing history is on the Claims tab of the visit.

Payer Complete:

It contains a couple of meanings:
  1. Indicates that the visit is ‘technically ‘paid' by the payer and the payer balance is zero. However, the patient may owe a balance.
  2. It may also indicate that the visit has a remaining balance overpaid either to insurance or the patient.
Paid-Deposit Remaining:This status means the procedure balances are $0.00, but a patient payment amount remains as the deposit, not applied to any procedure.
Ready to Bill:The visit is in the progress of being prepared for billing. This status also indicates that the visit passed the first edit (scrub). The edit is system-based and checks to see that the paper claim can be cleanly submitted or is ready for the second edit for electronic filing.
Refund:This user-defined status is typically per the practice's policy for visits requiring a refund to the payer, and the status is manually attached to the visit.


This status has two different meanings, internal and external.
  1. Internal: the visit failed the second edit to prepare for electronic submission. The Notes tab details the reasons for the failure.
  2. External: If using a supported clearinghouse and the payer reports can be processed, the visit failed at the clearinghouse/payer level. The Claims tab contains reasons for the claim rejection.


To generate the report:

  1. Click the Billing Status Analysis from the Reporting menu.

Billing Status report with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Date selection fields with yellow highlight boxes around the Start and End date.

  1. Click the Select Provider field and click the checkbox(es) to select the Treating Provider (Optional).
    Note: If no provider is chosen, the report runs for ALL Treating Providers.

Select Provider field with yellow highlight box around it and an yellow arrow pointing downwards to the provider checkboxes.

  1. Click the Select field, and then click the checkbox(es) to select the Billing Status (Optional).
    Note: If no status is chosen, the report runs for ALL Status’.

Billing Status menu list with yellow highlight box around the down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the list options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in a Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Billing Status Analysis Report example

Bulk Patient Statement

The Bulk Patient Statement enables the practice to provide the patients with a copy of services completed and any payments made on procedures. It compiles patient statements by date range, last name range, payers – including Self Pay and Slide Fee, or patient balance options.


You can run the report Monthly or as needed.

Important: When generated, the report's first page is intentionally left blank.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Bulk Patient Statement from the Reporting menu.

  2. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

  3. Use the drop-down menus to complete the following (Optional):

    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.

    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).

  4. Use the drop-down menu to select the Patient Balance option (Required).

    • Full patient balance: This displays what the patient owes regardless of the start and end dates.

    • Patient balance with date range: This displays what the patient owes within a specified date range.

  5. Enter the From Patient Last Name (First Character) and the To Patient Last Name (First Character) (Required).
    For example: The From Patient Last Name (First Character) is ‘A’ and the To Patient Last Name (First Character) is ‘M’; any patients that have a last name that begins with any letters between A through M and meet the other selection criteria will be in the report.

  6. Click View Report.

  7. The report generates and opens in a Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

The example below is the first page only; refer to Sample Patient Statement for the complete statement.

Charge and Payment Reports

The Charge and Payment Reports provide general financial reporting. These reports provide cumulative data for the organization’s charges, payments, and adjustments for a specific period.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.

Charge and Payment Details Report

The Charge and Payment Details Report provides the Charges, Payments, Adjustments, and Net Charges to Accounts Receivable for a specific date range. The report details assist in the validation of the Charge and Payment Summary Report.

The report filters by the treating providers, location, carrier, and procedures, and it allows for two-column groupings. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.

Run the report Monthly or as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

1. Click Charge and Payment Details from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Charge and Payment Details.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Date selection fields with yellow highlight boxes around the Start and End date.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections (optional):

    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).
    • Group Column 1: Click to select the first report sort filter.
    • Group Column 2: Click to select the second report sort filter.

Charge and Payment Details report selection options with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down menus.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in a Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Charge and Payment Details example report with yellow callouts pointing to scroll bar and navigation buttons.

Charge and Payment Summary Report

The Charge and Payment Summary Report is a general financial report that provides cumulative Charges, Payments, and Adjustments for a specific date range. Additionally, the report lists an Accrual Period column for Charges and Adjustments for dates of service before the reporting period but posted during the reporting period.

The report filters by the treating providers, location, carrier, and procedures, and it allows for two columns grouping. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.

Run the report Monthly or as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Charge and Payment Details from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Charge and Payment Details.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Date selection fields with yellow highlight boxes around the Start and End date.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections (optional):

    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).
    • Group Column 1: Click to select the first report group filter.
    • Group Column 2: Click to select the second report group filter.

Charge and Payment Details report selection options with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down menus.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Charge and Payment Summary report with a yellow highlight around the accrual section and a callout section pointing to it.


Daily Balance Report

The Daily Balance Report provides auditing of the daily financial entries. The report helps users balance the charges, payments, and adjustments for the end of the day and serves as a comprehensive daily balancing tool. This report lists the details of each transaction from the patient’s encounters and lists only by the entry date.

Run this report daily or as needed.

Important Note: The Daily Balance Report will balance to the Financial Summary, but only if generated using the date of entry and the same date range(s).


To generate the report:

  1. Click Daily Balance report from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Daily Balance report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with a yellow highlight boxes around them

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections:

    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s), or click Self Pay and Sliding Fee to include patient responsibility.
    • Transaction Type: Click Charges, Payments, Adjustments, or Other.

Report filter options with yellow highlight boxes around the LOC, Treating Providers, Carriers, and Transaction Type drop down menu arrows.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Daily Balance Report


Daily Schedule Report

The Daily Schedule Report lists the scheduled appointments for a single date at a specific location. This report assists office staff and management with the daily scheduled appointments and can be run for future dates. The report also allows for two grouping filters. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.


In addition, the report provides the appointment and patient details, confirmation status, patient name, patient id, DOB, age, insurance, treating provider, hygienist, and appointment notes. Run the report daily or as needed. Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Daily Schedule from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with yellow highlight box around the Daily Schedule report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around the calendar icons.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Location of Care (Required).

Locations of Care field with yellow highlight box around the drop down menu and a yellow arrow pointing to menu selection option.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select a specific Treating Provider and/or Hygienist (Optional).

    Note: If no Treating Provider or Hygienist is selected, the report will generate a list with all of them.

Treating Providers and Hygienists fields with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down menu arrow.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the report Group Column 1 and Group Column 2 (Optional).


Report Group Columns 1 and 2 with yellow highlight boxes around the drop down menu arrows as well as a yellow highlight arrow pointing down to the Column 1 options.

  1. Click View Report.

View report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Sample Daily Schedule Report with yellow text box pointing to the report filter selections.


Deposit Slip Reports

The Deposit Slip Reports pulls the data from the athenaOne application. There is a detail and summary report; both reports assist with managing the financial deposits for a particular date range. The Deposit Slip Reports correspond to the actual deposited funds or gross payments.


These reports list all receivables for the day, excluding conveyances and negative payments. It corresponds to the actual deposited funds or gross payments.

The reports run by date of entry (DOE) or deposit date.

  • DOE: This is the posting date of entry for the procedure’s payments.
  • Deposit Date: This is the date of the check deposit.


The report filters by provider and check number. It also allows for grouping columns.


Deposit Slip Details Report

The Deposit Slip Details Report assists in validating the Deposit Slip Summary Report providing the specifics for the financial deposits by providing a list of daily receivables, excluding conveyances and negative payments.

The report runs by date of entry (DOE) or deposit date. The report allows users to group columns by Batch, Provider, or Location of Care. Run the report as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click the Deposit Slip Details from the Report menu.

Report menu with yellow highlight box around the Deposit Slip Details option.

  1. Use the drop-down menu list and select the Date Type (Required).

    Note: The default date is the DOE (date of entry).

Date Type with a yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around the calendar icons.


  1. Use the drop-down menu and click the checkbox(es) to select the Provider(s) (Required).
    Note: Users can select more than one provider.

Provider field with a yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Enter the desired Check Number (Optional).

Deposit report with yellow highlight box around the Check Number textbox.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Group Column. Note: The default group sort is by Batch.

Group Columns with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the menu options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


Sample Deposit Slip details report



Deposit Slip Summary Report

The Deposit Slip Summary Report assists with managing the financial deposits by providing a high-level overview of the deposited content information. The report provides the receivables for the day, excluding conveyances and negative payments. The report runs by date of entry (DOE) or deposit date. Run the report as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click the Deposit Slip Summary from the Report menu.
  2. Use the drop-down menu list and select the Date Type (Required).
    Note: The default date is the DOE (date of entry).

Date Type with a yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).


Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around the calendar icons.

  1. Enter the Check Number (Optional).

Check number field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Deposit Slip summary example report with yellow arrow and callout indicating report ran for one check number.


Encounter Reports

The Encounter Reports provides a count of encounters by provider(s) for a specific date range. It also calculates and reports the providers encounter visit totals and financial totals for a particular date range.

The reports run by date of service (DOS) or date of entry (DOE).

  • DOS: This is the procedure’s service date.
  • DOE: This is the posting date of entry for the procedure’s payments and/or adjustments.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


The reports contain provider grouping, which is as follows:

  • Treating Provider: This is any licensed provider that charts a patient record.
    Important: Since more than one provider can chart on a visit, grouping by Treating Provider can cause inflationary encounter counts as the encounter can count toward all charting providers on the visit.
  • Billing Provider: This is the provider assigned to the face-to-face visit. This will not include Hygienists, as those visits will be credited to the attesting provider.
  • Encounter Provider: This is the provider who is assigned credit for the face-to-face visit by a licensed professional. A Provider who is both scheduled and charts for a visit is given credit for the visit; in cases where a Dentist and Hygienist both meet these criteria, credit is given to the Hygienist. If two Dentists chart on a visit, the credit is given to the scheduled Dentist. If the scheduled Dentist does not chart, the charting Dentist is given credit.
  • UDS Provider: This uses Encounter Provider grouping logic; however, only one encounter can be counted per day, per location. Note: In the case of a Hygienist and Dentist visit on the same day at the same location, the Encounter counts towards the higher licensed provider.


In addition, the report filters by the locations of care, carrier, and procedures.


Encounter Detail Report

The Encounter Detail Report assists in validating the Encounter Summary Report providing the specifics for the encounters. Run the report as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Encounter Summary from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with yellow highlight box around the Encounter Details.

  1. Use the drop-down menu list and select the Date Type (Required).


Date Type field with yellow highlight box around the drop down menu and with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to selections.

  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with a yellow highlight boxes around them

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Provider Type. Refer to Encounter Reports for details on Provider Type.

Provider Type with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections (Optional):

    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select a specific provider(s) hygienist(s)..
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).

Encounter Detail filter options with yellow highlight boxes around the down arrow menu for the location, providers, carrier, and procedures options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

    Note: This detailed report will contain multiple pages of column data.


Example Encounter details report with yellow text boxes pointing to the report filter heading and the additional rows of report data.


Encounter Status Report

The Encounter Status Report helps with the management of encounters. It provides detailed information for the daily encounters as it lists the Encounter Status, Patient Tracker Status, Encounter Reason, Location of care, Treating Provider, Hygienist, and Current Insurance. It also includes the date of Attestation, Amend Required date, and the Billed date, which helps to determine if any encounters need to be attested or billed.

The report allows users to filter by the Locations of Care, Providers, and Status. Run the report as needed.

Note: The “Current Insurance” displays the patient’s insurance coverage when the report is created.


Encounter Statuses

Amend RequiredThe billing staff returned the attested note to the Treating or Attending Provider for an amendment.
ApprovedThe health center/practice has approved the encounter and set it to “Approve” from the Ready to Review worklist.
AttestedThe Treating or Attending Provider attested the clinical note.
CompletedThe encounter has the appointment tracker status of Checked Out; the clinical note is attested or re-attested; and it has been set to Approved.
Conversion ImportedThe encounter was imported into the application during conversion.
Correction AmendThe encounter needing corrections has been sent to the provider to correct and create a clinical note addendum.
Corrections CompletedThe requested encounter corrections are complete, including recalculating it.
Corrections NeededA user has requested that the encounter be corrected and rebilled.
In ProgressA clinical user has started the encounter for the appointment, but the clinical note is incomplete.
RebillThe encounter has been corrected and submitted for rebill to the responsible payer.
Rebill on HoldThe encounter has questionable information that needs to be clarified before it can be routed back to worklists.
Ready For AttestationThe clinical support staff (RDH, RDA, DDS/Resident) signed the note, and the encounter awaits the Treating Provider’s attestation.
UnapprovedThe encounter is being completed and not yet approved for the billing process.


To generate the report

  1. Click Encounter Status from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with yellow highlight box around Encounter Status report.


  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with a yellow highlight boxes around them

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections (Optional):

    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select a specific provider(s).

Locations of Care and Provider fields with yellow highlight boxes around the drop down menu options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to click the Encounter Status checkbox(es) (Optional).

Encounter Status field with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to click the Patient Tracker Status checkbox(es)(Optional).

Patient Tracker Status with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

    Note: This detailed report will contain multiple pages of column data.

Encounter Status Report example with yellow text box indicating to use bottom scroll bar to view additional columns.


Encounter Summary Report

The Encounter Summary Report provides a count of encounters for a specific date range. The report allows users to filter by date of service (DOS) or entry date (DOE) with the ability to sort by Locations of Care, Providers, Carrier, and Procedures.

In addition to the Provider grouping and filters mentioned above, the report allows for two-column groupings as well as Page Grouping. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information.

Run the report as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Encounter Summary from the Reporting menu.

Report menu with yellow highlight box around the Encounter summary report.

  1. Use the drop-down menu list and select the Date Type (Required).

Date Type field with yellow highlight box around the drop down menu and with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to selections.

  1. Enter the Start and End Date(s) or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with a yellow highlight boxes around them

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Provider Type. Refer to Encounter Reports for details on Provider Type.

Provider Type with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections (Optional):

    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select a specific provider(s) or hygienist(s).
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).

Encounter report filter options with yellow highlight boxes around the down arrow menu for the location, providers, carrier, and procedures options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following Groups (Optional):
    • Page Group
    • Row Group 1
    • Row Group 2

Group selection list with yellow highlight box around the drop down menu arrow and a yellow arrow pointing downwards into the list.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

    Note: This detailed report will contain multiple pages of column data.

Example Encounter Summary Report


Financial Summary Report

The Financial Summary Report provides a summary analysis of the financial data for a specified date range. The report combines Core Daily and Monthly Financial Summary reporting. In addition, the report allows users to see a summary of charges, payments, collectible adjustments, and non-collectible adjustments by date of service (DOS) or date of entry (DOE), as well as view the data using various group filters.


The Financial Summary Report is ideal for month-end reporting as it also provides the Beginning Accounts Receivable, Ending Accounts Receivable, and the Effect A/R Change. Run the report daily, monthly, or as needed.


Note: The date definitions are:

  • DOS: This is the procedure’s service date.
  • DOE: This is the posting date of entry for the procedure’s payments and/or adjustments.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.



  • The default sort date is by Date of Entry.

  • The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Financial Summary from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around Financial Summary.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Date Group (Required).

Date Group sort filter with a yellow highlight box around the drop down menu arrow with a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Day or Month options.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or use the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Report Start and End date fields with yellow highlight box around them.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections:

    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s), or click Self Pay and Sliding Fee to include patient responsibility.
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).
    • Group By: Click the Reporting Group sort filter.
      Refer to
      Reporting Group settings for details. Note: If using Payer Group, the report organizes the data by the transaction payer. When selecting Provider Group, the report organizes the data by the encounter provider.

Report selection options with yellow highlight boxes around the drop down menu arrows.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Financial Summary Report by location of care grouping

Overages and UACs Reports

The Overages and UACs Reports help administrative and management users manage the posted payment Overages and Unapplied Credits. These reports provide the payment financial data, including the patient information, date of service, payment date, amount, and payment note. The details and summary reports provide grand totals.

Overages and UACs Detail

The Overages and UACs Details Report provides the specific payment information related to the payment Overages and Unapplied Credits. The report automatically sorts with the oldest posted payment at the top of the report. Run the report for All, Overages, or UACs.


The report details assist in the validation of the Overages and UACs Summary Report. Run the report as needed.



  • The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.

  • Reversed UACs will list in the report.

  • Once a UAC is applied, it will no longer appear in the report.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Overages and UACs Detail from the Reporting menu.

  2. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Report Option.

    • All – includes both Overages and UACs

    • Overages – lists only Overages

    • UACs – lists only UACs

  3. Click View Report.
    View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  4. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


Report Example: All

Overages and UACs Summary

The Overages and UACs Summary Report summarizes the financial information related to payment Overages and Unapplied Credits. The report lists the Patient Id, Patient Name, Patient DOB, and payment Amount for each item. Run the report for All, Overages, or UACs.

Run the report as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Overages and UACs Summary from the Reporting menu.

  2. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Report Option.

    • All – includes both Overages and UACs

    • Overages – lists only Overages

    • UACs – lists only UACs

  3. Click View Report.
    View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  4. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


Report Example: All

Treatment Plan Phase 1 Reports

The Treatment Phase 1 Completion reports provide a detailed measure that assesses the percentage of patients who complete their recommended treatment within a specified time frame. The reports can be run for all patient encounters or first encounters. The reports allow for filtering by provider(s) and location of care.



  • Numerator: is the number of patients with Phase 1 of a Treatment Plan completed within specified range after exam.
  • Denominator: is the number of exams performed within the “Number of Days to Complete.”
  • Treatment Plan Completion Rate: is 100 times numerator/denominator.

Denominator Codes:

D0120, D0145, and D0150 are the default denominator codes for the reports.

Note: You can select a single code or multiple codes (see below). By selecting a specific code, the report will display using that code as the denominator code.


Age Filters:

  • Starting Age: Defaults to ‘0’ or enter a whole number not less than 0.

  • Ending Age: Defaults to ‘125’ or use a whole number greater than the ‘Starting Age.’

Treatment Plan Phase 1 Details

The Treatment Plan Phase 1 Details report provides a list of encounters for patients who complete their recommended treatment within a specified time frame. The report assists in the validation of the Treatment Plan Phase 1 Summary report. Run the report as needed to assist with the management of Treatment Plan completion data.


Report Example: Need to report all completed Treatment Plans within 6 months for the practice. The measurement end date is June 2023.

  • January 2023 to June 2023 = six (6) months
  • Six (6) months = 180 days
  • All Encounters
  • All Providers and all Locations of Care


To generate the report:

  1. Click Treatment Plan Phase 1 Details from the Reporting menu.

Treatment Plan Phase 1 Details with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and end date fields

  1. Enter the Number of Days to Complete (Required).

Number of days to complete field with yellow highlight box around 180 days.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Filter Type.

    Note: The Filter Type defaults to All Encounters, but it can be changed to First Encounters.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrows to select the Provider(s) and Location of Care(s) (Optional).

Providers and Location of Care with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down arrows.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Denominator Code(s) (Required).

  2. Enter the Starting Age and Ending Age.

  3. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Phase 1 Completion Details Example Report


Treatment Plan Phase 1 Summary

The Treatment Plan Phase 1 Summary report provides a percentage and total number of encounters for patients who complete their recommended treatment within a specified time frame. The report allows for additional two column grouping. Run the report as needed to assist with the management of Treatment Plan completion data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Treatment Plan Phase 1 Summary from the Reporting menu.

Treatment Plan Phase 1 Summary with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and end date fields

  1. Enter the Number of Days to Complete (Required).

Number of days to complete field with yellow highlight box around 180 days.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Filter Type.

    Note: The Filter Type defaults to All Encounters, but it can be changed to First Encounters.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrows to select the Provider(s) and Location of Care(s) (Optional).

Providers and Locations of care with yellow highlight boxes around the drop-down arrows.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrows to complete Group Column 1 and Group Column 2 (Optional).

A screenshot of a group column  Description automatically generated

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to select the Denominator Code(s) (Required).

  2. Enter the Starting Age and Ending Age.

  3. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


The following is an example report:

  • Filter Type: First Encounters

  • Date Range and Number days to Complete: January 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023, and 180 days

  • Providers: (3) Amy Mckinley, Bisma Gowani, Julie Crews

  • Group Column 1 and 2: Legal Sex and Location

Example Phase 1 Completion Summary Report

UDS Table 5 Dental Helper Report

The UDS Table 5 Dental Report assists health centers in reporting the necessary data for the UDS Staffing and Utilization Profile. The report identifies patient encounters and total patients by service category and provider for a specific date range.

This report filters by the Date of Service date range. The UDS Table 5 report lists the Patient id, Patient Name, Date of Birth, Date of Service, Appointment start date and time, Location of Care, Provider, and the line number and description. Run the report annually or as needed for regulatory reporting.


To generate the report:

  1. Click UDS Table 5 from the Reporting menu.

  2. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

  3. Click View Report.

  4. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

UDS Table 6A Dental Helper Report

The UDS Table 6A Dental Report assists health centers with the UDS regulatory reporting. This report’s purpose is to associate diagnostic categories and CDT codes completed during an encounter for a specified date range.

The report filters by the appointment date range. The UDS Table 6A report lists the Patient id, Patient Name, Date of Service, Encounter Id, Treating Provider, Hygienist, Line Label and Number, Diagnosis code(s) and Diagnosis Description. Run the report annually or as needed for regulatory reporting.


To generate the report:

  1. Click UDS Table 6A from the Reporting menu.

  2. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

  3. Click View Report.

  4. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Procedure Date Aging Report

The Procedure Date Aging Report helps billing and management users as it lists accounts receivable for patient and insurance balances. The report ages the accounts by the date of service or date of entry and separates the totals by the aging category. This report can be useful in determining which payer represents the largest portion of accounts receivable and which payers hold the oldest balances.

The report groups by Location of Care, Treating Providers, Primary Insurance Carrier, Patient, or Patient Visit. In addition to the filters mentioned, the report allows for two Group By filters and the option not to show the aging percentages. Run the report monthly or as needed.


Note: The date definitions are:

  • DOS: This is the procedure’s service date.

  • DOE: This is the posting date of entry for the procedure’s payments and/or adjustments.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


Important: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Procedure Date Aging from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around Procedure Date Aging report.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Date Type (Required).

Date Type field with a yellow highlight box around the drop down menu arrow option with a yellow arrow pointing towards the selection options.

  1. Enter the As Of Date or use the calendar icon to select the date (Required).

As of date field with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the Number of Aging Buckets (Required). Note: The default is four (4) aging buckets.
  2. Enter the Number of Days Per Aging Bucket (Required). Note: The default days per aging bucket are thirty (30).

Number of Aging buckets and number of days per aging bucket with numeric values and yellow highlight boxes around the numbers.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to complete the following selections:
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s), or click Self Pay and Sliding Fee to include patient responsibility.
    • Procedures: Click the checkbox(es) to select procedure(s).

Report selection options with yellow highlight boxes around the drop down menu arrows.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Group By filter (Required).
    Important: When you select Group By: Patient, the report generates a patient aging report and lists the patients.

Group By menu selections with a yellow highlight box around the drop down menu arrow and a yellow arrow pointing down towards the selection list.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the Group By 2 filter (Optional).

Group by 2 filter option with yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow with an arrow pointing downwards to the selection options.

  1. Click the Show Percentage checkbox to deselect it (Optional).
    Note: The default is checked, which includes percentage values on the report. If you do not want the percentages, uncheck the checkbox.

Show percentage checkbox with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report Button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Procedure Date Aging report


Second page of Procedure Date Aging report showing grand totals

Report example without Aging Percentages:

Example procedure Date Age report without percentages


Sliding Fee Encounter Details Report

The Sliding Fee Encounter Details Report provides an overview of patient population and encounters grouped by the Sliding Fee Plan. The report shows the Patient Id, Patient Name, DOS, Location of Care, Treating Provider, Sliding Fee Program, Sliding Fee Plan, and family demographics including the poverty level percentage.


The report filters by Treating Providers and Locations of Care as well as two column groupings. Refer to Reporting Groups for additional group set-up information. Run the report as needed.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


Important: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data. To generate the report:

  1. Click the Sliding Fee Encounter Details from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Sliding Fee Encounter Details report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to complete the following selections:
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Group Column 1: Click Location of Care, Treating Provider, Sliding Fee Program Plan, or Sliding Fee Plan.
    • Group Column 2: Click Location of Care, Treating Provider, Sliding Fee Program Plan, or Sliding Fee Plan.

Report selection options with a yellow highlight box around the drop down menu arrows.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Sliding Fee Encounter Details report with a yellow text box with arrow pointing to the Report selection criteria.


Time of Service Collection Reports

The Time of Service Collection Reports assist with the management of the organization’s collections.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


Time of Service Collection Details Report

The Time of Service Collection Detail Report provides specific payment information for a visit, including the appointment details, treating provider, location, and the patient’s insurance carrier (if applicable). In addition, the report assists with the analysis of patient collections by providing the percent collected, previous balance, and current balance for each payment. Run the report as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click Time of Service Collection Details from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Time of Service Collection Details report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Dates

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to complete the following selections:
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.
    • Carrier: Click the checkbox(es) to select insurance payer(s).

Report selection options with yellow highlight arrows around the drop down menu options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the report Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Time of Service Collections Detail report with yellow arrow callouts pointing to the report criterial section and the scroll bar.


Time of Service Collection Summary Report

The Time of Service Collection Summary Report assists with analyzing patient collections by the treating provider. The report includes the number of appointments per provider, patient payments and adjustments, and the percentage collected. Run the report weekly, monthly, or as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data.


To generate the report:

  1. Click the Time of Service Collection Summary from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with a yellow highlight box around the Time of Service Collection Summary.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End date fields with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to complete the following selections:
    • Treating Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the treatment provider(s).
    • LocationsofCare:Clickthecheckbox(es)toselectthelocation.
    • Carrier:Clickthecheckbox(es)toselectinsurancepayer(s).

Report selection options with yellow highlight arrows around the drop down menu options.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the report Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Time of Service Collection Summary report

Tooth Ledger Report

The Tooth Ledger Report helps administrative and clinical staff manage the clinical data entered. The report gathers clinical data from the tooth ledger contents and allows users to create a data export of the tooth ledger and tooth ledger fields. Run this report as needed.


Required parameters for this report include the start date and end date.

Note: Report displays the Tooth Ledger fields, including:

  • Patient Id
  • Patient Name
  • Birthdate
  • Date
  • Provider Name
  • CDT Code
  • CDT Description
  • Tooth #
  • Tooth Areas
  • Type: Treatment, Referred, Existing, Existing Other
  • Stage: if applicable
  • Status: Completed, Pending, Declined
  • Billing Status: Billable, Non-Billable, Billed
  • Diagnosis
  • Pre-Authorization: Not Required, Required


To generate the report:

  1. Click the Tooth Ledger Report from the Reporting menu.

Report Menu with a yellow highlight box around the Tooth Ledger Report.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End date fields with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the report Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

Example Tooth Ledger Report


UDS Table 6B Sealant Reports

The UDS Table 6B Sealant Reports, formerly titled Clinical Measure Reports, provide the necessary data for reporting the clinical quality measures data.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


UDS Table 6B Sealant Details

The UDS Table 6B Sealant Details report, formerly the Clinical Measure Detail Report, lists the details specific to the selected quality measure reporting period. The report provides patient-specific clinical information, including the denominator, numerator, their reasons, and any exclusion reasons. The report details assist in the validation of the UDS Table 6B Sealant Summary report. Run the report monthly, annually, or as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data. To generate the report:

  1. Click UDS Table 6B Sealant Details from the Reporting menu.

Report menu with yellow highlight box around UDS Table 6B Sealant Details.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around the calendar icons.

  1. Use the drop-down arrow menu to select the Filter Type (Required).

    • All Encounters: This is the report default but can be changed. Displays all encounters of all providers for a patient in the date range.
    • First Encounters: Displays the first encounter with the first provider in the date range.

Filter Type with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing to the selection options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrow to complete the following selections:

    • Providers:Clickthecheckbox(es)toselecttheprovider(s).
    • LocationsofCare:Clickthecheckbox(es)toselectthelocation.

Providers and Location of care with yellow highlight boxes around the down arrows.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


Report Example One: All Encounters for all providers for patient

Example Dental sealants Details Report showing all encounters for all providers

Report Example Two: First Encounters for all providers

Report example two of Dental Sealant showing first encounters for all providers.


UDS Table 6B Sealants Summary

The UDS Table 6B Sealants Summary report, formerly the Clinical Measure Summary Report, provides the quality measure reporting for a specific year. In addition, the report shows the measure’s denominator and numerator data as well as the compliance percentage. Run this report yearly or as needed.

Important Note: The report filter selections print or display at the top of the report data. To generate the report:

  1. Click UDS Table 6B Sealants Summary from the Reporting menu.

Report menu with yellow highlight box around UDS Table 6B Sealants Summary.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around the calendar icons.

  1. Use the drop-down arrow menu to select the Filter Type (Required).

    • All Encounters: This is the report default but can be changed.

    • First Encounters

Filter Type with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing to the selection options.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrows to complete the following selections (Optional):

    • Providers: Click the checkbox(es) to select the provider(s).
    • Locations of Care: Click the checkbox(es) to select the location.

Providers and Location of care with yellow highlight boxes around the down arrows.

  1. Use the drop-down menu arrows to complete Group Column 1 and Group Column 2 (Optional).

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


UDS Sealants example report


UDS Table 9D Reports

The Uniform Data System (UDS) Table 9D Reports provides the required data for the annual reporting. The reporting data collection and filters follow the regulations for the UDS Table 9D.


Note: Some reports, like Date of Service (DOS) related, only report data from prior to today and earlier, as today’s data must be processed at night before it’s available. For example, if an encounter rejects on 2/15/2023, the data shows the updated rejection status as of 2/16/2023.


UDS Table 9D Core

The UDS Table 9D Core summarizes patient-related revenue grouped by Payer Categories for a specific date range. These are based on the UDS Table 9D specifications. Run the report as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click UDS Table 9D Core from the Reporting menu.

Report menu with UDS Table 9D Core with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.


See the report example below.


Example Table 9D core report


UDS Table 9D Details

The UDS Table 9D Core details the patient-related revenue for a specific date range. These are based on the UDS Table 9D specifications. Run the report as needed.


To generate the report:

  1. Click UDS Table 9D Details from the Reporting menu.

Reporting menu with yellow highlight box around the UDS Table 9D Details option.

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or click the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Date fields with yellow highlight boxes around them.

  1. Click View Report.

View Report button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The report generates and opens in the Preview window. Use the Preview window features to view, print, or export the data.

    Note: This detailed report will contain multiple pages of column data.


Report example, first page:

UDS report example page 1

Additional report columns example:

additional column DATA for uds report